UL Marks -- appearance and significance
- Marks for Asia
- Marks for Europe
- Marks for Latin America
- Marks for North America
- Other Marks from the UL family of companies
PSE Mark for Specified Products

The PSE Mark is a mandatory mark for Japan according to the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAN). It is administered by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Products regulated under the DENAN law are categorized as specified products and non-specified products. Specified products require certificates from a conformity assessment body and the application of the PSE Mark, while non-specified products require mandatory compliance declared via application of the self-affixed PSE Mark, but not necessarily via certificates from a METI conformity assessment body. The UL family of companies is accredited by METI to provide the mandatory Japanese PSE Mark.

The S-Mark is the voluntary safety certification scheme administered in Japan for electrical products. The scheme began in July 1995, accompanied by both the relaxation of the electrical appliance and material control law and the enforcement of the Japanese product liability law. Third-party certification bodies that are the members of the Steering Council of Safety Certification for Electrical and Electronic Appliances and Parts of Japan (SCEA), such as UL Japan, Inc., administer the certification.
D Mark

The D Mark is a voluntary safety Mark registered and provided by UL International Demko A/S. It has been in use for more than 70 years and is a familiar symbol to consumers, retailers and manufacturers in Europe. The D Mark demonstrates that a certified product complies with requirements in:
- Harmonized standards
- National or international standards
- Other recognized standards
- Other relevant parts of the above standards that form the basis of the D Mark certification

Widely recognized throughout Europe, the ENEC (European Norms Electrical Certification) Mark is voluntary for luminaires and associated components, household appliances, consumer electronics, information technology equipment, safety transformers, couplers and connecting devices, controls and switches, capacitors and filters. It certifies the compliance of a product with the harmonized European standards. With the exception of luminaires, which is open only to manufacturers in Europe, the ENEC program is open to applicants worldwide. UL International Demko A/S is accredited to provide the ENEC Mark using the certifier identity of 15.
UL-EU Mark

The UL-EU Mark is a voluntary safety Mark for products intended for use in the European market. If a product carries this Mark, it means UL has determined that representative product samples comply with the requirements of the UL-EU Mark service. These requirements are primarily based on compliance with European (EN) standards. The scope of the certification is specified on the associated certificate, which is available through UL Customer Service or the manufacturer.
The Mark applies to both electrical and electronic products and components intended for use in Europe. Products carrying a UL-EU Mark are covered by UL's factory inspection program to verify that end products and components carrying the UL-EU Mark continue to be manufactured in compliance with the UL-EU Mark service requirements.
A UL EU Mark appearing on a product consists of two required elements:
- UL in a circle Mark
- "EU" designation under UL in a circle.
In addition, the manufacturer's identification, i.e., company name or trademark, as well as a product model number must always appear on the same label with a UL-EU Mark. Alternatively, the UL-EU Mark may be stamped, cast or molded into the product provided that a manufacturer's identification and a model number also appear on the product.
Products that are compliant with this program as well as UL's Listing service for the United States and Canada may be eligible to bear an alternative, combined Mark.
UL GS Mark

The UL GS Mark, issued by UL International Demko A/S, is a voluntary Mark used on products such as household appliances, laboratory equipment, luminaires and IT/AV equipment. Products are evaluated according to harmonized European standards. In addition to being recognized in its primary market of Germany, the GS Mark is recognized widely throughout Europe and in a variety of international markets. The associated GS Mark certificate is valid for five years.
Latin America
UL-AR Mark

Used in conjunction with the mandatory S Mark of Argentina's National Office of Internal Commerce (Direccion Nacional de Comercio Interior, or DNCI), the UL-AR Mark indicates a product's compliance with Phase III of Argentina's Resolution 92/98. Most electrical and electronic products entering Argentina will have to display the S Mark adjacent to the mark of an accredited and recognized third-party certification organization such as UL de Argentina, S.R.L. UL provides an overview of Argentina's compliance system.
UL-BR Mark

Used in conjunction with the INMETRO Mark of the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality in Brazil, the UL-BR Mark indicates that a product complies with the Brazilian standards that are primarily modeled after IEC/ISO standards with some local deviations. Certification is mandatory for specific products including switches, plugs, socket outlets, flexible cords, circuit breakers, wire and cable, magnetic and electronic ballasts, voltage regulators, medical devices, and electrical equipment for hazardous locations. UL do Brasil is accredited to provide this certification. Voluntary certification can be obtained for other products including audio, video and information technology equipment to differentiate product in the competitive Brazilian market. UL provides an overview of Brazil's compliance system.
UL-MX Mark

The UL-MX Mark is a safety mark registered and provided by UL de Mexico, S.A de C.V. It is used for products that have been evaluated and certified under voluntary Mexican standards (NMX). Used in conjunction with the official NOM countersign, it is considered an official mark of Mexico. UL-MX NOM Marks are only granted when a product complies with applicable and mandatory requirements of the official Mexican standards (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas or NOM), the scheme /modality under which it has been evaluated, and current Mexican legislation related to conformity assessment. In any case, the validity of the associated certificate of compliance will depend on the certification scheme applicable at the product's category, e.g., new, used, rebuilt, out of specifications, etc. UL provides an overview of the Mexican compliance system.
North America
UL Listing Mark

The UL Listing Mark is one of the most common UL Marks. If a product carries this Mark, it means UL found that representative product samples met UL's safety requirements. These requirements are primarily based on UL's own published standards for safety. This type of Mark is seen commonly on appliances and computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, electrical panel boards, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems, personal flotation devices, bullet resistant glass, and thousands of other products.
There are three variations of UL's Listing Mark: one used only in the United States, one used only in Canada and one for both the United States and Canada. The C-UL Mark is applied to products for the Canadian market. The products with this type of Mark have been evaluated to Canadian safety requirements, which may be somewhat different from U.S. safety requirements. The optional C-UL-US Mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. requirements. UL encourages those manufacturers with products certified for both countries to use this combined Mark, but they may continue using separate UL Marks for the United States and Canada.
The UL Listing Mark appears on end products and complete components suitable for factory and field installation. All of the products carrying a UL Listing Mark are covered by UL's Follow-Up Services program to verify that end products and components carrying the UL Listing Mark continue to be manufactured in compliance with UL's safety requirements. A UL Listing Marking appearing on a product typically consists of four required elements:
- UL in a circle Mark
- Word "Listed"
- Product name or company name/file number
- Issue/serial number or alphanumeric control number
Additional elements and markings may be present for products that comply with UL's EU Mark service and factory inspection requirements for Europe. Please read more for information about UL's combined Mark for Europe, Canada and the United States.
Combined UL Mark for Europe, Canada and United States

Products in compliance with UL's Listing and Follow-Up Service for Canada and the United States as well as UL's EU Mark service and factory inspection requirements for Europe are eligible to bear the combined UL Mark for Europe, Canada and the United States. This mark is a step toward addressing customer desire for a single certification mark for multiple key markets. The mark builds on UL's combined UL certification Marks for Canada and the United States and is the first transcontinental mark in the UL portfolio.
The combined UL Mark for Europe, Canada and the United States generally includes the following:
- UL in a circle symbol with "C," "US" and "EU" identifiers
- Word "Listed"
- Alphanumeric control number
- Manufacturer's name or trademark
- Model number
- Product category name (product identifier) as indicated in the appropriate UL directory and UL-EU Mark certificate
When applicable, a combined UL Mark for Europe, Canada and the United States may only be applied as long as a product remains in compliance with all certification programs represented by the combined UL Mark. Products found to be noncompliant with the terms, conditions or other UL requirements of any of the certification programs for Europe, Canada or the United States are not eligible to bear the combined UL Mark. However, these products can continue to bear individual UL Marks for specific certification programs as long as a product continues to comply with UL's requirements.
UL Classification Mark

This Mark appears on representative samples of products that UL has evaluated but only with respect to specific properties, a limited range of hazards, or suitability for use under limited or special conditions. Typically, products Classified by UL fall into the general categories of building materials and industrial equipment. Examples of types of equipment Classified by UL include immersion suits, fire doors, protective gear for fire fighters and industrial trucks.
Just like the UL Listing Mark, there are also three variations of UL's Classification Mark: one used only in the United States, one used only in Canada and one for both the United States and Canada. The C-UL Classification Mark is applied to products for the Canadian market. The products with this type of Mark have been evaluated to Canadian standards for a specific hazard or property. The optional C-UL-US Classification Mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. requirements. UL encourages manufacturers distributing UL Classified products evaluated for both countries to use this combined Mark, but they may continue using separate UL Classification Marks for the United States and Canada.
In the Classification service, UL determines that a manufacturer has demonstrated the ability to produce a product complying with UL's requirements with respect to one or more of the following:
- Specific risk, e.g., casualty, fire, etc.
- Performance under specific conditions
- Compliance with regulatory codes
- Compliance with specific standards such as international standards
- Other condition, as determined by UL
All of the products carrying a UL Classification Mark are covered by UL's Follow-Up Services program to verify that products carrying the UL Classification Mark continue to be manufactured in compliance with UL's safety requirements. A UL Classification Marking that appears on a product typically consists of four required elements:
- UL in a circle Mark
- Word "Classified"
- Product name or company name/file number
- Issue/serial number or alphanumeric control number
UL Recognized Component Mark

These are Marks consumers rarely see because they are specifically used on component parts that are part of a larger product or system. These components may have restrictions on their performance or may be incomplete in construction. The component recognition marking is found on a wide range of products, including some switches, power supplies, printed wiring boards, some kinds of industrial control equipment and thousands of other products.
Just as with the UL Listing and Classified Marks, there are three variations of UL's Recognized Component Mark: one for the United States only, one for Canada only and one for both the United States and Canada. The C-UR Mark is applied to components only used in the Canadian market. Components with this type of Mark have been evaluated to Canadian standards. The optional C-UL-US Component Recognition Mark indicates compliance with both Canadian and U.S. requirements. UL encourages manufacturers distributing UL Recognized Components evaluated for both countries to use this combined Mark, but they may continue using separate UL Recognized Component Marks for the United States and Canada.
Components covered by UL's Recognized Component program are intended to be installed in another device, system or end product. They are to be installed at the factory, not in the field and they may have restricted performance capabilities that limit their use. When a complete product or system containing UL Recognized Components is evaluated, the end-product evaluation process can be streamlined.
The UL component evaluation process may include a construction examination and testing. Guidelines addressing the suitability of a component when used in an end product are noted in UL's test report as conditions of acceptability. This information can also be found in UL's Online Certifications Directory and the UL iQTM parametric databases.
All components carrying the UL Recognized Component Mark are covered by UL's Follow-Up Services program to determine continued compliance with UL's requirements.
ULC Mark

The ULC Mark is issued by Underwriters Laboratories of Canada, a member of the UL family of companies. This mark is nationally recognized in Canada for many types of products, including building materials and fire protection and suppression products. It indicates compliance with Canadian standards, many of which have been developed by ULC. Consumers, regulators and insurers across Canada look for the ULC Mark as a mark of confidence in the safety of the products carrying it.
UL Energy Mark

The UL Energy Mark appears on air conditioners and furnaces, refrigerators and freezers, dishwashers, washers and dryers, water heaters, cooking equipment, and similar products evaluated to U.S. and Canadian energy efficiency standards. These products are already certified for safety by UL before earning the UL Energy Mark.
UL Energy Component Recognition Mark

Similar to UL's Energy Mark for end products, the UL Energy Component Recognition Mark appears on components that meet UL's requirements for safety as well as appropriate U.S. and Canadian energy efficiency standards. These components are used by manufacturers in end products sold in the U.S. and Canada marketplace.
UL Environmental and Public Health Mark

The UL EPH Mark appears on products that have been evaluated to environmental and public health standards. The Listed version is typically used for products complying with UL's own published environmental and public health Standards for Safety. The Classified version is used for products complying with ANSI/NSF standards and other food equipment hygiene codes and requirements. Examples include food service and meat and poultry plant equipment.
UL Classified Water Quality Mark

The UL Water Quality Mark appears on drinking water products evaluated to drinking water standards. The UL Water Quality Mark can be found on drinking water treatment additives, drinking water treatment or filtration units, drinking water system components and materials, and distribution and plumbing products. Until the UL Water Quality Mark is fully implemented in 2010, the UL Environmental and Public Health Mark may also appear on drinking water products.
UL Certified Water Quality Mark

The UL Certified Water Quality Mark indicates that a manufacturer's bottled water has demonstrated compliance with the requirements of UL's Bottled Water Program. This rigorous program includes both United States regulations and supplemental industry standards. Bottled water bearing the mark has been verified for water quality.
UL Gas-Fired Mark

UL's Gas-Fired Mark is used exclusively on gas-fired appliances and equipment. The Gas-Fired Mark indicates a product's compliance to nationally recognized gas standards, including UL, ANSI Z21/Z83 Series and CSA/CGA standards. The UL Gas-Fired Mark signals that a product has been evaluated to reasonably foreseeable hazards including both gas and electrical hazards. Gas-fired equipment evaluated to Canadian national standards is authorized to display the Canadian Gas-Fired Mark. For gas-fired equipment evaluated to both U.S. and Canadian standards, the combination U.S. and Canadian Gas-Fired Mark is authorized.
UL Marine Mark

The UL Marine Mark appears on products which have been evaluated specifically for marine use. Products bearing this Mark have been evaluated to UL's published Marine Safety Standards and other applicable standards and codes. These requirements address hazards that can occur as a result of exposure to harsh marine environments such as vibration, impact, ignition protection, water ingress and salt spray corrosion common on pleasure craft and boats. Examples of the type of equipment suitable for the UL Marine Mark include alternators, battery chargers/power inverters, navigation lights, and fuel tanks, filters and pumps.
UL Plumbing Mark

The UL Plumbing Mark appears on plumbing-related products and clearly identifies those products that comply with applicable health-effect and plumbing performance standards and requirements of plumbing codes.
There are three variations of UL's Plumbing Mark: one used only in the United States, one used only in Canada and one for the United States and Canada. The C-UL Mark is applied to products for the Canadian market. Products with this type of Mark have been evaluated to the National Plumbing Code of Canada (NPCC) are suitable for installation in Canada. The optional C-UL-US Mark indicates compliance with the International Plumbing Code (IPC) and Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) as well as the NPCC. UL encourages those manufacturers with products certified for both countries to use this combined Mark, but they may continue using separate UL Plumbing Marks for the United States and Canada.
The UL Plumbing Mark appears on plumbing fixture fittings such as kitchen sink and lavatory supply fittings, bath and shower supply fittings and various types of automatic compensating valves. The UL Plumbing Mark will be made available for additional products, as requested by regulators, installers and manufacturers.
UL Security Mark

The UL Security Mark appears on products evaluated to national security products standards. Typical products carrying the UL Security Mark include intrusion detectors, burglar alarms, access controls, anti-theft alarms, surveillance systems, safes and vaults. When the UL Security Mark was implemented in May 2007, UL certified security products can carry a traditional UL Listing Mark.
UL Signaling Mark

The UL Signaling Mark appears on products evaluated to national signaling products standards. Typical products carrying the UL Signaling Mark include smoke alarms, fire alarms and hospital nurse call systems. Before the UL Signaling Mark was implemented in May 2007, UL certified signaling products can also carry a traditional UL Listing Mark.
UL Security and Signaling Mark

The UL Security and Signaling Mark appears on products that are certified for both security and signaling functions. A typical example is a combination fire and burglar alarm system that is certified for both applications. Until the UL Security and Signaling Mark was implemented in May 2007, these products can also carry a traditional UL Listing Mark.
UL Field Evaluated Product Mark

A Field Evaluated Product Mark is applied to a product that is thoroughly evaluated in the field instead of UL's laboratories or a manufacturer's facility. If a product has been significantly modified since its manufacture or the product doesn't bear any third-party certification mark, a building owner, a regulatory authority or anyone else directly involved with the product can request that UL test a specific piece of equipment in the field. Products that meet appropriate safety requirements are labeled with a tamper-resistant Field Evaluated Product Mark.
Other marks from the UL family of companies
UL Registered Firm Mark

The UL Registered Firm Mark is a mark never applied to a product because it indicates that a particular facility has passed UL's evaluation to management system standards. The Mark is used in promotion and marketing by companies with management system programs audited by UL. The standards UL uses are the ISO 9000 series of quality assurance standards.
UL Performance Verified Mark

The UL Performance Verified Mark can be applied to UL Listed communications cable verified to performance standards such as ISO/IEC 11801, and NEMA WC66. It can also be applied to Listed fiber optic cable verified to Telcordia specifications. The UL Verified Performance Mark may also be applied to data transmission or optical fiber cable verified to performance specifications only. The Performance Verified Mark signifies that telecommunications cabling products are certified for both safety and performance, and comply with industry performance standards and draft standards.

The UL NEBS Mark on telecommunications equipment means a sample has been tested by UL and complies with one of the Telcordia (formerly Bellcore) SR-3580, "Network Equipment-Building System (NEBS) Criteria Levels." The UL NEBS Report provides details of the level, the configuration tested, operational criteria used for testing, test program and test results. The UL NEBS Mark may be placed on a product or its packaging only if it is also UL Listed, Recognized, Classified or Verified and bears the corresponding UL Mark. UL NEBS Mark must include the NEBS Level.
UL RoHS Product Mark

The UL RoHS Product Mark means that products comply with UL's RoHS product certification program requirements. Samples of products are tested at the homogeneous materials level for the presence of six substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl and polybrominated diphenyl ether) restricted by the European Union's RoHS Directive. The six substances must not exceed the limits set by the RoHS Directive.
To be eligible to use the UL RoHS Product Mark in advertising or promotion, the product must also appear in UL iQTM for Restricted Substances database, UL'sonline directory of RoHS certified products. All references to UL RoHS product certification include the full UL RoHS Product Mark with database URL and file number.
UL RoHS System Mark

Customers whose processes are assessed by UL and found in compliance with the standards established by the International Electrotechnical Commission Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ QC 080000 HSPM) are able to use the UL RoHS System Mark. IECQ QC 080000 HSPM standards require that organizations have implemented processes to identify and control the hazardous substances content in their products. Processes covered include management responsibility, product design, purchasing, production and data analysis.
UL Environment Sustainable Product Certification Mark

The UL Environment Sustainable Product Certification Mark indicates that a product has been tested by UL Environment Inc., a member of the UL family of companies, and found to comply with the terms of the standard used for evaluation. Examples of the types products that will carry the Sustainable Product Certification Mark include carpeting, office furniture, information technology equipment, building products and consumer electronics. More products will be added as sustainable product standards become available. Please see theDatabase of Environmentally Sustainable Products for more information on sustainable products by product category, company name, product name or type of claim.
UL Environment's Environmental Claims Validation
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