Sunday, August 8, 2010


Help for filling Online Vendor Registration Form
Help for filling Online Vendor Registration Form

Collect all the information mentioned below before filling Online “Application Form for Fresh Vendor Registration

There are nine sections in the form
Each Section is described below

Section I

This section requires the selection of items for which Vendor desires to apply for Registration.  First select “Directorate” of the item to be applied. In case you are not sure of the directorate or the items name, there is a help for Item / Directorate Search. Just type the first alphabet of the item, all the items will be displayed at the right corner of the screen. Select the items and press the “Search” Button.
Select the Item Name of the item along with sub Items related with the Item by putting the check in the check box.

Note: Only one Item Name along with its sub items can be selected with each Application form

Section II

This section requires General Details of the Vendor
Select the Directorate you want to apply for Registration
If you are New Vendor to RDSO select New Vendor button and fill the details
If you are already registered with RDSO select “Existing Vendor” all details from existing vendor directory and as you had earlier submitted to RDSO will be filled automatically.

Note: Please fill correct email ID and Mobile No as you shall be sent alert at every stage of Registration process.
All the Fields are mandatory.

Section III, IV, V, VI

These sections require the Factory Details, past performance data, ISO Certification details and Details of digital signature

Section VII

This section requires the documents in support to be uploaded along with online application form.
  •             i           QAP as per the standard format
  •            ii           Self compliance of the STR
  •           iii          Annexure to STR
  •           iv          Copy of ISO certificate
  •            v           Copy of Digital Certificate
  •           vi          Copy of latest Electricity bill
  •           vii         Copy of Factory license for SSI/NSIC
  •          viii         Copy of Ownership of the factory
  •           ix          Copy of the receipt of Bank  about payment of charges through RTGS
 Note: First arrange these documents on the PC from where the online application form is being filled. The documents can be scanned and can be attached in .doc, pdf, .jpeg, .gif, .png format

Section VIII

This section requires the RTGS details of the amount required for the registration process. Once this amount is verified by RDSO Finance then only your online form will be accepted for further processing.

Note: The Details of e-Payment to RDSO is available at the under “e-Payment to RDSO” menu on the main page.

Section IX

This section deals with “Declaration” by the vendor

The Form is filled and the vendor can recheck the details by going back.
Once the “Submit” button is pressed the data is submitted and reference ID is given to vendor for further correspondence.

Feel free to contact RDSO concerned directorate in case of any clarification.

Sh Arvind Kumar, mobile . No. 09794863269
Sh Anil Kumar, mobile no. 09794863070

Thank you.


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