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Saturday, January 31, 2009

cost of lost data (information security management)

This Ponemon Institute, LLC benchmark survey explains the actual costs incurred by 35 U.S. organizations that lost confidential information and had a regulatory requirement to publicly notify affected individuals. The survey reveals:

Trust may be intangible and hard to quantify, but the result of breaking that trust is clear as the cost of lost business grew more than 30 percent since 2006.
Given both the rise in incidents where third parties are responsible and the widening cost disparity between in-house and third-party breaches, organizations should closely evaluate the enterprise data protection policies and systems used with and by third-party outsourcers or consultants.
Organizations that have built their brand on trust have more to lose from a data breach - demonstrated by the 21 percent higher costs for financial services compared to an average breach.
Encryption and data loss prevention solutions top the list of most-frequently named post-breach technology measures being deployed to help avert a future data breach.

Data Encryption Data Security Financial Services IT Managers ROI Training

View All Resources sponsored by Symantec Corporation


Friday, January 30, 2009

the Deming Prize

India retains leadership in manufacturing excellence March 12, 2007

Mumbai: When Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) confers the TPM Excellence Award on 16 companies in a special ceremony in Japan, it will be a celebration of India having embraced Total Productivity Management as an integral part of business. While India remains amongst the countries with the highest tally for the year, the total number of TPM Excellence Awards winners now stands at 111 – no small achievement.

To drive the TPM mission in India, Confederation of Indian Industry, in line with its mission to promote competitiveness in the Indian industry set up the TPM Club in association with the JIPM-S in 1998. “This is a momentous occasion for CII, as it signifies the culmination of our efforts to build a quality culture in India with the valuable support from Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance”, said Dr. Sarita Nagpal, Head Manufacturing Services, CII.

We are also very happy that during the India Japan Friendship Year, JIPM is conferring upon Dr. V. Krishnamurthy, Chairman, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council, the Special Nakajima Award for his significant contributions to furthering India Japan Friendship over the last 3 decades, added Dr. Nagpal. CII’s concerted efforts in building a culture of quality and the continued guidance support from Japan have also led to 15 Indian companies earning the Deming Award.

“We at CII are happy that year 2007 is being observed as the India Japan Friendship Year and are committed to taking this relationship forward in a meaningful way. We are planning a series of commemorative events during year 2007, the first of them being the India Engineering Trade Fair, where Japan was our partner country”, said Lt. Gen. (Retd) S.S.Mehta, Director General, CII.

CII was also recently appointed as one of the 5 TPM Assessment Agencies outside of Japan. CII has been entrusted by JIPM to become the point of contact for the assessment of the “TPM Awards” outside Japan. Assessors certified by JIPM will perform the assessment in accordance with the assessment criteria of JIPM. CII will now assess companies applying for TPM Awards and seek final approval of the TPM Awards Committee of JIPM before the JIPM “TPM Awards” are conferred.

Taking its relationship with Japan forward, CII is working with Prof. Shoji Shiba and the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council towards launching the Visionary Leaders for Manufacturing Program. This program has also received support and guidance from Japan International Co operation Agency during the planning process. “The Program, which also found mention in the Prime Minister’s of our countries when they met in December, is aimed at creating 150-200 Visionary Leaders in Indian Manufacturing Sector” said Dr. Sarita Nagpal.

Over the years, CII has actively encouraged Indian industry to work closely with Japan through its various initiatives. The CII Japan Desk serves to monitor and strengthen economic and bilateral trade relations between the two countries. It also helps broaden awareness and understanding in Japan of the changing economic scenario in India and encourages Japanese companies to look at India as an investment destination. Joint efforts have been made by CII with Japanese Institutions since 1988 for improving the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing industry.

CII has been closely networking with institutional partners since 1970s. CII’s partners from Japan include Japanese organizations such as Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS); International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) of Japan; Japan Association of Corporate Executives (KEIZAI DOYUKAI); Japan Business Federation (KEIDANREN); Japan India Business Cooperation Committee (JIBCC); Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO); Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM); Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (JCCI) and Japan India Business cooperation committee(JIBCC); Kansai Economic Federation (KANKEIREN);Osaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (OCCI); and Union of Japanese Scientists & Engineers (JUSE).

CII has been taking missions of top CEOs and managers to JUSE since 1989, following an agreement in 1988. Over these years more than 600 senior managers from more than 200 companies have participated in a two-week program of training. Visits to Deming Prize winning companies have been an important part of the program. Since the 1950’s, this award and JUSE, which administers it, have played an instrumental role in making Japanese manufacturing industry competitive.

The results of various studies on Quality in India conducted by CII were the inspiration to set up the TQM Division in 1988. This Division is modeled on the lines of JUSE and over the last 16-17 years has worked with the Indian Industry to promote the adaptation of the Japanese management methods to Indian enterprises. Japanese concepts in quality such as 5S, kaizen, poka-yoke, and others have been widely disseminated by CII through the Division. Today, there are 16 Deming Prize companies in India and one company has claimed the coveted Japan Quality Medal.


Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » Deming Prize 2007
17 Oct 2007 ... Tata Steel, India, has been awarded the 2008 Deming Prize. They were the only organization to receive the prize this year… - 38k - Cached - Similar pages -
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLRane (Madras) Limited (India). NOTES:. Before 1994. Deming Application Prize for Divisions. Deming Application Prize for Small Companies - Similar pages -
Curious Cat Management Improvement: 2004 Deming Prize


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama tells Muslim world 'America is not your enemy'

27 Jan 2009, 1042 hrs IST, AFP
WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama told the Muslim world that "Americans are not your enemy" and renewed his pledge to travel to make an address
in the capital of a major Muslim nation. ( Watch ) Obama noted that he had lived in Indonesia for several years while growing up, and said his travels through Muslim nations had convinced him that regardless of faith, people had certain common hopes and dreams. "My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy — we sometimes make mistakes — we have not been perfect," Obama said in an interview with the Al-Arabiya satellite television network. "But if you look at the track record... America was not born as a colonial power, and that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that." During the 2008 election campaign, Obama vowed to improve US ties with the Muslim world and said he would travel to a major Islamic forum abroad to send that message. "We're going to follow through on our commitment for me to address the Muslim world from a Muslim capital," Obama said in the interview with the Dubai-based channel. "We are going to follow through on many of my commitments to do a more effective job of reaching out, listening as well as speaking to the Muslim world," he said. Obama did not give a time, or a venue for his visit to a major Muslim capital. He was also asked about the highly personal tone of recent al-Qaida messages released since he was elected president in November. He agreed with his interviewer that the tone of recent videos seemed "nervous." "What that tells me is that their ideas are bankrupt," he said.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gmail says my browser's cache is full

A full web browser cache can interfere with Gmail's features and performance. It might make the service slow or prevent you from downloading and viewing attachments.
Please read Clearing your cache for instructions on clearing your cache in any of the popular web browsers. If your browser isn't included, please refer to your browser's help documentation.
In some cases, it may be necessary to clear your browser's cache more than once and/or restart your computer to completely fix the problem.
If you're an Internet Explorer user and are still having problems after restarting your computer, it may be necessary to restore the 'Temporary Internet files' folder on your computer. Instructions are located under the 'Workaround' section of

Sunday, January 25, 2009



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Friday, January 23, 2009

Network Attached Storage (NAS Box)

Introduction to NAS - Network Attached Storage
Dedicated network devices provide affordable, easy access to data

Several new methods of utilizing computer networks for data storage have emerged in recent years. One popular approach, Network Attached Storage (NAS), allows homes and businesses to store and retrieve large amounts of data more affordably than ever before.

More of this Feature
Part 2: NAS vs. The Competition
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"Can someone tell me what has the biggest storage capacity? Dumb Terminal File Server? SAN?"

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Snap Server 1000
Client/Server Networking
Network Operating Systems (NOS)


Historically, floppy drives have been widely used to share data files, but today the storage needs of the average person far exceed the capacity of floppies. Businesses now maintain an increasingly large number of electronic documents and presentation sets including video clips. Home computer users, with the advent of MP3 music files and JPEG images scanned from photographs, likewise require greater and more convenient storage.

Central file servers use basic client/server networking technologies to solve these data storage problems. In its simplest form, a file server consists of PC or workstation hardware running a network operating system (NOS) that supports controlled file sharing (such as Novell NetWare, UNIX® or Microsoft Windows). Hard drives installed in the server provide gigabytes of space per disk, and tape drives attached to these servers can extend this capacity even further.

File servers boast a long track record of success, but many homes, workgroups and small businesses cannot justify dedicating a fully general-purpose computer to relatively simple data storage tasks. Enter NAS.

What Is NAS?

NAS challenges the traditional file server approach by creating systems designed specifically for data storage. Instead of starting with a general-purpose computer and configuring or removing features from that base, NAS designs begin with the bare-bones components necessary to support file transfers and add features "from the bottom up."

Like traditional file servers, NAS follows a client/server design. A single hardware device, often called the NAS box or NAS head, acts as the interface between the NAS and network clients. These NAS devices require no monitor, keyboard or mouse. They generally run an embedded operating system rather than a full-featured NOS. One or more disk (and possibly tape) drives can be attached to many NAS systems to increase total capacity. Clients always connect to the NAS head, however, rather than to the individual storage devices.

Clients generally access a NAS over an Ethernet connection. The NAS appears on the network as a single "node" that is the IP address of the head device.

A NAS can store any data that appears in the form of files, such as email boxes, Web content, remote system backups, and so on. Overall, the uses of a NAS parallel those of traditional file servers.

NAS systems strive for reliable operation and easy administration. They often include built-in features such as disk space quotas, secure authentication, or the automatic sending of email alerts should an error be detected.

NAS Protocols

Communication with a NAS head occurs over TCP/IP. More specifically, clients utilize any of several higher-level protocols (application or layer seven protocols in the OSI model) built on top of TCP/IP.

The two application protocols most commonly associated with NAS are Sun Network File System (NFS) and Common Internet File System (CIFS). Both NFS and CIFS operate in client/server fashion. Both predate the modern NAS by many years; original work on these protocols took place in the 1980s.

NFS was developed originally for sharing files between UNIX systems across a LAN. Support for NFS soon expanded to include non-UNIX systems; however, most NFS clients today are computers running some flavor of the UNIX operating system.

The CIFS was formerly known as Server Message Block (SMB). SMB was developed by IBM and Microsoft to support file sharing in DOS. As the protocol became widely used in Windows, the name changed to CIFS. This same protocol appears today in UNIX systems as part of the Samba package.

Many NAS systems also support Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Clients can often download files in their Web browser from a NAS that supports HTTP. NAS systems also commonly employ HTTP as an access protocol for Web-based administrative user interfaces.

Next page > NAS vs. The Competition > Page 1, 2

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

National e-governance Plan


Awareness & Communication
Capacity Building
Common Services Centre
Infrastructure & Technical
Monitoring And Evaluation
Project Finance & Appraisal
Research & Development
Contact Details

The DIT has set up a Programme Management Unit for The objectives of the PMU are to help the DIT assist the Apex Committee to drive NeGP through effective programme monitoring and management; provide assistance in policy and strategy formulation; support the DIT in implementing those projects and components of NeGP for which DIT is the implementing department; and augment capacity of various departments to enable them to implement their MMPs successfully. The roles and responsibilities in the various areas of the PMU are:


The success of the Plan hinges not only on accessibility and availability to the information and various services but also awareness regarding the Programme, effective branding of NeGP and finally a communication strategy that addresses the above two. As such the team is responsible for creating and implementing the strategy to achieve the following objectives - To build distinctive brand of NeGP which be utilised across Departmental communications; to create awareness among citizens about the initiative & its objectives; to motivate stakeholders, with an emphasis on the point that NeGP is not about computerisation or technology but making interaction with government easier; and to create a demand driven atmosphere which would ensure the service delivery & its quality are met. The team will also create a set of communication guidelines that can be used by other Ministries/departments to design their own communications plan.


The Government of India is proposing to invest a significant part of its scarce resources in e-Government projects. However, even with its perceived potentials, e-Government projects are fraught with risks and the success rate across the world is not very encouraging. Given this scenario and the fact that e-Government projects are inherently complex, it therefore becomes imperative that a robust assessment strategy is devised for the existing e-Government projects that not only provides valuable understanding on individual projects but also provides for a backward integration into the process of project appraisal and capacity building. The team is responsible for creating robust assessment strategy that can be used to objectively assess e government projects.



Keeping in view the enormous task of driving NeGP in line with the overall spirit of service orientation most states are inadequately equipped in terms of personnel and the skill-sets needed to handle the host of issues involved. The capacity building guidelines take cognisance of the fact that different states are at different levels of readiness for e-governance and have different levels of aspiration. Capacity gaps are therefore not viewed in an absolute context but relative to the goals set out by the respective state government for itself. The role of the capacity building team is at the programme level to provide leadership and vision including policy formulation, preparing roadmaps, prioritization, preparing frameworks and guidelines, monitoring progress, inter-agency collaboration & capacity management. This cell would identify and fill the huge capacity gaps, which exist in the departments at all levels, more particularly at the levels of CIOs, CTOs etc.


CSC scheme will be the most prominent face of NeGP. As such, specific support is being provided for this scheme. The scope of support includes Identification of core components of CSC Scheme; Frame problem agendas related with application software, legal instruments, essential backend for CSC, critical RFP conditions, pace synergy in core infrastructure projects (CSC, SDC, SWAN); Review and advise on Project Development Document for CSC; Review and advise on various aspects of CSC RFPs, State Guidelines, Roll out plan etc.; Analyze Service portfolio (G2C, B2C, C2C) based on needs of Citizen and financial model; Review and advise on Structure of CSC Scheme, IT and Functional Architectures; Review and advise on proposals, MoUs and project specific deliverables prepared by NLSA or received through State Governments at DIT; and Monitor activity wise deliverables and timelines mentioned in the contract of NLSA.


This cell provides support to the DIT in implementing those projects and components, which are direct responsibility of DIT SWAN, SDC & CSC. The scope of work includes - Technical assistance for State Wide Area Network; RFP review and other technical related problems raised by States for establishing SWAN; conceptualization of State Data Centre (SDC) project including preparation of technical and financial guidelines, technical specifications for SDC viz. physical requirements, Network and Security infrastructure, Computing resource, Storage requirements and certain non negotiable parameters for the SDC; technological parameters that are essential for last mile connectivity; and assisting Technical Committee on Wireless (TCW) on various parameters that need to be considered while deciding wireless connectivity for the last mile.

Technical inputs are also provided to various technology (IT) projects coming from different central line ministries to DIT.



The Program Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the Programme Management Unit for NEGP will develop a comprehensive MIS at programme level and track the physical and financial progress of various projects. The cell would also serve as the knowledge repository and will provide and assist in developing and implementing a comprehensive framework for assisting these projects, to the extent that they fall under designated MMPs, with a central pool of support resources, to generate cross-project and cross-state synergies, avoid inefficient overlaps, and take advantage of comparative benchmarking based on common Program Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Frameworks.

The prime objective of the unit will to provide dashboards and other critical information that may be needed by key stakeholders to effectively roll out NeGP. It will also serve as a unit to specify impact in terms of improvements in the quantity and quality of public services actually delivered by government. In this case, it suffices to compare service quantity and quality metrics before and after program implementation and specifying impact in terms of improvements in government service delivery capacity. In this case, the factors entering into the evaluation of impact are all endogenous to the program and essentially amount to a measure of program outputs.

The unit will be closely working with the respective line ministries/SeMT's and would provide a professional guidance in terms of effective rollouts. The unit will serve as abridge between the implementing agencies and key stake holders namely; PMO, Planning Commission, Apex Committee and other bodies which might be formed for overseeing effective implementation of NeGP



The cell would identify resources to provide assistance in project conceptualisation, development and implementation to various implementing agencies. The cell would also appraise various MMPs to assess implementation methodology, overlaps etc.

This cell would be responsible for helping DIT in finalisation of guidelines, checklists and formats for project appraisals and developing methodology for project selection. The cell would support DIT in appraisal of proposals for Central/State MMPs and other projects. It would also support DIT in its dialogue with World Bank and developing the World Bank project report as well as interfacing with other departments of GoI for this purpose. This would include conducting studies needed for the World Bank project, finalization of rules of engagement, operational manuals, formation of Special Purpose Vehicle (Central e-Governance Society) and collating other inputs. The cell would also be responsible for finalizing fiduciary and procurement arrangements for the Plan.


The e-Governance R&D team in the PMU provides consultancy and research inputs in the areas of e Governance Technical Standards including interoperability standards e-Government Enterprise architecture frameworks ,Information Security, Data & Metadata Standards , and Quality and documentation that includes e Governance Quality Manual, e-Governance Project Life-Cycle, Project Management, Program Management Conformance Assessment Frameworks, SLA guidelines, etc. The group is also member of working group on e Governance Standards. It also provides consultancy and IT support for the National e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (MMP) including activities such as review of RFP, preparation of DPR, SLAs, proposals for SFC approval etc. In addition, it publishes papers on e-government standards website for reference and as discussions papers for working group members; reviews technical papers, proposals, documents, guidelines; provides technical inputs on various open standards and technologies , architectures, middleware, to the e-Governance directorate. The group is also involved in collaborations with industry and academics in the area of e-Governance research and innovations. The Microsoft Innovation Lab has been set up for developing innovative e-governance solutions and research in the area. The group is also responsible for organising seminars and discussions with Gartner Global experts

Contact Details

Phone: +91-11-30481624, 24301931
Fax: +91-11-30481611


e- Governance
- NeGP Approval
- NeGP Vision
- Background
- Implementation Strategy
- Central MMPs
- State MMPs
- Integrated MMPs
- Components
- Other Components
- NeGP Programme Management Unit
- Contact Details


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Windows Server 2003

Windows Server 2003 operating systems provide several server roles. To configure a server role, install the server role by using the Configure Your Server Wizard, and manage your server roles by using Manage Your Server. After you finish installing a server role, Manage Your Server starts automatically.

To determine which server role is appropriate for you, review the following information about the server roles that are available with Windows Server 2003:

File server role overview

Print server role overview

Application server role overview

Mail server role overview

Terminal server role overview

Remote access/VPN server role overview

Domain controller role overview

DNS server role overview

DHCP server role overview

Streaming media server role overview

WINS server role overview

Windows® SharePoint® Services server role overview

File server role overview

File servers provide and help you manage access to files. If you plan to use disk space on this computer to store, manage, and share information such as files a

Sunday, January 18, 2009

SMEs is the future for India

Sonia bats for the aam aadmi, praises bank nationalisation
BS Reporter / New Delhi November 22, 2008, 0:21 IST

Sonia GandhiWhile Prime Minister Manmohan Singh took his role focusing on sustaining the economic growth in this time of crisis, Congress President Sonia Gandhi tried to strike a more political cord with the aam aadmi, raising the question: “Should the poor become the victims of the unchecked greed of bankers and businessmen? Should the advice of a few be allowed to inflict misery on the many?”

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Ahead of the elections, Gandhi made her stand clear: “What concerns us most today is that the economic upheaval could grievously affect the most vulnerable sections of our society.”

Focusing on the economic slowdown, Sonia said that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government will not abandon the “prudent and cautious course” while dealing with the current crisis. She also said in the new circumstances, “liberalisation must be pursued within a framework of sensible but not heavy-handed regulation”.

The UPA chairperson said the current economic crisis had vindicated the prudence of the former prime minister and her mother-in-law, Indira Gandhi, in nationalising all the banks even in the wake of criticism some 40 years ago.

Speaking at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, Gandhi said, “Let me take you back to Indira Gandhi’s bank nationalisation of 40 years ago. Every passing day bears out the wisdom of that decision. Public sector financial institutions had given our economy the stability and resilience we are now witnessing in the face of the economic slowdown.”

On the impact of the global crisis on India, Gandhi said while there was no need for panic and over-reaction, the economic slowdown could not be fought by getting back into the era of controls.

The UPA chairperson expressed concerns at the impact of the slowdown on the small and medium enterprises. She said while the industries needed held, the SMEs needed ''sustained assistance.’’

Highlighting her government’s social security policies, Gandhi said the current crisis has heightened the need for greater investments in physical and social infrastructure. She asked Industry not to forget that public policies need to take care of the poor and magrinalised people, who would be the worst hit by the slowdown.

“As a responsible society the ends we have to care about most are the acceleration of employment generation, the expansion in education, the provision of adequate healthcare, the supply of clean drinking water and so much more,” Gandhi said.

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Responsibility of manufacturers

The CE marking must be affixed by the manufacturer or his agent established within the Community. The manufacturer bears ultimate responsibility for the conformity of the product.

Conformity assessment relates to the design and production phases of the product. Depending on the conformity assessment procedures applied, a notified body may be involved in these two phases. If the notified body is involved in the production control phase, its identification number will follow the CE marking.

If a product falls within the scope of a directive that provides for the CE marking, this should be affixed:

  • to all new products, whether manufactured in the Member States or in third countries;
  • to used and second hand products imported from third countries.

Responsible Care - American Chemistry Council

Responsible Care - American Chemistry Council
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Calibration for Dummies

Calibration for Dummies
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History of TQM and ISO 9000

History of TQM and ISO 9000
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measuring instruments directive (MID)

measuring instruments directive (MID)
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the 3 directives for Medical Devices

the 3 directives for Medical Devices
click the pic

Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo

the CE Marking process

the CE Marking process
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the history of the IC

"What we didn't realize then was that

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nothing had ever done that for anything before"

- Jack Kilby

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book your local flights by IRCTC
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Directives requiring Notified Body intervention for CE Marking

Directives requiring Notified Body intervention for CE Marking
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IMPORTANT: 10 steps required for CE Marking

IMPORTANT: 10 steps required for CE  Marking
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safe and secure Outsourcing to INDIA and CHINA
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ISO 9001 certification for advertisement only
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GUIDANCE Documents for ISO 9001:2008

GUIDANCE Documents for ISO 9001:2008
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Document Control for external origin documents

Document Control for external origin documents
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Official guide to Machinery Directive

Official guide to Machinery Directive
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RISK ASSESSMENT must be demonstrated in TCF

RISK ASSESSMENT must be demonstrated in TCF
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Fundamentals of RESISTORS
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LVD Guide
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EMC Guide, must read

EMC Guide, must read
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EMC Standards LIST
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CPD Guidance
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PAS 99, Integrated Management System
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all about EU and CE Marking requirements
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GLAVES Corporation, JAIPUR
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Risk management in ISO 9004: 2009
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Food grade plastics
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LIST of EMC/EMI testing labs in INDIA

LIST of EMC/EMI testing labs in INDIA
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Nasal cleaner - Neti Pot

Nasal cleaner - Neti Pot
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ISO 13485: 2003 and Guidance and ISO 14971
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Pradeep Shetty

Pradeep Shetty
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Managing the QUALITY of SERVICES

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ISO 9004: 2009 Explained

ISO 9004: 2009  Explained
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Management Guru of INDIA dies
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DoC Samples for CE MDD
click the pic

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CE Marking for transformers
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click the pic


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ISO 50001 Presentation by UNIDO

ISO 50001   Presentation by UNIDO
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Product Certification

Product Certification
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Product labelling and packaging
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important BIS Manual, this Manual tells all about the ISI Licence
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click the pic

List of Indian CROs

List of Indian CROs
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How does ISO/TS 16949:2002 differ from ISO/TS 16949:2009?

How does ISO/TS 16949:2002 differ from ISO/TS 16949:2009?
click the pic

ISO 50001 Energy Management

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ISO 26000, the FAQs

ISO 26000, the FAQs
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ISO 9000 FAQs

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ISO 14064

ISO 14064
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Payment by Wire Transfer
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Pravin Gothe

Pravin Gothe
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CE Marking: Guidance for Power Supplies

CE Marking: Guidance for Power Supplies
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List of organizations certified to ISO 27001 in INDIA

List of organizations certified to ISO 27001 in INDIA
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FDA Procedures on Product Recall
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ISMS Guidelines

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Historic day for women in INDIA
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ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook - updated for the ISO 9001:2008 standard, Sixth Edition
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BEWARE: ISO issues strict new guidelines on publicizing ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 certifications
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ISO 9001: 2008 Deadline is nearing

ISO 9001: 2008  Deadline is nearing
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ISO 9001  vs  TQM
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Global warming is not science fiction
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Chemical Database: 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 7-(benzoylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-((4-((4-sulfophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo)-,disodium salt ( - This page contains information on the chemical 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 7-(benzoylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-((4-((4-sulfophenyl)azo)phenyl)azo)-,disodium salt including: 68 synonyms/identifiers. .

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PGCIL - Load Despatch Centres

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TQMC - site history

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Quality Advisor Mahendrapara

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ISO/FDIS 31000

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CE Directive - LVD

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Consultant - Hyderabad Region

Consultant - Hyderabad Region
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QUALITY takes a hit - Certifying bodies compromise

QUALITY takes a hit - Certifying bodies compromise
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Markmate marking machine from PRYOR

Markmate marking machine from PRYOR
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green board display format- Hazardous Waste

green board display format- Hazardous  Waste
click the pic

International Accreditation Forum, IAF

International Accreditation Forum, IAF
click the pic

list of accreditation bodies

list of accreditation bodies
click the pic

EMC/ EMI testing - FAQs

EMC/ EMI testing - FAQs
click the pic

CE Marking- electronic ballast

CE Marking- electronic ballast
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barrel plating

barrel plating
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the history of NPT

the history of NPT
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POSOCO, Powergrid Corpn

POSOCO, Powergrid Corpn
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click the pic


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be Indian, buy Indian

be Indian, buy Indian
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Corporate Gifts in Silver

Corporate Gifts in Silver
click the pic

safety gear India

safety gear India
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FLP Motors from Bharat Bijlee

FLP Motors from Bharat Bijlee
click the pic

ISI Mark

ISI Mark
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STI Register for IS: 2148

STI Register for IS: 2148
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ISO 9000 Documentation

ISO 9000 Documentation
click the pic

the history of OHSAS

the history of OHSAS
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HS&E Laws worldwide

HS&E Laws worldwide
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the Indian Electricity Rules

the Indian Electricity Rules
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Bottled water HACCP

Bottled water HACCP
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Patents Registration, India

Patents Registration, India
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bare acts and Rules - Purchase

bare acts and Rules - Purchase
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hands that heal

hands that heal
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marks required by various countries to ship

marks required by various countries to ship
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FCC - Home Page

FCC  -   Home Page
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List of Notified Bodies and Directives with text

List of Notified Bodies and Directives with text
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List of CDM Projects

List of CDM Projects
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list of environmental laws in India

list of environmental  laws in India
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List of environmental Organizations

List of environmental Organizations
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data on Companies in India

data on Companies in India
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FREE SEO    Tips
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ITIL Version 3 FREE Download

ITIL Version 3   FREE  Download
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list of bathroom scales manufacturers in India

list of bathroom scales manufacturers in India
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CE Marking Information Centre

CE Marking Information Centre
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empannel with TQMC

empannel with TQMC
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film capacitors - DEKI

film capacitors - DEKI
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flameproof Motors and Pumps

flameproof Motors and Pumps
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HPCL Vendors

HPCL Vendors
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copyright BOARD

copyright BOARD
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ONGC Tender Home Page

ONGC Tender Home Page
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How to Hack

How to Hack
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CE Marking - FAQs

CE Marking - FAQs
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insider threats

insider threats
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Patent Rights India

Patent Rights India
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Service Tax home page

Service Tax home page
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ISO Member countries

ISO Member countries
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ISO, IEC Information Centre

ISO, IEC Information Centre
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OH&S Audit checklist

OH&S Audit checklist
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how we are made suckers by Madison Ave

how we are made suckers by Madison Ave
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search analytics ... keyword search

search analytics ... keyword search
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IEC Standards .... search here

IEC Standards .... search here
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ISO Standards search here

ISO Standards search here
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if only INDIA and CHINA ...

if only INDIA and CHINA ...
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India Govt website

India Govt website
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QMS for Hospitals

QMS for Hospitals
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Govt Funding for Certification India

Govt Funding for Certification India
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Risk Management for Chemical Industries

Risk Management for Chemical Industries
click the pic

Product Recall - NOW !

Product Recall - NOW !
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Cost of Quality

Quality does not Cost
Quality Pays
- Saraswati

Recession planning: the need of the hour

Recession planning: the need of the hour
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ISO 27001 Metrics

ISO 27001 Metrics
click the pic

ISO 9001:2008 checklist

ISO 9001:2008 checklist
click the pic

Structural Audit

Structural Audit
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Krystynas Holistic healing

Krystynas Holistic healing
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FREE OSHA Safety Manual

FREE OSHA Safety Manual
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FREE Information Security VIDEO

FREE Information Security VIDEO
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why ISO 9000 got a bad press

why ISO 9000 got a bad press
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preparing for ISO 27001, FREE VIDEO

preparing for ISO 27001, FREE VIDEO
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TQMC signed the pledge

TQMC signed the pledge
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ISO Guidelines for selecting QMS Consultant

ISO Guidelines for selecting QMS Consultant
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referred standards by ISO 9001: 2008

referred standards by ISO 9001: 2008
click the pic

5 Minute Manager, be a manger now

5 Minute Manager, be a manger now
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of learning ...

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows

- Epictetus

Visiting Card

Visiting Card
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stay updated with Economic Times India

stay updated with Economic Times India
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Vendor approval for Powergrid

Vendor approval for Powergrid
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ISO 9001:2008 free documents download

ISO 9001:2008 free documents download
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top 10 reasons for global recession

top 10 reasons for global recession
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OSH Regulations in India

OSH Regulations in India
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Contract Review

Contract Review
click da pic

India is trading in Carbon credits

India is trading in Carbon credits
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P&L Account of Listed Companies

P&L Account of Listed Companies
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current carrying capacity of Wires

current carrying capacity of Wires
click the pic

ISO 9001: 2008, Guidance for implementation

ISO 9001: 2008, Guidance for implementation
click the pic

those who can, Do - those who cannot

those who can, Do - those who cannot
become teachers, and Consultants

financial assistance to SSI Units

financial assistance to SSI Units
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good LINKS for ISO 9000

good LINKS for ISO 9000
click the pic

the history of ISO 9000

the history of ISO 9000
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Customer Satisfaction Feedback

Dr. Kalras Clinic

The lotion helped me regain my lost hair
- 90% satisfied customers

There are lies
damn lies
and Statistics


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Wood packing and ISPM 15

Wood packing and ISPM 15
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CE ATEX Cable Gland info

CE ATEX Cable Gland info
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MTNL Directory Services

MTNL Directory Services
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Indian Railways info online

Indian Railways info online
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Guide to Exd enclosures, wall thickness

Guide to Exd enclosures, wall thickness
click the pic

There ain't no free lunches in this country.
And don't go spending your whole life commiserating that you got raw deals. You've got to say, 'I think that if I keep working at this and want it bad enough I can have it.'

- Lee Iacocca
when u stop chasing money
great things happen

money chases u

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