What is RFID? Imagine that you're the supervisor of a hospital. Before giving medication to a patient or even perform surgergy on him, you'd better make sure this is the right patient! With RFID, as long as a patient wears a special wrist band, when doctors and nurses meet him, they can magically find out who exactly this patient is. In fact, they could even locate the position of any patient in the hospital in a snap.
How does it work?
This is just one application of RFID.
What is the cost of an RFID system?
So, would you be interested in using RFID?
The tag's antenna picks up signals from an RFID reader or scanner and then returns the signal, usually with some additional data (like a unique serial number or other customized information).
RFID tags can be very small - the size of a large rice grain. Others may be the size of a small paperback book.
See also active RFID tag and passive RFID tag
(go to RFID articles)
Index of related articles:
Active Tag (Active RFID Tag)Amplitude Modulation (AM)Antenna (RFID Tag Antenna)Anti-collisionBack scatter (RFID back scatter)Bi-directionalContactless smart cardChipless RFID tagContactless Credit CardsClosed Systems (or Closed Loop Systems)Code plate (RFID code plate)Continuous Wave (CM)Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS)Electronic Product Code (EPC)Error Correcting Code (ECC)Error Correcting ModeError Correcting ProtocolExciteFactory ProgrammingField ProgrammingFrequency Modulation (FM)Frequency Shift Keyed Modulation (FSKM)Frequency HoppingHarvestInductive CouplingModulationPassive RFID Tag (or Passive Tag)Phase Modulation (PM)Pulse DurationRF FibersRFID ReaderRFID Tag Collision
RFID tag
Smart label (RFID Smart Label)RFID Reader CollisionSmart cardsTransponder for RFID
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