Tuesday, May 18, 2010

List of EurepGAP certifications bodies in INDIA


Introduction :
Due to global expansion in food trade, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has set as one of their objectives the opening up of trade between countries and aims to address restrictive trade barriers.
Sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) issues have always been important in global trade and have become one of the most important potential Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Pests or pathogens may exist in one country but not in another, thus ultimately resulting in restrictive TBT. In addition, food safety has become one of the most important minimum requirements for future trade with developed countries. The rapid increase in newly reported cases of outbreaks of food-borne diseases particularly associated with fresh produce has been the primary drive towards establishing minimum food safety standards. To be part of global trade in fresh produce and food related products it will in future require compliance to some kind of food safety assurance system.

The global drive towards ensuring safe food supplies must also be seen as part of the focus on food security. Safe food must be ensured in both developed and developing countries and appropriate legislation needs to be put in place to address these concerns. The global emphasis on safe and secure food supplies must also be seen against a backdrop of an increasing number of immuno-compromises people (i.e. HIV / AIDS) as well as increased outbreaks of diseases such as cholera and typhoid, particularly in developing countries, which are often causes by inadequate sanitary measures and contaminated drinking water.

With respect to developed countries such as the European Union, the importance of food safety was emphasized by the recent outbreaks of BSE (Mad Cow disease) and Food and Mouth disease as well as traditional concerns with environmental pollution, particularly pesticides and the issues surrounding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). In contrast to this, the main focus of concern in the United States of America is the reported outbreaks of food borne diseases often associated with the consumption of fresh or processes food.

In this scenario the importance of microbial contamination is of major concern and has been the driving force behind the establishment of the USA Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) policies and surveillance systems. Currently, there are numerous systems that growers can adopt to ensure safe food production, which include amongst others Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Hygiene Practices etc.
One of the GAP systems that have taken off within the European community is EUREPGAP. Apart from Germany and France, most other countries within the EU support this system, as do the major retailers, which consider it the minimum standard for food trade. It is important to note that these global standards will hopefully be harmonized but for the time being, major retailers will still have their own set of requirements that growers will have to adhere to.

EUREPGAP started as a retailer initiative in 1997 with major inputs and support from the chemical companies. EUREPGAP was established by the Euro-Retailer Produce Working Group (EUREP) with the aim of setting standard and procedures for the development of GAP.

What are the Objectives of EUREPGAP?
The main objective of EUREPGAP is, to lead the system to an EN 45011-based accredited certification system, referring to the cope of "EUREPGAP Fruits and Vegetables". Partners from the entire food chain for fruit and vegetable production have agreed upon the EUREPGAP certification document and procedures, which were achieved after extensive consultation over a three-year period.

Benefits -
Certification to EUREPGAP will become mandatory as from March 2003 for farms growing produce for export to Europe, although the EC may allow some latitude in this regard. At this point in time different certification systems could be required for export to other countries such as the USA, and Australia. As Europe is our largest export destination, EUREPGAP certification will in all likelihood become a minimum requirement for entry into the EU market. However, it should be kept in mind that additional retailer requirements will still have to be met.
Discussions are already underway to ensure harmonization between the different food safety schemes and benchmarking will be essential to link the various systems. While certification to EUREPGAP will result in additional costs to growers, there will be numerous benefits. Long-term benefits include more motivated farm workers due to improved facilities, training and better working conditions with a subsequent increase in living standards. This would obviously also result in better productivity and outputs to the ultimate benefit for the grower.

Other benefits include -

  • More environmentally sound farming practices
  • More judicious use of chemicals and
  • Most importantly a cost benefit to the grower due to better management practices enforced by the standard.

It is important to note that EUREPGAP only covers produce up to the farm gate and thereafter other systems such as GMP, HACCP etc will become essential. All food industries must also implement GMP and GHP, both of which are prerequisite programs for HACCP. The South African fish industry, represent a classical case study in terms of its adoption of HACCP. The challenge is now for primary agriculture and the food procession industries to follow this example.

Besides the fruit and vegetables other EUREPGAP certification procedures have been developed for fresh flower, while draft documents covering animal production protocols which includes beef and lamb; pig meat; poultry; eggs; dairy; fish farming; and game/exotic foodstuffs, have been issued. Other drafts for crops, such as barley, beans, wheat, linseed, maize, soybeans, etc. have also been prepared for release. Feed is also in the process of being addressed due to the many food scares over the past few years.

List of Eurepgap certification agencies in India -
EUREPGAP has recognised this need and intends to provide input from the experiences gained in other sectors to draw similar draft documents. Approved Certification Bodies :-

Name of the Certification Agency

Address & Contact

Contact Person & Email Address

Control Union Certifications

Summer Ville, 8th Floor, 33rd-14th Road Junction, Khar (W), Mumbai-400 052, India
Tel: +91-22-67255390/91/92/93
Fax: +91-22-67255394/95
Website: www.controlunion.com

Mr. Sanjay Sailas,
Sr. Inspector
Email: sailas@controlunion.com
cuc@controlunion.in, ssl@controlunion.in




1. Which are the documents required for Import Export code?
MSAMB,Pune provides help in getting the Import-Export code(IEC),APEDA registration to individual or co-operative society. For the same the concern society must provide all relevant documents.Individual or co-operative society can get the IE code and for the same there is need of PAN number given by Income Tax Department.

The documents required are as under-



Co-operative Society


The application of JT. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE for Import-Export code.

The application of JT.DIRECTOR of FOREIGN TRADE for Import-Export codean the letterhead of the society.

Photocopy of PAN number
Photocopy of society registration certificates, PAN number
Certificate of bankon its letterhaed in prescribed format
Certificate of bankon its letterhaed in prescribed format
Two passport size photographs.
Two passport size photographs of the Chairman of the society
The cheque of Rs.1000/- in favour of "JT.DIRECTOR GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE" (Non-refundable)
The cheque of Rs.1000/- in favour of "JT. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE"(Non-refundable)
Self addressed envelope of size 8.5" X 11" with affixed stamps of Rs.36/-Self addressed envelope of size 8.5" X 11" with affixed stamps of Rs.36/- and name of Director/Partner,Date of birth,Father's full name etc. on the letterhead of the society.

• All the above documents must be self certified.
• JT. DIRECTOR OF GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE, may ask for original documents for verification.

Service Charge:-
MSAMB,Pune will charge Rs.500/- for providing help in getting IE code.

2.What are the quality standards required for export of Alphonso Mango?
For export of Alphonso Mangoes fruit weight,fruit size,packing are important things to be considered.As per the requirement demanded by various countries,exporter has to fulfill the demands required by the importer.Countriwise quality standards are as follows-

Middle East Countries



Alphonso Mango
wt.of fruit

200-250 gms.

250-300 gms

250-300 gms.

Packing 1doz/2.5kg1 doz/2.5kg1 doz/2.5kg
Storage Temp 13°C13°C13°C
Mode of Export By SeaBy AirBy Air

3.Which are the export promotional bodies/boards working in India?
In India, Agricultural and processed foods export department Authority (APEDA), New Delhi is the apex body working on export promotion from India under Ministry of Commerce are the various organisations helps to export business from the country.
So far as the commodity export is concerned Cashew export council,Tea Board, Coffee Board,Rubber board are the authorities for concern commodity export, providing all necessary help and guidence.

4.Which countries are having great demand for the flowers grown in poluhouses? & which are the quality standards for these flowers?
The Holland, Germany,Singapore & America (USA) has great demand for importing Carnation, Gerbera, Roses,Orchid,Anthurium etc.

The quality standards for export of Carnation and Gerbera flowers is as follows-
1) The length of the stem should be more than 65 cm.
2) The stem of the flower should be straight.
3) Flowers should be harvested at early in the morning when the temperature is low.
4) Length of the bud should be 2 to 3 cms.
5) Flowers should be packed in 100 X 40 X 20 cms. corrugated fiber boxes.
6) Each bunch is having 20 stems & be wrapped in a wrapping paper to avoid injuries.
7) Boxes are to be labelled with Importer's/Expoerter's full name with address, phone no., fax no. and details of packing.
For export of Gerbera, following points should be considered.
1) The diameter of the flower should be 12-14 cm.
2) The stem of the flower should be straight with minimum length 55 to 60 cms.
3) Each flower disc is covered with polythene bag so as to avoid mechanical injury during transport.
4) The bunch should be prepared by packing 10 to 20 flowers in a single bunch and flowers are packed attractivelyby using transperent plastic paper.
5) Flowers should be packed in 100 X 40 X 20 cm CFB boxes.

5.What are the documents required for Export of Agricultural commodity /produce?
For export of Agricultural produce documents related to -
1. Goods
2. Shipment
3. Payment
4. Quality of goods
5. Foreign exchange regulation.

1) Documents related to goods:-
a) Invoice- Sellers bill for trade & contains particulars about goods (prepared by exporter)
b) Packing List - Consolidated statement of contents of number of packs (prepared by exporetr)
c) Certificate of origin- Specifies the country of [roduction of goods(obtained by Chamber of Commerce)

2) Documents related to shipment :-
a) Mate Receipt:- Mate receipt is a receipt issued by the commanding office of the ship when the cargo is loaded.
b) Shipping Bill :- Shipping bill isa main documenton the basis of which the customers permission for export is given.[Prepared by Exporter/CHA & cerified by custom Authority]
c) Bill of handing:- Bill ofhanding is a document wherein the shipping company gives its official receipts of the goods shipped in its vessel and contracts to carry them to part of destination.
d) Airway Bill:- (Air Consignment Note) is a receipt issued by an airline for the carriage of goods.

3) Documents related to Payment:-
a) Letter of Credit (L/C):- Issued by an importers bank in favour of exporter giving him the authority to draw bills to assure the payment against delivary of goods.
b) Bill of Exchange:- Bill of exchange is an instrument. Containing an unconditional order directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money to the bearer of the instrument.

4)Documents related to quality of goods:-
a) Phytosanitory Certificate :-
Issued by plant protection authorities certifies that material is free fromquarantine pests & other injurious pests.It is specific to country of importer.
B) HACCP Certification:- (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)
- European Quality Sandard.
- Hygienic Codes of Practices.
- Certification for Agro Sector, food,drinks and allied industry.
Certifying Agency:-
- American Quality Assessors (I) Pvt. Ltd., Hydrabad
- Quality Services & Solutions (QSS) Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai
c)Eurogap Certification:-
[European Retail Parties Good Agricultural Preactices]
- European Quality Standards
- It incorporates Integrated pest management and Integrated crop management
d)Health Certificate:-
-Certificate issued by food Laboratory showing that that food is fit for human consumption.
Certifying Agency:-
1) State Health Laboratory,Yerwada,Pune
2) Muncipal Laboratory,Dadar, Mumbai
e)Organic Certification:-
- Certificate indicating material produce is based on organic farming.
Certifying Agency:-
1) Ecocert International, Aurangabad
2) Skal International,Bangalore
3) SGS India Pvt.Ltd,Gurgaon

5)Documents related to Foreign Exchange Regulations:-
GR Form: Documents required by RBI which assures to RBI that the exporter will realise the proceeds of goods within 180 days from the date of Shipment.

6) Other Document :
Bank Realisation Certification(BRC):- This is the advice given by Foreign Exchange Bank after the realisation of money from importer against the goods delivered to him.


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