Government of India
Ministry of Human resource Development
Department of School Education & Literacy
New Delhi, the 28th July, 2010.
Subject: Clarification regarding submission of applications by NGOs
for grant in aid under the scheme of Support to Voluntary
Agencies for adult Education & Skill Development.
Department of School Education & Literacy had issued advertisements
in newspapers on 21.10.2009 inviting applications for grant in aid for setting
up of State Resource Centres. These applications were required to be
submitted within one month from the date of advertisement. The application
received in response to this advertisement were considered as per prescribed
procedures and the State Resource Centres have already been sanctioned
to selected voluntary agencies. However, this Department still continue to
receive the applications from NGOs through NGO-PS System and
otherwise with reference to said advertisement dated 21.10.2009.
Similarly, applications for innovative projects which were invited
through advertisement dated 10.12.2009 and were required to be submitted
within one month from the date of publication, still continue to be received
through NGO-PS System and otherwise.
It is clarified that there are three components of the Scheme of
Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education & Skill Development viz.
“State Resource Centres, Jan Shikshan Sansthans and Assistance to
Voluntary Agencies for Innovative Project”. Applications are invited from
NGOs for these components through advertisements issued in newspapers
from time to time and the applications are required to be submitted in
response to such advertisements and within the period prescribed therein. It
may be noted that only such applications which are received in response to
such advertisements and within the time specified therein are to be
considered. The other applications are not being entertained without any
All NGOs are requested to take specific note of this procedure and
submit applications for grant in aid through NGO-PS System or otherwise
strictly in response to, and in accordance with time frame indicated in the
advertisements issued from time to time. Applications received otherwise will
not be entertained without any notice.
Under Secretary (NLM.3
NLM.4 Section
Proposals from Non-governmental Organisations for Innovative
Proposals in the field of Adult Education.
Ministry of Human Resource Development, of School Education and
Literacy invites applications in prescribed format (annexure) from nongovernmental
organizations viz., Registered Voluntary Societies, Public
Trusts and Non-profit making Companies in existence for three or more
years for implementing innovative proposal in the field of Adult
Education. The NGOs should be registered with the NGO Portal of the
Planning Commission. The scheme shall be in operation till 31.3.2012
unless decided otherwise by the Government of India. The grant of
financial assistance will be subject to the guidelines of the scheme.
National Literacy Mission Authority retains the right to reject any
application, withdraw the proposal or change the guidelines at any time
without any notice in this regard. Details of the Scheme of Support
Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development could be
obtained from the website of the Ministry at .
2. Application complete in all respects may be sent to the Under
Secretary (NLM.4), National Literacy Mission Authority Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Department of School Education and
Literacy, Room No. 407 ‘C’ Wing, Fourth Floor, Shastri Bhawan, New
Delhi – 110 001 in the prescribed format within one month from the date
of publication of the advertisement by Registered Post/Speed Post (not by
hand or courier). A copy of the proposal may also be sent to Education
Secretary dealing with Adult Education of the concerned state
government for onward transmission to this Ministry with the comments
including capability & credential of the Non-governmental Organization
(NGO) of the state government on the proposal. Those who have
submitted their proposals earlier are required to submit a fresh proposal.
1. Name of the Voluntary Agency ……………………………………………
2. Post Address of the voluntary Agency …………………………………..
2.1 District and State/UT where situated …………………………………..
Pin ……………………………….
3. Contact Person: (Name) …………………………………………………….
3.1 Telephone ………………………(O) …………………………………… (R)
Fax No. ………………… Telex ………………….. Gram ……………….
e-mail ……………………………….
4. Nature of Voluntary Agency
(i) Public Trust
(ii) Association
(iii) Non Profit Organization
(iv) Others
5. i) Registration Number ………………………………………………..
ii) Year of Registration ………………………………………………..
6. Whether All India Organization Yes or No
If yes, please furnish information as per guidelines
7. (a) Does the organization have any previous experience in adult
literacy work ?
(b) If yes, was any grant sanctioned from Government of India ?
(c) If yes, give details as shown below
No. and
Area of
i. Block
ii. No. of
iii. No. of
No. of Adult
Centre, if
Period of
sent or
8. Whether the office of the organization is located in own building or
rented building? Please indicate the accommodation available.
9. If the headquarters of the voluntary agency is far away from the
proposed project area, complete address of the place where the
sub-office or branch office will be located in the proposed project
10. List of documents to be attached:
(a) Attested copy of Registration Certificate
(b) Copy of Memorandum of Association
(c) Copy of Articles of Association
(d) List of members of Governing Body with address and
occupation (latest)
(e) Audited account for the last three years namely receipt &
payment Account and Income & Expenditure Account
(f) Copy of latest Balance Sheet
(g) Copy of latest Annual Report
(h) Proceedings of Board of Management/Executive Committee
during the preceding year.
(i) Proof of Registration with the NGO Portal of Planning
11. Brief History of the Agency, list objects and activities.
12. Brief summary of the activities taken up and the esults achieved
during previous year.
13. Additional papers/information, if any.
Certified that information furnished is correct to the best of my
Signature of the Authorized Signatory
of the Voluntary Agency
Place ………………
Date ……………….
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Bureau of Indian Standards, the National Standards Body is a Statutory Organization under the Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Govt. of India and is engaged in the following activities: - Ø Formulation of Indian Standards Ø Certification (Product & Management Systems) Ø Product Testing Ø Enquiry Point for WTO Ø Training To meet the growing needs & expectations of the Industry, NITS was set up under the aegis of BIS in 1995. Since then NITS has been organizing various types of training programmes for industry as indicated in the training calendar. These programmes are conducted by a team of more than 250 well-experienced, qualified, trained and able officers of BIS. NITS has also been organizing International Training Programmes for Developing Countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Keeping in view its expanding activities, NITS started functioning from its new premises in Noida from May 2003. | |
NITS is located in NOIDA, about 20 Km from BIS Head Office. The campus is spread over an area of 4 acres and has built-up area of 7200 sq. m. The campus is well connected from New Delhi Airport & Railway Station. | |
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An Auditorium with a capacity to accommodate 100 persons & 3 Lecture Rooms equipped with State of Art training aids. Well-furnished Hostel Block with 48 Rooms and fully equipped Computer Center to take care of Software & IT related training programmes. | |
NITS organizes following types of training programmes: - | |
Ø In house training programmes for industry (at industry premises) Ø Open training programmes for Industry Ø International Training Programmes for Developing Countries Ø Training Programmes for BIS employees | |
NITS organizes various In-House and Open Training programmes. The nomination form for these programmes can be downloaded. The schedule for Open programmes is planned in advance and In-House programmes are conducted on request from the organizations at their premises. These programmes are designed to sharpen skills of Managers/Executives associated with the development and implementation of Quality, Environment, occupational Health and Safety, Laboratory, occupational Health & Safety Management Systems or Food Safety Systems under HACCP in an organization. Under Open programmes a fee of Rs 5,000/- + Service Tax per participant has been fixed for the two days programme. The charges for the three days programme are Rs 6000/-+ Service Tax per participant. This fee covers the cost of venue, course material, stationery, tea/coffee and lunch during the programme. Apart from this BIS also organizes Lead Auditor Training Courses for five days duration as per IS/ISO 9001, IS/IS 14001, IS/ISO 22000 and IS 18001. Fee per participant is Rs 15,000/- (Non-residential) + Service Tax. However, there is a provision to give discount for two or more nominations from the same organization. The Courses are accredited with IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors), UK The fee mentioned above is for non-residential programmes. However, programmes organized at NITS, Noida are residential. The boarding and lodging charges @ Rs. 750/- + Service Tax per day is to be paid which includes (double bed single occupancy, air-conditioned room, including breakfast and dinner). In-House programme are normally of two days duration and the charges for each of these programmes is Rs. 35,000/- + Service Tax for a group of 20 participants. In case the number of participants is more than 20 but up to 25 (Max), additional prorata charges are payable. For In-house programmes of one-day duration, the charges are Rs. 20 000/- + Service Tax for 20 participants and for 3-day duration, these are Rs. 55 000/- + Service Tax (for 20 participants). | |
In addition to the above training programmes, Training Institute organizes the International Training Programme in Standardization and Quality Assurance for Developing Countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America every year. This programme is being organized by BIS since 1968. NITS has also started an additional Training Programme on Management Systems for Developing Countries of 4-weeks duration. The Govt. of India offers limited number of fellowships to the nominees of many Developing Countries under its Technical Assistance Plans for attending the programmes. Besides the fellowships, the seats are also available on Self-Financing basis in which case the expenditure is met either by the sponsoring Governments/Organizations or by the candidates themselves. Information regarding the different countries covered under the various Government of India Fellowship schemes is available in the Indian Mission in each of the countries. The schemes are: | |
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The fellowships include the following:
| |
For Self-Financing Candidates, apart from meeting expenses on to and fro international air travel, the sponsoring organization has to pay US$ 2 500/- for Training Programme on Standardization and Quality Assurance and US$ 2000 for Training Programme on Management Systems as fee which covers expenditure for boarding, lodging, internal travel in India, and tuition fee. The fee may be paid by the sponsoring organizations or the candidates themselves. NITS also organizes other short term training programmes for overseas participants, the details of which are given below: | |
1. | SPECIAL SHORT-TERM PROGRAMMES AT BIS - Based on specific requests from the various countries, BIS also organizes short-term programmes in standardization and allied activities of different durations as per their needs. |
2. | TRAINING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES BY BIS EXPERTS - In response to requests from developing countries, BIS also deputes senior officers for short duration to countries desirous of organizing the training in standardization and allied activities locally. Such training programmes have so far been organized by BIS in several countries in collaboration with their respective Governments and National Standards Bodies. |
ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Lead Auditors' Courses- NITS can also organize IRCA accredited courses in BIS or in overseas locations. For further details please contact: | |
| Scientist F & Head National Institute of Training for Standardization (NITS) Bureau of Indian Standards A-20&21, Institutional Area Sector – 62, Noida 201 307 Telephone: 0120-2402203 and 0120-4670232 Telefax: 0120-2402202, 2402203 Email: ; |
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