Thursday, April 15, 2010

TQM Implementation Project




Brief information on TQM project in Brunei Darussalam.

Under the first phase of the TQM project, Construction Planning and Research Unit, Ministry of Development is the focal point of TQM project. A national committee on TQM implementation has been established to oversee the promotion and implementation of TQM activities in Brunei Darussalam.

Interline (B) Sdn Bhd. is the first generation of Model Company for the TQM project funded by Japan. Interline is currently, providing assistance and guidance on the second generation of model company in Brunei Darussalam.

Under the second phase of the TQM project, Brunei Darussalam is to facilitate the development and promotion of TQM implementation through the following:-

  • Training programme related to quality
  • Seminar by Japanese Experts
  • Conduct TQM awareness
  • The National Committee to conduct selection of new model companies

Other consideration by the committee is to organize meetings/dialogues on the status quo of TQM dissemination with other model companies in ASEAN, including exchanging of views on problems and progress encountered. The meeting should be supported by Japanese experts in problem solving encountered by the various ASEAN countries in TQM dissemination.

TQM National Activities on:

  1. TQM Instruction to second generation of Model company.

Interline is to continue giving guidance and assistance to the second generation of Model Company by introducing TQM handbooks.

  1. National Committee Meetings.

In the year 2000 a few meetings among committee members were organized:-

Date: Discussion of agenda items

24 July The meeting discussed the followings:-

    • Current status/progress of TQM implementation of model


    • Problem encountered.

Future programme:

The meeting agreed to prepare the following:-

    • Draft constitution of TQM Association
    • Finalise the draft constitution.

10 August The meeting discussed lengthy on the proposal of the establishment

of TQM association that focussed on the following:-

    • How the association could benefit members
    • Government recognition.
    • National awards
    • Full-time secretariat, etc.

28 August The meeting generally discussed on the draft TQM constitution and

to appoint protem committee to study and finalize the draft.

Members were urged to get their plan, objectives and concept right prior to the presentation to the Minister of Development and other ministries in seeking for their support.

19 September The visit of Mr. Yuzuru Otabe from JSA. The area of discussion as follows:-

    • The function /responsibilities of CPRU.
    • The role of national committee.
    • Development of TQM in Brunei Darussalam.
    • Future program:-
    • dissemination of TQM to other local companies.
    • TQM promotion/seminar and training.
    • request Japan to dispatch expert short/long term.

5 October The meeting discussed on the following:-

    • Quality newsletter.
    • Website.
    • Harmonizing with other association locally, regionally/internationally.

The meeting further discussed on how to get members to participate in talk's session or short presentation on TQM.


In order to realize the development and implementation of TQM programme, the National Committee will focus on all aspects of industrial and primary organization in the non-oil related fields. In doing so, these companies can achieve higher quality standard in their products and be able to successfully compete with the regional markets.

In the educational field, the National Committee will seek support from the Ministry of Education to play an important role by introducing TQM courses in their programmme for both secondary and University level as part of their Extra-curricular Activities.

Successful new model companies are obliged to provide training and implementation programmes to other new model companies.

Refresher courses and activities for existing Model Company's trainer who has already acquired the basic TQM implementation are deemed necessary. This is to continuously update their knowledge and the sharing of experiences among the trainers from the ASEAN-Japan region.

SHK/tqm2001/Feb. 2001


  1. Overview of TQM Dissemination Activities

Knowing the importance and benefits of total quality management system for the companies especially for small and medium entrepreneurs to be globally competitive and improve its management systems including its human resources, the Philippine National Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality with the Philippine model companies under the ASEAN-Japan TQM organized and implemented a program called "TQM Integration".

The Program aims to replicate the ASEAN-Japan TQM Project to assist small and medium entrepreneurs in setting up total quality management system in their company.

Initially, seminar-workshops were conducted for Chief Executive Officers and Top Management with the support of the Japanese experts and experts from Philippine TQM model companies.

At present, twelve (12) companies were enrolled under the TQM Integration Program. These companies are engaged in decorative and functional ceramics; domestic container hauler, direct selling of ladies, men’s footwear, garments and bags; office systems for furniture, wood case goods, seating systems, storage and retrieval systems, metal products; food distribution; brokerage, freight forwarding, trucking and warehousing; single serve sachets, contract packaging and manufacturing services; management of convenience and department stores, bakery; terra cotta mostly novelty and gift items cultured marble, onyx, tiffany and granite.

Some of the reasons why companies joined/enrolled in the TQM Integration Program are:

    1. to increase the company’s competitiveness in the domestic and international market and to prepare the company to the challenges/opportunities brought about by the impending trade liberalization and opening of the local market to global trade.
    2. They believed that TQM is a useful tool/approach to achieve company’s vision and mission and that TQM will be helpful in enabling the company to attain its objectives.
    3. Through TQM they hope to attain improved competitiveness by improving the company’s management systems by improving the six (6) areas in the organization, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale and Environment.
    4. Some of the problems encountered -

    5. as far as TQM implementation is concerned the introduction of the change itself. There are still resistance in changing ways and putting some formality and systematizing the operations and management of organization simply because people are not used to it.
    6. Although written policy, procedures and instructions were established, it has to be internalized by the employees yet. Continuous education and training is needed to fully understand the system.
    7. Another problem is lack of personnel needed to facilitate, administer and manage the TQM program in the organization.
    8. Some of the lessons learned in participating and implementing the program –

    9. they believed that the success of any productivity improvement program depends on the commitment of top management, middle management and direct involvement of the workers.
    10. Having a well-defined organizational structure with well-delineated functions and responsibilities help in the planning and implementation of quality plans and programs and in the implementation of overall business plan.
    11. For a system to be successful, proper documentation, dissemination and monitoring is needed. A regular review and evaluation must be conducted to further improve its effectiveness.

At present there are three (3) batches being instructed, coached, supervised and monitored. The first batch have finished eleven (11) TQM Handbooks. These are TQM Handbooks for Chief Executive Officers, Managers, Common Employees, Policy Management, Cleaning, Cleanliness and Environment, Disposal and Proper Arrangement, Standardization, Daily Management , Quality Control Circle, Problem Solving , Statistical Control Method and Process Control. The second batch finished nine (9) and the third finished four (4) handbooks.

Aside from the monthly instructions for a particular handbook, coaching to companies are also scheduled every month. Here the companies will have a better chance for a one-on-one discussion with the expert of what the company has done after the instruction and how it can be improved. It enables also the expert to discuss with the company the previous assignments and commitments. Monitoring is also done every six months to the company to check and guide them in the implementation. Spot inspection is an unannounced activity to the company.

Aside from this TQM Program, various TQM trainings were conducted all over the country by quality practitioners from government and private organizations, institutions, professional, etc. There are also colleges and universities where TQM is part of their curriculum e.g. Asian Institute of Management. However, this TQM Integration Program has its own uniqueness because of its comprehensive instruction and training coupled with coaching and monitoring to each and every company which enable them to apply and implement the program immediately.

The companies under this program were encouraged to join the Philippine Quality Award, the highest level of national recognition for exemplary organizational performance patterned after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award of USA, which established in 1997 under Executive Order No. 448 issued by the former President Fidel V. Ramos.

  1. TQM Dissemination Organization

The TQM Integration Program is being implemented and supervised by the Philippine National Committee for Standards and Quality.

The Committee is Chaired by the Director of the Bureau of Product Standards with the following members:

1. Model Companies
  1. First Gem Philippine Electric Corporation
  2. Tiongson Industries Inc.
2. Local Experts
  • Director Magdalena C. Mendoza – Development Academy of the Philippines
  • Ms. Mercedita G. Babiera – Philippine Society for Quality, Inc.
  • Ms. Carmencita B. Magno – Bureau of Product Standards (BPS)
  • Ms. Nanita F. Fidelino – BPS
  • Ms. Lourdes V. Navia – BPS
3. Education and Training Related
  • Philippine Trade Training Center
  • Development Academy of the Philippines
  • Philippine Society for Quality, Inc.
4. Interested Party/Government
  • Philippine Trade Training Center
  • Development Academy of the Philippines
  • Industrial Technology Development Institute
5. Interested Party/Associations
  • Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc.
  • Philippine Quality and Productivity Movement
  • Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Association of Overseas Technical Scholarship
6. Interested Party/CompaniesAt present twelve (12) companies are participating in the TQM Integration Program
  1. TQM Dissemination Activities of FY 2000
  1. List of Activities



1TQM Planning Meeting06 and 11 January 2000
2TQM Instruction to Model Company – First Gem10-14 January 2000
3TQM Seminar for CEOs and Top Management12 January 2000
4TQM Program Finalization25 January 2000 and 03 February 2000
5TQM Instruction to Model Company - Tiongson Industries Inc.7-12 February 2000
6Meeting and Interview with TQM Practitioners by the Japanese Expert and local counterparts14-16 February 2000
7TQM Seminar for BPS Staff by the Japanese Expert and Model Company representative09 February 2000
8TQM Training Modules Preparation by local experts for TQM Integration Program14-15 February 2000
9TQM Seminar for CEOs and Top Management by Japanese Expert and local expert15 February 2000




10TQM Evaluation Meeting on Instructions Conducted by the Japanese Expert and BPS Chief for Special Projects16 February 2000
11Company Diagnosis21-29 February 2000
12TQM Seminar Workshop – Handbook No. 1 (CEOs -Batch 1)08 March 2000
13Coaching –on Handbook No. 1 (Batch 1)22 March 2000
14TQM Seminar-Workshop – Handbook No. 2 (Managers - Batch 1)12 April 2000
15Coaching on Handbook No. 2 (Batch 1)26 April 2000
16TQM Seminar-Workshop – Handbook No. 3 (Common Employees – Batch 1)03 May 2000
17TQM Seminar-Workshop (In-House- CEOs, Managers, and Common Employees)17-18 May 2000
18Coaching on 3 TQM Handbooks (CEOs, Managers, and

Common Employees)

23-24 May 2000
19TQM Module Preparation for June Scheduled Seminars29 May 2000
20Review/Evaluation of Trainings05 June 2000
21TQM Seminar-Workshop – Orientation -CEOs07 June 2000
22TQM Seminar-Workshop on Policy Management14 June 2000
23TQM Orientation Seminar on Handbook No. 1 (CEOs)15 June 2000
24TQM Seminar-Workshop for CEOs (Batch 2)21 June 2000
25Coaching on Policy Management28 June 2000
26TQM Coaching (Batch 2)05 July 2000
27TQM Seminar-Workshop on TQM Handbook No. 19 Cleaning, Cleanliness and Environment (Batch 1)12 July 2000
28TQM Launching - (5S) Sundance13 July 2000
29TQM Seminar-Workshop on TQM Handbook No. 2 Managers

(Batch 2)

19 July 2000
30Benchmarking - TQM Integration Participants20 July 2000
31TQM Coaching – (Batch 1 – No. 19 Cleaning, Cleanliness and Environment)25-26 July 2000
32TQM Launching – (5S) – PKT Trucking30 July 2000
33TQM Coaching on TQM Handbook on Managers02 August 2000
34TQM Launching – (5S) – Custom Clay, Inc. & Stoneworks

Specialist, Inc.

04 August 2000
35TQM Seminar-Workshop on TQM Handbook No. 18 – Disposal and Proper Arrangement (Batch 1)09 August 2000
36TQM Seminar-Workshop on TQM Handbook No. 3 – Common Employees –( Batch 2)16 August 2000
37TQM Coaching - Disposal and Proper Arrangements –(Batch 1)23 August 2000
38TQM Coaching – Common Employees – (Batch 2)30 August 2000
39TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 5 – Standardization

(Batch 1)

06 September 2000
40TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 4 – Policy Management (Batch 2)13 September 2000




41Company Monitoring - Sundance Direct Sales18 September 2000
42TQM Coaching – Handbook No. 5 -Standardization20 September 2000
43Company Monitoring – Custom Clay, Inc.25 September 2000
44Company Monitoring – PKT Trucking26 September 2000
45TQM Coaching – Handbook No. 4 – Policy Management -(Batch 2)27 September 2000
46TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 19 Cleaning, Cleanliness and Environment (Batch 2)03 October 2000
47TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 6 – Daily Management (Batch 1)04 October 2000
48TQM Seminar for Chief Executive Officers and Top Management with Japanese Experts and Model Company10 October 2000
49TQM Forum with TQM Integration Program participants10-11 October 2000
50Benchmarking – First Gem Philippine Electric Corp.11 October 2000
51TQM Instructions to Philippine Model Companies on the two (2) new handbooks nos. 20 and 2111-12 October 2000
52Company Monitoring – R.V. Marzan Brokerage, International Inc.17 October 2000
53Company Monitoring – Stoneworks Specialist30 October 2000
54TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 7 – Quality Control Circle (Batch 1)08 November 2000
55TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 18 – Disposal and Proper Arrangement (Batch 2)15 November 2000
56TQM Coaching on Quality Control Circle (Batch 1)21 November 2000
57TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 1 (Batch 3)22 November 2000
58TQM Coaching on Disposal and Proper Arrangement (Batch 2)28 November 2000
59TQM Coaching on CEOs (Batch 3)29 November and 01 December 2000
60Problem Solving – Specialized Training (Batch 1)05-06 December 2000
61Company Monitoring – Xavier Shoes Industries11 December 2000
62TQM Launching (5S) – Siwon International Inc.12 December 2000
63TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 5 – Standardization

(Batch 2)

13 December 2000
64TQM Seminar-Workshop on Handbook No. 2 – Managers

(Batch 3)

14 December 2000

3.2 Description of Each Activities

  1. TQM Seminar-Workshop for Chief Executive Officers and Top Management
  2. A 3-hour breakfast meeting introducing the TQM Project, what is it all about, its objectives and benefits, how to apply and the commitment of the Chief Executive Officers and Top Management for its participation and implementation.

  3. TQM Seminar-Workshop on Total Quality Management Handbooks
  4. Every month a new TQM Handbook is being introduced starting with the Handbook No. 1- Chief Executive Officers. A whole day seminar-workshop which will end up with a preparation of Gantt Chart of Activities, which served as their assignments

  5. TQM Forum
  6. The participants have the chance to interact with the experts and participating companies. This is intended for the TQM Integration Program participants only. This activity is part of the short term expert being provided under the Japanese Technical Cooperation Program.

  7. Program and Training Module Preparation
  8. Meetings with the members of the Philippine National Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality to discuss and evaluate Program, Problems and Training Modules.

  9. Company Diagnosis, Monitoring and Spot Checking

Before a company is accepted to the Program, a company survey and diagnosis are being done by the local experts to know the extent of the company’s quality system practices and the Company’s Chief Executive Officers commitment to adhere to the requirements of the program. A Memorandum of Agreement between the National Committee and the participating company is issued and signed. Monitoring of the company participating in the program is done every six months. Spot Inspection is unannounced to know the continuous implementation of the system.

3.3 Description on Long Term, Short Term TQM Expert Dispatch, if dispatched.

Short term experts were dispatched for a half-day TQM Seminar for Chief Executive Officers and Top Management and Forum for the participating companies last October 2000. The Japanese experts served as the resource speakers and consultants during these activities. The experts also visited the Philippine two (2) model companies under Phase I (ASEAN-Japan TQM Project) where they introduced the two (2) new TQM Handbooks.

- Summary and Evaluation of the Activities for Year 2000

  1. The TQM Seminar-Workshops for Chief Executive Officers and Top Management conducted brought 12 companies to participate in the TQM Integration Program
  2. The TQM Seminar and TQM Forum for the TQM Integration participants conducted by the Japanese experts under the short term program were appreciated by the companies for these activities provided them with suggestions and recommendations for improvement in their implementation directly from the experts and gained additional knowledge from on exchange of experiences.
  3. The TQM Instructions, Coaching and Monitoring were very much appreciated by the companies.
  4. The monthly schedule of training-workshop, coaching and monitoring are always well attended.

4. Description on Dissemination Plan for Year 2001

- Dissemination Plan for Year 2001 authorized by National Committee

The Plans and Programs for Year 2001-2005 include -

- Monthly Instruction to TQM Integration Program participating companies

- Conduct of Seminar-Workshop for Chief Executive Officers and Top Management on Total Quality Management (for companies who are not yet participating in the TQM Integration Program)

- Conduct of TQM Forum with short term expert at least once a year

- Benchmarking to companies implementing TQM

- Conduct of Training the Trainers by mid-term expert

- Consultancy and Training for additional model companies by long term expert

- Development of Training Materials and Publications

- Upgrading of Filipino Assessors Capabilities

- Establishment of Asian Center for Quality Management Foundation

- How to involve long and short term dispatch TQM experts in the plan, if dispatched.

1. TQM Trainings for CEOs and Top Management

A short term Japanese expert will be assigned to visit five (5) places selected within the country to conduct diagnosis, training and instruction-consultancy to small and medium enterprises.

2. Training of Trainers

The mid-term expert will develop a corps of trainers who will continuously train and enhance the SMEs capability to implement total quality management system in their respective company. Intended to be conducted twice a year for 3 years in five regional areas of the country, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Metro Manila

3. Consultancy and Training for Additional Model Companies

The long term expert will diagnose the company/ies and will provide consultancy and instruction services to the new model companies. The instructions and actual visits to the model companies selected shall be conducted twice a year. It is expected for the 5 selected areas to have initial two (2) model companies each or a total of 8-10 model companies. Each company will be instructed and visited one week twice a year for a period of 3 years.

4. Development of Training Materials and Publications

The short term expert will train and assist in the preparation/development of training materials and publications.

5. Upgrading the Capability of the Filipino Assessors

The short term expert will provide a lead assessors training and actual supervision and witnessing of audit to Filipino assessors.

6. Asian Center for Quality Management Foundation

The long term expert will help in the establishment and setting up of the Foundation taking into account the transfer of technical know-how, training seminar, on the job training local and abroad provisions of facilities and equipment required for the project.

It is expected that the Japanese expert will assist in the start-up of the Foundation activities.





1. The first phase of the Japan-Asean TQM Project (JA-TQM Project) was concluded in March 2000. Appended below is Singapore’s country report on the Japan-Asean TQM Project for 2000.

Singapore Quality Award and Singapore Quality Class

2. Singapore has benefited from its participation in the first phase of the JA- TQM Project. TQM provides a strong foundation for organisations wishing to achieve world-class business excellence through the Singapore Quality Award (SQA) framework. The SQA framework includes the TQM elements and is modelled after the US Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award.

3. In the previous country paper on JA-TQM Project presented at the 15th ACCSQ meeting, Singapore has expressed its intention to proceed to the next phase which is to help those who already have a strong foundation in TQM to reach the level of SQA.

4. For organisations that do not have a strong foundation in quality, TQM will be promoted together with other foundation programmes such as ISO 9000 certification, Enhanced Total Quality Process and National Cost of Quality so that they can strengthen their capabilities in their journey towards attaining the SQA.

5.To progress in the business excellence journey, organisations need to assess themselves regularly. The Quality Assessment Exercise (QAE) is a well-established method of assessing an organisation against the requirements of business excellence.

6.Organisations that undergo the QAE and attain a commendable level of performance qualify for the Singapore Quality Class (SQC). The SQC is the first major benchmark that organisations in Singapore need to achieve prior to attaining the SQA.

Progress of Singapore Quality Class

7.As at 31 Dec 2000, some 190 organisations have become members of the SQC. They come from the public and private sectors and represent a good cross-section of the industries in Singapore.

8.As part of the effort to develop more SQC/ SQA assessors, about 20 workshops were conducted for 300 assessors in 2000. In addition, some 20 courses on SQA criteria were organised and attended by 300 participants.


9. The JA-TQM Phase 1 Project has helped to create awareness and understanding of TQM among Singapore organisations. This helps to facilitate the organisations in the journey to achieving SQC and SQA.

1. Singapore will continue to promote TQM within the SQA framework so that more organisations can strengthen the capabilities in their journey towards achieving the SQA.

Thailand Progress Report on TQM Implementation


1. Thai Industrial Standards Institute in cooperation with the Technology Promotion Institute held 3 training courses on TQM (40 participants in each course) using 19 Handbooks which were translated into Thai as training materials.

2. Thai Industrial Standards Institute in cooperation with the Thai-Japan Technology Association and the model companies held tele-education courses on TQM for Middle Management for 30 participants using 19 Handbooks which were translated into Thai as training materials.

3. Thai Industrial Standards Institute in cooperation with The Quality Control Association and model companies held a training course at companies’ sites for 15 participants using 19 Handbooks which were translated into Thai as training materials.


1. Thai Industrial Standards Institute in cooperation with the Thai-Japan Technology Association and the model companies held a tele-education courses on TQM for Middle Management in February 2001 for 30 participants using 19 Handbooks which were translated into Thai as training materials.

2. 12 model companies were selected from 23 candidates (5 January- 19 February 2001).

3. 20 counterparts were selected from 36 candidates to be local experts.

4. Thai Industrial Standards Institute has given instruction with the assistance of Japanese expert and counterparts once a month at sites to 12 companies as from March 2001.

5. Thai Industrial Standards Institute has provided training once a month with the assistance of the Japanese expert for counterparts of selected and of non selected companies and facilitators as from March 2001.

6. Meeting are planned to be held twice a year for the exchange of views among 12 model companies, Japanese expert and counterparts and for their progress report. The first meeting is expected to be held in September 2001.


To transfer TQM technology, the direct experience in TQM implementation of successful model companies is more practical than only lectures provided by TQM experts and their successful practice can be applied for developing training materials.

Agenda Item 12.1


Country Report on TQM Dissemination Activities

1. Overview of TQM Dissemination Activities

Since Vietnam joined TQM – ASEAN Project later than other 6 ASEAN countries, Vietnam continued phase I until April 2001.

TQM – ASEAN Project phase II is started deploying since April 2001 by Vietnam Productivity Centre (under Directorate for Standards and Quality of Vietnam). Vietnam accepted 2 short term experts besides Mr. Shimada to conduct training on model companies of phase I and the last training will finish at end of this month. Initial objectives of the project phase II are:

1. To promote and support TQM implementation in companies and enterprises following 21 TQM handbooks.

2. To disseminate the experiences and results of TQM implementation in model companies of the project (phase I) for the other companies in different sectors.

3. To provide the TQM training and follow-up TQM training for improvement of competence and capacity of trainers and consultants, so that they could assist effectively companies in TQM implementation.

In order to archive these objectives, we proposed an action plan as following:

4. Model companies

      - To continue activities for implementation of full set of TQM handbooks at two model companies under the project phase I by assistance of JSA Experts and Local Experts.

      - To evaluate, summary of results and achievements of the TQM implementation of two model companies for dissemination to the other and to multiply these models in business sectors

5. Reorganization the TQM committee

- To select members and set up national TQM committee (TQMC).

- To appoint TQM contact point.

2. TQM Dissemination Organization

To draw up the TQM action program.

6. TQM implementation in companies and enterprises

  1. To select approximately 60 companies and enterprises (focus on companies applied ISO 9000) registered to apply 21 TQM handbooks.
  2. To select approx. 600 companies and enterprises registered to apply some of important contents of TQM (such as QCC, 5S, 7 tools, company standardization, process control, testing and metrology…)
  3. To draw up annual schedules for company implementation.
  4. To provide lecturers, consultants to instruct TQM implementation according to the companies requests by mobilizing the resources from STAMEQ subsidiaries concerns (VPC, VMI, VSI, SMEDEC, QUATESTs, TC….) and other institutions.
  5. To organize round table discussion on experiences of TQM implementation for business sectors where model companies will demonstrate their practice and experiences.

7. Training – Education

  1. To complete the translation of 21 TQM handbooks, and to compile the TQM training and education materials for different participants and different courses.
  2. To organize local training courses for TQM lecturers and consultants (training of trainers) with assistance of JSA experts.
  3. To organize follow-up training courses for TQM lecturers and consultants.
  4. To organize training courses for company participants in implementing TQM handbooks, 7 tools, QCC, 5S, Kaizen…

8. Seminars and workshops

  1. To organize TQMC annual meeting.
  2. To organize seminars, workshops, and meetings on TQM on different topics of TQM for companies, regulatory bodies, consultants and training officers.

9. Survey and exchange of experience

- To organize study groups to exchange within and learn TQM implementation experiences from ASEAN countries and Japan.

3. TQM Dissemination Activities of JFY 2000 (From April to December, 2000)

3.1 List of Activities


Date of Period


Training on model companies of phase I (2 companies)

5 days/2 times


Training course: Process Control and Total Productive Maintenance.

3 days


Training Course: Process Control

3 days


Total Quality Management

4 days


Total Quality Management

3 days


Total Quality Management

3 days


Tools for Quality Control and Quality Improvement

3 days


QCC activities

3 days


Total Quality Management (Part 1)

2 days


Company Visit (10 companies)

Depend on each company

3.2 Description of Each Activity

1) Training on model companies: TIFOPLAST and PETRO MECHANICAL Company

Content: Study on handbooks No20 and 21; Overview on Handbooks.

Duration: 1. September 11-15, 2001

2. March, 19-23, 2001

Trainers: 1) Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA (JSA) Expert

Mr. Yuzuru Otabe – JSA Expert

2) Mr. Masato Suuchi – JSA Expert

3) Mr. Eizo Asaka – JSA Expert

Results: Training in phase I will finish end of March, 2001 on all handbooks and promoting plan for 2001 will be discussed and summarized at closing meeting on 23 March 2001.

2) Training course: Process Control and Total Productive Maintenance

Content: - Japanese Quality Management; TQM and TPM; Quality Control Process Chart; Steps for implementing 5S; Visual Control; Product Reliability.

Date: May, 17 – 19, 2000.

Venue: VPC branch office, Ho Chi Minh City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 22 persons from various companies of South area.

Results: Participants gained valuable expertise on TQM concepts and effective techniques such as methods of quality control and improvement, as well as establishing 5S movement in enterprise…

3) Training course: Process Control – Total Quality Management

Content: - Japanese Quality Management; TQM and TPM; Quality Control Process Chart; Steps for implementing 5S; Visual Control; Product Reliability.

Date: May, 24 – 26, 2000.

Venue: VPC head office, Hanoi City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 31 persons from various companies of North.

Results: Participants gained valuable expertise on TQM concepts and effective techniques such as methods of quality control and improvement, as well as establishing 5S movement in enterprise…

4) Training course: Total Quality Management

Content: TPM and 5S; Policy Management; Quality Control Tools; Company Standardization.

Date: July 18 – 21, 2000.

Venue: VPC head office, Hanoi City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 20 persons from various companies of North.

Results: By the end of the course, participants get the way of using of QC tools effectively in their companies and improving their skills on management.

5) Training course: Total Quality Management

Content: Policy Management; Quality Control Tools; Company Standardization.

Date: July 18 – 21, 2000.

Venue: VPC branch office, Ho Chi Minh City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 23 persons from various companies of South.

Results: By the end of the course, participants get the way of using of QC tools effectively in their companies and improving their skills on management.

6) Training course: Total Quality Management

Content: Policy Management; Quality Control Tools; Company Standardization.

Date: August 16 – 18, 2000.

Venue: VPC head office, Hanoi City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 14 persons from various companies of North.

Results: By the end of the course, participants gained basic concepts of TQM and theories, methods and practical exercises on TQM.

7) Training course: Tools for Quality Control and Quality Improvement

Content: Japanese Quality Management; 7 tools for quality control; Quality Control Process Chart.

Date: October 22 – 24, 2000.

Venue: VPC branch office, Ho Chi Minh City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 31 persons from various companies of North.

Results: By the end of the course, participants understood fully basic concepts of TQM and theories, methods and practical exercises on TQM.

8) Training course: Quality Control Circe Activities

Content: Japanese Quality Management; 7 tools for quality control; Quality Control Process Chart.

Date: December 27 – 29, 2000.

Venue: VPC head office, Hanoi City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 23 persons from different companies of South.

Results: By the end of the course, participants understood deeply main characteristics of Japanese Quality Management and applied 7 tools in their daily quality control activities successfully.

9) Training course: Total Quality Management

Content: Japanese Quality Management; 7 tools for quality control; Quality Control Process Chart.

Date: February 27 – 28, 2001.

Venue: Training Centre, Hanoi City

Lecturer: Mr. Mitsuharu Shimada – JICA expert

N0 of Participant: 45 from department for standard, metrology and quality of South.

Results: Officers understood main characteristics of Japanese Quality Management and improved their knowledge on TQM, the way of sampling….

3.3 Description on Long term, Short term TQM Expert Dispatch, if dispatched

STAMEQ received a long term expert, Mr. Shimada from April 2000 and short term expert, Mr. Otabe, Mr. Suuchi and Mr. Asaka: total 4 man – weeks in 2000.

STAMEQ appreciates long term and short term experts assisted TQM promotion on:

  1. Training on model companies of phase I
  2. Training on selected pilot companies through company visit.
  3. Holding seminars for STAMEQ staff and other private company’s people.

3.4 Summary and Evaluation of the Activities of JFY 2000

In the year 2000, Vietnam has organized successfully 8 training courses in whole country with participating by various companies and enterprises in different sectors. Total number of participants is 142 persons, who are managers, engineers, Quality Management Representatives of the company, experts, researchers and trainers on Productivity and Quality; Officers of Department for Standard, Metrology and Quality. By the end of these training courses, the participants understood deeply on TQM basic concepts, main characteristics of Japanese quality management; they can apply quality control tools effectively at companies; the managers improved their skills on management.

As for company visit activities, JICA expert (Mr. M. Shimada) visited 10 companies to transform following contents: Introduction on the Project and project objectives; Awareness of TQM and some contents of TQM activities; Evaluation and reviewing on results at model company of phase I; Lecturing 2 TQM handbooks (No 20 & No 21); Diagnosis at companies to select pilot companies of phase II.

Generally, TQM disseminate activities in Vietnam in 2000 have been archived significant results. Vietnamese companies/enterprises/organizations are initially interesting in applying TQM in their organizations to improve quality, productivity and company culture.

1. Description on Dissemination Plan for JFY 2001

a. Dissemination Plan for JFY 2001 authorized by national Committee

To enhance effectiveness of TQM dissemination activities in 2001, increase numbers of company, which intent to apply TQM to become pilot company on TQM in whole country, we drafted a plan for the project in 2001 as base on strengthening public and in-house training activities, guiding and consulting on TQM at pilot companies.

I. Training activities:

Training courses will base on 5 main topics as follow:

  1. Total Quality Management and Total Productive Management.
  2. Quality control circle Activities
  3. Process Control
  4. Policy Management
  5. 7 tools for quality control.

We intent to organize 01 public and in-house training course every month, as for public course will be hold alternately between VPC head office (Hanoi city) and VPC branch office (Ho Chi Minh City).

II. Guiding at company:

In 2001, we expect 3 companies in North and 1 company in South will become pilot companies and research more 2 – 3 companies for semi-pilot companies, in which limited training will be conducted.

Deploying TQM Project at these companies is continued until end of this year.

We have already delivered drafted plan of each company after diagnosis.

In next month, we will held a national committee meeting for drawing experiences, making suggestion, discussing on how to carry out TQM dissemination activities to suit with current status of Vietnamese companies.

4.2 How to involve Long term, Shot term Dispatch TQM expert in the plan, if dispatched

STAMEQ has a long term expert already. The expert will assist activities and we expect some short term expert will come and cooperate with the long term expert for:

  1. Establishing concrete plan for 2001.
  2. Selection of semi-pilot companies for phase II
  3. Training on pilot and semi-pilot companies through periodical visits.
  4. Seminars for STAMEQ staff and public organizations.
  5. Planning to set up of bench-marking company(ies) for other company’s target (STAMEQ expects the model companies in phase I cooperate to promote TQM in phase II)



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