Friday, September 3, 2010

Product Liability ADVISORY

Product Liability

Product liability is the name given to the branch of tort law that holds designers, manufacturers, and sellers liable for the harm suffered by buyers and users of defective products. A "product" can be almost anything, from an aeronautical chart to a Ziploc bag. "Defects" include flaws in the way a product is designed, manufactured, or marketed. Typical causes of action in product liability include strict liability (the usual theory of recovery), breach of warranty, negligence, manufacturing and design defects, and breach of the duty to warn.
Find an Products Liability attorney in your area.

Select from The Following Topics
Legal articles focusing on Product Liability Law
Zicam Linked to Loss of Sense of Smell
Some types of Zicam cold remedy products are being recalled. Stop using nasal Zicam products that are linked to damaging sense of smell. Refunds for products are available; know what to do if you've been affected by this product.
No More Cookie Dough!
The US FDA has warned consumers not to eat Nestle prepackaged, refrigerated cookie dough products. The cookie dough may be contaminated with E. Coli. Learn about Nestle's product recall, and how to safely use uncooked convenience food products.
Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recently warned consumers to stop using Hydroxycut products. The FDA's warning followed its receipt of reports from consumers who experienced serious side effects after using the popular diet aids.
Is Your Infant's Crib Safe?
It might not be intuitive, but you need to know about crib safety when choosing one for your baby. Millions of cribs are recalled each year, and many used ones predate Federal safety standards. Thousands of children are injured in crib related accidents each year. Know how to shop for a safe crib.
Class Actions: Denture Adhesive and Zinc Poisoning
There have been several lawsuits, including class actions, filed against denture cream/denture adhesive makers. Consumers claim that they suffer from zinc poisoning from using denture cream, and suffer permanent effects, including neurological damage. Read about the details of the consumers' claims.


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