Tuesday, May 18, 2010

EMC and EMI explained further

11th International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility - (INCEMIC 2010)
The 11th International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility (INCEMIC 2010) will be held in Bangalore, India from 25-26 November 2010. The Conference will cover the entire scope of electromagnetic compatibility. Prior to the Conference, on 23-24 November 2010 a two day Workshop cum Tutorials on the latest trends in the field of EMI & EMC will be conducted by expert faculty.
The aims and objectives of the workshop are to give hands-on practical and design oriented technical know-how to the participants based upon case studies. It will also be a platform where the participants will have an in-depth exposure to the state-of-the art cutting edge technologies designed and developed over the years in EMC technology.
Workshop topics:
Immunity testing:
Changes in the second editions of IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD), -4 (EFT/B), -5 (surge) and -6 (conducted RF, particularly cable loading and large equipment); edition 3 of IEC 61000-4-3 (radiated RF), particularly testing above 1GHz and new checks on amplifier saturation; amplifier saturation also in MIL STD 461F RS103; conducted susceptibility developments in MIL STD 461F; the application of measurement uncertainty to immunity and the CENELEC interpretation sheets
Emissions testing:
CISPR 22 tests above 1GHz and SVSWR calibration, developments in the telecom port conducted emission tests; the consequences of new developments in CISPR 16-1-X; CISPR 32 and 35 developments; time domain FFT measurements, their advantages and disadvantages; RE101 and 102 changes in MIL STD 461F, use of the rod antenna.
Seminar om EMC Design (mostly focused on printed circuit boards, but also includes shielding)
Seminar on introduction to full wave modeling/simulation
The Faculty
Dr. Bruce Archambeault
Dr. Bruce Archambeault is an IBM Distinguished Engineer at IBM in Research Triangle Park, NC. He received his B.S.E.E degree from the University of New Hampshire in 1977 and his M.S.E.E degree from Northeastern University in 1981. He received his Ph. D. from the University of New Hampshire in 1997. His doctoral research was in the area of computational electromagnetics applied to real-world EMC problems.
Dr. Archambeault has authored or co-authored a number of papers in computational electromagnetics, mostly applied to real-world EMC applications. He is currently the IEEE EMC Society Technical Activities Chair, a past member of the Board of Directors for the IEEE EMC Society and a past Board of Directors member for the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES). He has served as a past IEEE/EMCS Distinguished Lecturer and was awarded the IEEE EMC Society’s Richard R. Stoddart Award for Outstanding Technical Performance in 2009. He is the author of the book “PCB Design for Real-World EMI Control” and the lead author of the book titled “EMI/EMC Computational Modeling Handbook”.
Tim Williams
Tim Williams gained a BSc in Electronic Engineering from Southampton University in 1976. He has worked in electronic product design in various industry sectors including process instrumentation and audio visual control. He was design group leader at Rosemount Ltd before leaving in 1990 to start Elmac Services. Elmac Services provides consultancy and training on all aspects of EMC, including design, testing and the application of standards, to companies manufacturing electronic products and concerned about the implications of EMC requirements.
He is the author of “The Circuit Designer’s Companion” (2nd edition, Elsevier 2004) and “EMC for Product Designers” (now in its fourth edition, Elsevier 2006), and has presented numerous conference papers and seminars. He is also author of “EMC for Systems & Installations” with Keith Armstrong. He is an EMC technical assessor for UKAS and SWEDAC.
Workshop Convener
Dr B.Subbarao
Senior Member IEEE, Fellow IETE
SAMEER - Centre for Electromagnetics
2nd Cross Road, CIT Campus
Taramani, Chennai 600 113
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Event Summary

Navigate your way to the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in the beautiful Greater Ft. Lauderdale/Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale Florida on 25 to 30 July. The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE EMC Society, features 6 concurrent technical sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. An Exhibit hall with over 300 booths filled with latest products, equipment and services. Monday and Friday feature 4 concurrent workshops/tutorials. In additions there are over 50 collateral industry and profession meetings planed thorough out the week. Finally there a numerous formal and informal opportunity to network with old friend, meet new friends, experts, professional and industry representatives.


The Greater Fort Lauderdale / Broward County Convention Center is located at the northern end of the Port Everglades; a secured commercial shipping and cruise ship port, and overlooking the inland Waterway. The address is 1950 Eisenhower Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316, Phone 954-765-5900. For attendees navigating to EMC2010 with your GPS, the coordinates are: 26° 05’ 55” N, 80° 07’ 22” W.

General Information

Electromagnetic Compatibility is what is achieved when there is no undesirable Electromagnetic Interference. There are many ways for EMI to be coupled into electrical and electronic systems and just as many ways to mitigate and eliminate the EMI. To address these extremes we turn to understand, development, and application of the latest technologies, education, systems integration, products, and services. These engineering area offer great potential with the prospect of early implementation and international utilization. The IEEE International Symposium on EMC is the premier venue for the presentation of the cutting edge of the state-of-the-art in these areas. The conference objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest in EMC research, design, and development in order to furnish attendees EMC information that is applicable to their organizations.

Conference topic presentations will describe the science, design, applications and technology. They will include applications in areas such as:

• Intrasystem EMC

• Intersystem EMC

• Electromagnetic Interference

• Electromagnetic Environments

• Lightning

• Electromagnetic Pulse

• Grounding & Bonding

• Transient Suppression

• Spectrum Management

• RF Radiation Hazards

• Electro-static Discharge

• Emission Control

As has been the case at all EMC Society sponsored conferences over the past 51 years, the attendees will participate in a meeting format which encourages an atmosphere of collegial interchanges and interaction among participants from diverse disciplines around the world.

Who Should Attend

The IEEE International Symposium on EMC has something for everyone! The technical sessions are well suited for the experience EMC Design or Manager Engineer. Professional development is provided at the Global University for novice engineers to the technical area of EMC. Students participation is recognized with a special Student Paper Award. Companions, be they spouse, family, friends or youth have their own program that provides tours of the Greater Fort Lauderdale and Miami area. There is even a special free Junior Technical Program that introduces the fundamentals of EMC to the youth.


Conducted Electromagnetic Interference

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EMI- Electromagnetic Interference: EMI is unwanted effects in the electrical system due to electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic conduction. Electromagnetic radiation and electromagnetic conduction are differentiated by the way an EM field propagates. Conducted EMI is caused by the physical contact of the conductors as opposed to radiated EMI which is caused by induction (without physical contact of the conductors). Electromagnetic disturbances in the EM field of a conductor will no longer be confined to the surface of the conductor and will radiate away from it. This persists in all conductors and mutual inductance between two radiated electromagnetic fields will result in EMI.

Due to this EMI, the electromagnetic field around the conductor is no longer evenly distributed and causes skin effect, proximity effect, hysteresis losses, transients, voltage drops, electromagnetic disturbances, EMP/HEMP, eddy current losses, harmonic distortion, and reduction in the permeability of the material.

EMI can be conductive and/ or radiative. Its behavior is dependent on the frequency of operation and cannot be controlled at higher frequencies. For lower frequencies, EMI is caused by conduction and, for higher frequencies, by radiation. For ex: Skin effect is due to the conductive EMI and proximity effect is due to the radiative EMI.

The worst part of a high frequency electromagnetic signal is that it makes every conductor an antenna, in the sense that they can generate and absorb electromagnetic fields. In the case of a PCB (printed circuit board), which consists of capacitors and semiconductor devices which are soldered to the bread board, the capacitors and soldering act like antennas, generating and absorbing electromagnetic fields. The chips on these boards are so close to each other that the chances of conducted and radiated EMI are significant. Bread boards are designed in such a way that the case of the board is connected to the ground and the radiated EMI is diverted to ground. Technological advancements have drastically reduced the size of chipboards and electronics; however, this means they are also much more sensitive to EMI.

The most common solution to EMI is electromagnetic shielding. However, EMI shielding is expensive and has negative consequences. Another method to reduce EMI is to twist wires; however many facilities have tens of thousands of feet of wire, so this is not practical.

A common example of radiated EMI is a cable TV wire and the TV. If you unhook the cable from the TV and place it in front of the plug, video can still be seen on the TV. This is due to electromagnetic signals capable of traveling through the air from cable to TV.





Electromagnetic interference

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Electromagnetic interference in analog TV signal

Electromagnetic interference (or EMI, also called radio frequency interferenceor RFI) is a disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to either electromagnetic conduction or electromagnetic radiation emitted from an external source.[1] The disturbance may interrupt, obstruct, or otherwise degrade or limit the effective performance of the circuit. The source may be any object, artificial or natural, that carries rapidly changing electrical currents, such as an electrical circuit, the Sun or the Northern Lights.

EMI can be intentionally used for radio jamming, as in some forms of electronic warfare, or can occur unintentionally, as a result of spurious emissions for example through intermodulation products, and the like. It frequently affects the reception ofAM radio in urban areas. It can also affect cell phone, FM radio and televisionreception, although to a lesser extent.

EMI sound sample. A Wi-Fi signal interferes with a speaker system.




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