Wednesday, September 2, 2009



POWERGRID is continuously strengthening & expanding its transmission networks for providing power to all by 2012 with reliability, security ana economy. As on March 31, 2007, the Company is operating about 59,500 circuit km of transmission lines and 104 No. of EHVAC & HVDC sub-stations having transformation capacity of about 59,400 MVA. About 40-45% of tota power generated in the country, is being transmitted over POWERGRID's transmission network. Transmission system availability is maintainea consistently over 99% by deploying best Operation and Maintenance practices at par with global standards.

POWERGRID is the first power utility in India to be certified with Integrated Management System comprising ISO: 9001 for Quality Management 150:14001 for Environment Management and 150:18001 for Occupational Health & Safety. During the year, POWERGRID achieved the distinction 0' being the first power utility & second company in the world to get certified with PAS 99:2006 integrating the requirements of ISO 9001 :2000, ISO 14001 :2004 and OHSAS 18001 :1999. This certification was accredited by BSI after extensive audit of POWERGRID's Integrated Management System.

POWERGRID is continuously exceeding the challenging targets set under Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ministry of Power. MoU rating 0' the Company has consistently been in the highest bracket ("Excellent") since signing of its first MoU with Ministry of Power in 1993-94. The prestigious "MOU Excellence Award" for being amongst the top ten Public SeCtor Enterprises has been awarded to POWERGRID for six years in the past b the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises and the awards are presented by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.

For FY 2006-07 also, Company is once again poised to achieve the highes' rating i.e. "Excellent" under the MoU signed with Ministry of Power based on its all round performance.

During the year 2006-07, POWERGRID has also been conferred with five (5 National Awards (four gold and one silver shields) for meritorious performance in Transmission Sector for system availability and project completion. These awards were also presented by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.

In its endeavour to build a strong all-India grid for bringing security, quality & reliability in power system operations, POWERGRID commissionea Muzaffarpur-Gorakhpur high capacity 400 kV D/c line during the year; whicr was a major milestone. This facilitated synchronous operation of four regiona grids, i.e. Northern, Western, Eastern and North-Eastern Regions with tota installed capacity of about 90,000 MW and transfer of surplus and cheap power from Eastern and North-Eastern regions to the power deficit States 0' Northern Region. Other milestones achieved during the year towards enhancement of National Grid capacity were commissioning of high capaci interconnections between Northern & Western and Northern & Easter Regions. These interconnections would promote economic exchanges b, facilitating transfer of power across the country.

ent of above interconnections, inter-regional power ity of National Grid has been enhanced to 14,100 MW till ~ MW at the end of FY 2005-06. This inter-regional power planned to be enhanced to more than 37,000 MW by

ut Unified Load Despatch & Communication (ULDC) lted by POWERGRID are operational in all the five regions ltribu-ting to bringing quality and economy in operation of jes improving data availability, visibility and transparency.
d Despatch Centres (RLDCs) have are an epitome of lIence in grid operation through three tier hierarchical 'eature in grid operation in the world. For overall coLoad Despatch Centre (NLDC) at Delhi with back up at Iplementation and is expected by 2008-09.

)perational practices, preventive maintenance, Availability I, modernization of RLDCs coupled with training and "t manpower, round the clock vigil for grid management ends resulting into enhanced grid discipline, improved reliability, enhanced inter-State and inter-regional power roactive approach adopted by POWERGRID for Grid las been no major grid disturbance in any part of the wr and half vears. Further, tripping of lines and minor egional grids have also come down significantly.

f RLDCs and implementation of various inter-regional ), inter-regional power exchange has grown manifold. bout 38,000 MUs of inter-regional energy transfer was of about 10% compared to previous year (about 34,800 egional power exchange has helped in meeting more icit regions besides achieving overall economy.

1m network of more than 19000 Kms. developed by Id Wire (OPGW) on transmission towers on its country structure provides excellent connectivity to all metros, like, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu, Srinagar, Jaipur, edabad, Pune,1-lyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, State ,rn Region, etc. POWERGRID is providing telecom 'ses of NLDO, IP-l, IP-II and ISP, category-A and has JUS orders.

:en a lead in attracting private investment into NERGRID's first Joint Venture project, Transmission rala Hydroelectric Project, East-North Interconnector ansmission System, with Mis Tata Power was Illy in August, 2006. The success achieved towards nent in transmission is a matter of pride not only to country as a whole, specially keeping in view the d in the sector. This participation model has been titutions like IFC, ADB, SBI & IDFC and it has been mitated in the sector, the country and across the

- ent of above interconnections, inter-regional power :.a acity of National Grid has been enhanced to 14,100 MW till MW at the end of FY 2005-06. This inter-regional power ·s planned to be enhanced to more than 37,000 MW by

:: dent operational practices, preventive maintenance, Availability IABT), modernization of RLDCs coupled with training and ; expert manpower, round the clock vigil for grid management dividends resulting into enhanced grid discipline, improved _ safety & reliability, enhanced inter-State and inter-regional power _: :) e to proactive approach adopted by POWERGRID for Grid --==~-. there has been no major grid disturbance in any part of the =_ ~ 9 last four and half vears. Further, tripping of lines and minor _ - ces in regional grids have also come down significantly.

--:: isation of RLDCs and implementation of various inter-regional - '" ERGRID, inter-regional power exchange has grown manifold.
- 2006-07, about 38,000 MUs of inter-regional energy transfer was increase of about 10% compared to previous year (about 34,800 _ - of inter-regional power exchange has helped in meeting more _ - energy deficit regions besides achieving overall economy.

lID's Telecom network of more than 19000 Kms. developed by :; otical Ground Wire (OPGW) on transmission towers on its country :.-s"1ission infrastructure provides excellent connectivity to all metros, _ - es & towns like, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu, Srinagar, Jaipur, umbai, Ahmedabad, Pune,1-iyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, State North-Eastern Region, etc. POWERGRID is providing telecom __ _ der the licenses of NLDO, IP-I, IP-II and ISP, category-A and has :: several prestigious orders.

GRID has taken a lead in attracting private investment into 55 on sector. POWERGRID's first Joint Venture project, Transmission - associated with Tala Hydroelectric Project, East-North Interconnector :r hern India Transmission System, with Mis Tata Power was ::5 oned successfully in August, 2006. The success achieved towards .: -g private investment in transmission is a matter of pride not only to _ GRID but to the country as a whole, specially keeping in view the :':: s ccess witnessed in the sector. This participation model has been _ ed by premier institutions like IFC, ADB, SBI & IDFC and it has been -- a model to be imitated in the sector, the country and across the

world. Further, many more projects are also envisaged to be implementec under this route.

.:. Besides, POWERGRID is extending helping hand to Independent PoweProducers (IPPs) for development of their dedicated transmission systems In this direction, POWERGRID has signed MoUs with five private producers for formation of Joint Ventures for implementation of transmission schemes worth about Rs. 5,000 Crore. Out of this, two Joint Venture Companies name M/s Torrent POWERGRID Limited and M/s Jaypee POWERGRID Limite have been established.

POWERGRID is executing various consultancy assignments in the areas 0 Planning, Engineering, Load Despatch & Communication, TelecommunicatioJ"1 Contracting, Financial and Project Management, as a part of Business Development activity in India and abroad. POWERGRID emerged as a stron_ player in transmission sector in South Asia. The most important assign men" of execution of transmission projects in Afghanistan, costing about Rs. 42C Crore to lay a 200 Km long 220 kV transmission line is all set to complete ahead of schedule. POWERGRID has also secured consultancy assignments in Nepal & Bhutan.

.:. It has been a continuous endeavour of the company to deal effectively witt" environmental and social issues relating to its projects. Emphasising upon its commitment towards the same, POWERGRID is religiously following its unique Environmental and Social Policy & Procedures (ESPP), evoloved ir consultation with a wide section of people to take ample care of environmenta and social issues arising out of its activities, in every project. The provisions of ESPP have been upgraded and modified through a committee constituted of eminent persons and experts in this field, in line with changes in Laws guidelines/rules to make it up to date and matching with best int~rnationa practices. In recognition of its unique approach and contribution towards environment & social management of issues in implementation of transmission projects through well defined Environmental and Social Policy & Procedures (ESPP), The World Bank has honoured with "The Green Award, 2006" during the year.

.:. Gov!. of India's schemes of Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) are major initiatives towards bringing qualitative improvement in the distribution sector. POWERGRID has taken lead role in these schemes of nation building. Under APDRP, POWERGRID is acting as Advisor-cumConsultant (AcC) to lend its techno-managerial expertise for improvement of distribution system and their financial performance in 178 distribution circles towns/ schemes spread over 18 States costing about Rs. 7,450 Crore.

Besides, POWERGRID is also implementing various network expansions and strengthening schemes of about Rs. 1,315 Crore on behalf of seven (7) States - Bihar, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram on deposit work basis under bilateral arrangement.

.:. Under RGGVY, POWERGRID has been assigned the responsibility of implementing rural electrification projects in 9 States namely Bihar, Uttar

_ 3" gal, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Assam and -; approximately 88,290 villages of 68 Districts. These works -- -~ cost about Rs. 9,400 Crore. In 2006-07, POWERGRID - sa-ed infrastructure for electrification of 14,640 no. of villages ;:; ;)'adesh, West Bengal, Gujarat and Rajasthan, out of country_ ",-e'" of 40,000 villages. Thus, POWERGRID's share in total works of the country was more than 30%. It is a matter of : =~GRID that despite it not being its core area of functioning, ance is displayed and is being lauded by one and all.

n 3e gal, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Assam and -; approximately 88,290 villages of 68 Districts. These works ~-: cost about Rs. 9,400 Crore. In 2006-07, POWERGRID ea'ed infrastructure for electrification of 14,640 no. of villages ;:- :l'adesh, West Bengal, Gujarat and Rajasthan, out of country.-e of 40,000 villages. Thus, POWERGRID's share in total works of the country was more than 30%. It is a matter of E GRID that despite it not being its core area of functioning, _r'Tlance is displayed and is being lauded by one and all.


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