Tuesday, June 15, 2010

DATA Protection


The Data Protection Act 1998 grew out of public concern about personal privacy in a rapidly developing computer age. The first Act, enacted in 1984, only considered ‘personal data’ that was ‘processed automatically’ by a computer or other such technology as document image processing systems. As a result of users (abusers) trying to circumvent the 1984 Act by collecting and processing the data through the use of manual files (ordinary paper files) and in order to implement a European Data Protective Directive the law was strengthened by the Data Protection Act 1998.

Statement of Intent

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to fulfil all its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and individuals are assured that it will treat their personal data with all due care. The Service will, as far as practicable, ensure that all individuals whose details we hold are aware of the way in which that information is held, used, and disclosed and whether the recipients are internal or external to the Service. Furthermore the ‘processing’ within the Service will be fair and lawful and individuals will not be misled to the uses of their data. If anyone feels that they have been deceived or misled over the collection of their personal information they have the right to have it rectified.

Why does HFRS hold personal information?

It securely retains personal information so that HFRS can provide the people of Hampshire with the services they require, and to maintain a record of those services. HFRS also needs to collect, process and keep data in relation to its statutory duties.

What types of information does HFRS hold?

HFRS has registered its use of personal information through the “Notification” process to the Information Commissioner. That entry informs the Commissioner of certain details about the processing of personal data carried out by HFRS. It does not reveal whether or not information is held on any specific individual.
If you wish to have a copy of the register entry this can be obtained from the Information Commissioner.

Does HFRS have a Service Order on Data Protection

HFRS have produced a comprehensive 'service order' on data protection available to everyone.
Please note: This page is currently under review, for further information please contact Performance Review


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