Thursday, September 3, 2009

V-Belts vs Flat belts


Re: Use of Flat Belts over V belts

09/03/2009 8:31 AM

I agree with what has been said and would like to add:

V belts develop more friction with the sheave they are gripping than flat belts. That is if all else is the same such as belt tension, Cf of the materials etc. That is because the V shape wedges into the sheave and causes higher "normal" forces. This allows V belts to carry more load if all other things are the same. This wedging is possibly also the source of the a lower efficiency.

Flat belt manufacturers can make up for the lower load carrying ability by upping the belt tension or increasing the Cf etc. When you make the switch to a flat belt just make sure the application is within the manufactures limits of load carrying ability.

If after looking at your application and a flat smooth belt (if that is what you want) can not carry the load, switch to a cogged belt as suggested. The pulleys for flat belts often have side guides that keep the belt on under slight misalignments.



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