KEAG is dedicated to the preservation
of our natural environment and to the upliftment of our living environment.
This is achieved through the managing and running of diverse but interrelated projects that createemployment and deal with real environmental needs.
KEAG Projects
wftc - southern peninsula
marine monitoring
craft from waste
bird scaring lines
baboon monitoring
wftc - national

Fire: 021 957 4700
Poaching: 021 786 5656
Dumping: 021 784 2033
Injured sea mammals: SPCA 021 705 3757
Injured seabirds: SANCCOB 021 557 6155
Snakes: Tim 084 747 7337 | Sean 082 493 7713
Baboons: 021 782 2015 | 084 413 9482
Law Enforcement: 021 784 2033
Whales and Dolphins: Nan Rice 021 782 5845
Poison Centre: 021 658 5308
SPCA: 021 705 3757

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