Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Attending this Premier marcus evans Conference Will Enable You to:
  • Understand the real ERM vision, definition, execution and ownership
  • Enhance ERM practices in a changing business environment
  • Connect and integrate ERM into different business domains for optimal business growth
  • Streamline your ERM programme by pulling individual risks together for the enterprise level
  • Move from talking the talk to walking the walk for truly effective and reflective ERM process
  • Link risk management to opportunities to take the right risks to grow quicker
  • Explore strategic importance, advantages and pitfalls of an asset and project risk management
  • Learn the value behind ERM and how it drives organisational ROI
  • Hear how organisations are maturing ERM and overcoming challenges and risk complexity to meet business demands of a new decade
Learn from Key Practical Case Studies How:
  • Solvay S.A mitigates and eliminates risks through a proper understanding of the ERM approach
  • Telenor Group pulls it altogether to execute the ERM function, roles and responsibilities
  • Alcatel-Lucent links risk management to opportunities and takes the ‘right’ risks to grow quicker
  • Coca-Cola Hellenic integrates ERM into management processes to develop a better decision making skill for business objectives
  • ArcelorMittal measures the risk management process by applying KPI’s based on a maturity model
  • Statoil presents an organisational approach to ERM and includes insurance business into the ERM thinking
  • BT Group plc defines and manages the organisational risk appetite
  • DNS NV builds a business case for sustainability in the new risk reality


Enterprise risk management

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Enterprise risk management (ERM) in business includes the methods and processes used by organizations to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of their objectives. ERM provides a framework for risk management, which typically involves identifying particular events or circumstances relevant to the organization's objectives (risks and opportunities), assessing them in terms of likelihood and magnitude of impact, determining a response strategy, and monitoring progress. By identifying and proactively addressing risks and opportunities, business enterprises protect and create value for their stakeholders, including owners, employees, customers, regulators, and society overall.

ERM can also be described as a risk-based approach to managing an enterprise, integrating concepts of internal control, Sarbanes–Oxley Act, and strategic planning. ERM is evolving to address the needs of various stakeholders, who want to understand the broad spectrum of risks facing complex organizations to ensure they are appropriately managed. Regulators and debt rating agencies have increased their scrutiny on the risk management processes of companies.




  1. Enterprise risk management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    - 3:53am
    Enterprise risk management (ERM) in business includes the methods and processes used by organizations to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the ...
    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_risk_management - Cached - Similar
  2. [PDF]

    Enterprise Risk Management — Integrated Framework

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    look to this enterprise risk management framework both to satisfy their ... The underlying premise of enterprise risk management is that every entity exists ...
  3. ERM

    This framework defines essential enterprise risk management components, discusses key ERM principles and concepts, suggests a common ERM language, ...
    www.coso.org/-ERM.htm - Cached - Similar
  4. Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) - Revised

    Certificate in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) - Revised. To register by phone call 416-978-2400 or to register online click at the course. ...
    learn.utoronto.ca › ... › Business and Professional Studies - Cached - Similar
  5. [PDF]

    Overview of ERM - Overview of Enterprise Risk Management

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
    Enterprise risk management is a “big idea”. Among other things, ERM can be viewed as the broad conceptual framework that unifies the many varied parts of ...
    www.casact.org/research/erm/overview.pdf - Similar
  6. Enterprise Risk Management Erm Risk Consulting Enterprise ...

    A professional services firm offering services from risk assessment to the remediation of existing security problems, as well as the design and ...
    www.emrisk.com/ - Cached - Similar
  7. Enterprise Risk Management Initiative (ERM) | North Carolina State ...

    The Enterprise Risk Management Initiative (ERM) at North Carolina State University's College of Management seeks to promote thought leadership in ERM ...
    www.mgt.ncsu.edu/erm/ - Cached
  8. [PPT]

    Applying COSO's Enterprise Risk Management — Integrated Framework

    File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTML
    This COSO ERM framework defines essential components, suggests a common language, and provides clear direction and guidance for enterprise risk management. ...
    www.ucop.edu/riskmgt/erm/documents/coso_erm_frmwrk.ppt - Similar
  9. [PDF]


    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    What is Enterprise Risk Management? Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the process of coordinated risk management that places a greater emphasis ...
    www.soa.org/files/pdf/news-erm-fact-sheet.pdf - Similar
  10. Internal Auditing - RISK:
    What is Enterprise Risk Management ...

    Enterprise risk management (ERM) takes a broader portfolio approach and deals with risks and opportunities affecting the creation or preservation of ...
    www.theiia.org/.../internal-audit-faqs/?...Enterprise%20Risk%20Management... - Similar
  11. News for erm enterprise risk management

    What is Effective Enterprise Risk Management (eERM)?‎ - 10 minutes ago
    Given the time and resources devoted to Enterprise Risk Programs why haven't these ERMprograms been more effective in helping senior executives and key ...
    NewsReleaseWire.com (press release)
  12. Books for erm enterprise risk management

    COSO Enterprise Risk Management: Understanding ... - Robert R Moeller - 2007 - 385 pages
    Integrated Risk Management: Techniques and ... - Neil A Doherty - 2000 - 664 pages
    The Dictionary of Financial Risk Management- Gary L Gastineau, Mark P Kritzman - 1999 - 368 pages

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