| Details |  | Document Date: | 2007/01/22 | Document Type: | Implementation Completion and Results Report | Report Number: | ICR105 | Volume No: | 1 of 1 | Country: | India ; | Doc Name: | India - Second Powergrid System Development Project | Keywords: | accounting, accounts receivable, accounts receivables, Action Plan, approach, Apr, Assessment of Risk, Assessment of Risks, auxiliary power, Availability, back up, backbone, balance, Bank financing, Bank funding, Bank Involvement, Bank Lending, Bank Loan, Bank loans, Bank supervision, Baseline Cost, Beneficiaries, Beneficiary, beneficiary assessment, bid, Borrower, Borrowing, borrowings, broadband, brochure, business plan, businesses, calculation, calculations, capacity building, capacity utilization, Capital Expenditure, Climate change, coal, collection efficiency, communication network, Community Development, competitive bidding, connectivity, conservative assumption, conservative assumptions, consulting services, consumer, consumers, Contingencies, control systems, corporate governance, CURRENCY, debt, defaults, deferment period, demand management, depreciation, Development Bank, disbursement, discount rate, diversification, economic analysis, economic development, economic growth, electrical system, Electricity, eligibility criteria, employee, end users, Energy Management, energy shortage, Energy Supply, equipment, equipments, equity ratio, Exchange Rate, facilitation, families, fibre optic, Financial Analysis, Financial Aspects, financial capacity, financial challenges, financial covenants, financial management, financial performance, Financial Rate of Return, financial statement, Front-end, fuel, funding source, Gas, Gender, Gender Aspects, generation, generation capacity, Gross Domestic Product, hydropower, Hydropower plant, ID, implementation period, implementation plan, Implementing Agencies, Implementing Agency, implicit subsidy, income, Information Technology, innovations, Installation, institutional capacity, institutional development, Institutional Reform, institutional reforms, Interface, Internal Rate of Return, International Bank, international consultants, International Development, investment plan, investment plans, investment program, investment programs, Investment Projects, Issuance, Joint Venture, key challenges, legal framework, Lending Instrument, Letter of Credits, level of risk, license, licenses, liquid fuel, LOAN, Loan disbursement, local bank, Management System, market prices, market share, marketing, network access, networks, new business, nonpayment, open access, peak capacity, peak demand, Performance Indicators, Pollution, POWER, power generation, power generation capacity, POWER GRID, power grids, power pricing, Power Producers, power sector, power shortages, power stations, power system, power systems, power trade, Present Value, private investment, private investors, private sector, private sector development, private sector investments, private sector participation, probability, procurement, productivity, public sector deficit, rate of growth, Rate of Return, regulatory environment, regulatory framework, reliability, Remote Terminal, renewable power, Result, RESULTS, retail electricity, returns, routers, sales, satellite, senior, sensitivity analysis, service providers, social development, social issues, Source of Funds, Stakeholder, stakeholders, Supervision, surplus power, SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT, targets, Technical Assistance, technical staff, telecom, telecommunications, telecommunications network, telecommunications networks, telephony, term contracts, thermal power, thermal power plants, total cost, Trading, transmission, transmission capacity, transmission facilities, transmission grid, transmission line, transmission lines, transmission losses, transmission system, transmissions, transparency, uses, utilities, valuation, variable cost, Voltage, VSAT Show More | Language: | English | Major Sector: | Energy and mining | Rel. Proj ID: | IN-Second Powergrid System Development Project -- P035173 ; | Region: | South Asia ; | Rep Title: | India - Second Powergrid System Development Project | Sector: | Power | Topics: | Private Sector Development ; Energy ; Finance and Financial Sector Development | SubTopics: | Energy Production and Transportation ; Access to Finance ; Debt Markets ; ; E-Business | TF No/Name: | TF032832-ASIA- ENVIRONMENT(EAST & SOUTH ASIA) ; TF025214-PHRD-STATE POWER SECTOR RESTRUCT.PROGRAM ; TF027165-PHRD-POWER SECTOR REFORM (BANK-EXECUTED) | Unit Owning: | Energy (SASDE) | Loan No: | 4603 | |  | |  |
 | Abstract |  | Ratings for the Second Power grid System Development Project for India were as follows: outcomes were highly satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was low or negligible, Bank performance was highly satisfactory, and the Borrower performance was highly satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: The project exhibited good rehabilitation and resettlement practices (R&R) and community development programs. Several good environmental practices have been institutionalized including technical innovations to minimize environmental impact. The development of a close working relationship between the Bank team, and power grid and other power sector stakeholders was critical for achieving the project development objectives. That the team was largely country office based helped in faster resolution of critical issues and closer working relationship with client counterparts. The time-slice lending approach is an appropriate mechanism for lending to large power utilities, such as power grid, with large investment needs to provide the utility with the flexibility of financing priority investment projects and to respond to changes in its investment program as the newly electricity markets evolve. | |  | |  | | |  | Downloads |  |
Complete ReportOfficial version of document (may contain signatures, etc) | PDF | 63 pages | Official Version | [4.41 mb] | Text | | Text Version* | | *The text version is uncorrected OCR text and is included solely to benefit users with slow connectivity. |
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