Saturday, April 3, 2010

Page Rank Service News,

Page Rank Service News, Updates, Ranking Information

We will publish here the important checking page rank service updates, PageRank™ news and other useful information about PR and its application.

2 July, 2009 - Fighting spam-bots v.2.0

Regardless of strict anti-automated-use rules implemented, some guys still attempted to use our service for their commercial (?) purposes by sending multiple automated requests and thus abusing the service.. So, we finally decided to move to "captcha" based anti-abuse protection that should cut off all those spammers completely.

Some of our users might dislike captchas, but unfortunately, the use of those is probably the only effective way to stop spam-bots. Anyway, we've done our best to develop a nice looking and easy to use and understand captcha-based interface to
check page ranking instantly.

We hope you enjoy our new developments :)

12 March, 2009 - Strange abuse attempts, spam-bots

It has come to our attention that quite a few sites owners abuse our service by requesting "
showimage.php" script from their sites and thus unnecessarily spending our bandwidth.

It is still unclear if that is an intentional abuse, or those guys simply do not realise that "showimage.php" script
DOES NOT check pagerank, but it only serves internal images for site internal purposes. Anyway, it has been blocked from outside access.

We also had to block few major ISPs due to constant abuse by spam-bots from their networks. Now we are considering to publish a blacklist - a list of spam-bot friendly networks.

29 November, 2007 - PR Checker service abuse and our actions

Due to some huge abuse of our services by bots and other automated software that produced excessive loads on our server, we had to re-design a bit our services.

we had to stop offering PR checking Icons (PR buttons) that are added to a web page using the HTML code shown below, as the code turned out to be not abuse-safe.

So, the old page rank icons with the HTML code (so called "alternative" code), such as" />

(please note "") will not work any more. The PR buttons with such codes now produce N/A or (?) pagerank, and they will completely stop working in a month or so.

UPGRADE to NEW buttons: We recommend all the users of our PR checking icons to upgrade to the improved NEW pagerank buttons as soon as possible.

» Upgrade now - install a new PR button on your site

27 October, 2007 - Pagerank Update again! - we've been waiting so long..

It seems is in the process of updating publically available pageranks!

So, we can see the page rank values are unstable now, and you might notice those usual during the update pagerank "jumps" up and down, as well as some different values shown by toolbar and by other tools that
check the PR of web pages. tool is also affected by the update and might show different ("incorrect") page rank values during the update. You know, we can not affect the updates :)

It seems our site is getting the
PageRank 8/10 this update. This is a very good news!

And of course, we wish all the users of our free page ranks checking tool and all the web site owners to get higher ranks during this update and further!

19 May, 2007 - Grey Pagerank Bar - recent changes at Google.

We can see some changes in the way represent their pagerank for the web pages
that are not ranked yet or those that are banned by Google for some reason.

For a long time Google
used to show ZERO pagerank (page rank 0/10) for the not-ranked pages, and now they've changed their method of representation.

NOT-ranked pages produce N/A (not available) pagerank results, visually it is represented as a grey pagerank bar upon the web page.

IMPORTANT: you can also see a grey bar (N/A pagerank) if either Google or RP checking tool is not able to show the pagerank due to slow connection between web servers. The internet is a rather unstable system, and the connection issues happen quite often.

So, if you see a grey pagerank bar or N/A rank upon your web page, you should not panic.

This probably means that the web page either is not ranked yet, or there was some temporary error and Google's server could not return the current page rank value, so the server said that "the page rank was not available for displaying at that exact moment".

In order to make sure your web site is not banned by Google, you can search Google for your site's address. If the address is in the search results, this means the site is NOT banned and you can relax and not to pay any attention to the temporary bug with N/A pagerank.

In this case everything should be back to normal state in 2-3 days.

13 January, 2007 - Pagerank is "jumping" up and down again.. An update?

Over the past few days and today we can see the values of
pagerank are "jumping" up and down. Sometimes we can see zero values of pagerank at some web sites and pages that used to be higher than zero. This is quite a strange behaviour of pagerank..

Anyway, it is very possible that has begun to update page ranks again. We will post further updates here when they are available.

16 October, 2006 - Wow! It looks like Google is updating pagerank values now.

It seems is now in the process of updating publically available pageranks.

As usually, the update can take up to several weeks, so we can see some "jumps" of page rank values up and down, and different pagerank values are sometimes shown by google toolbar and by other page ranking tools during the update.

It looks like many web sites are going to get quite good page rankings this update, and wishes you to get the highest ranks for all your web pages :)

15 July, 2006 - Google seems to be in the process of updating pagerank now.

Great! It's happened again! is now updating publically available pagerank!

The update can take from several days and up to several weeks, so you might see some pagerank "jumps" up and down during the update, as well as some different page rank values shown by toolbar and by any other tools,
including our PRchecker tool.

To celebrate this update we have added a
new PR icon to our page rank checking tool, the very desirable blog-style button, that looks like this:

And sure, wishes you the highest values of pagerank for all your web pages :)

16 June, 2006 - Page Rank Checker tool has been moved to a new web server!

We have noticed that our pagerank checking tool becomes more and more popular each day.

So, in order to
increase the speed of Page Rank Checker and PR Checking Icon tools and to improve reliability of the page rank checking process, we have decided to move our free PR tools to a new more powerful dedicated web server solution. is now hosted on a powerful 2x processor web server, and our tools is now much more fast and reliable than they were before.

We hope you like these changes at :)

26 February, 2006 - Google is updating pagerank right now.

Wow! It fanally happened! is updating publically available pagerank again!

The update usually takes 1-3 weeks, so you might see some pagerank "jumps" up and down during the update, as well as some different page rank values shown by toolbar and by different pagerank tools, including our PRchecker tool.

So, if you see you site's page ranking jumps up and down, or different ("not correct") values of pagerank shown by different tools, just do not worry but wait till complete the update, and the values become stable again. wishes you higher values of page rank for all your sites :)

28 December, 2005 - Is Google "dancing" (re-building index and page ranks) now?

It has come to our attention that
at this time different datacenters and servers shows different values of page rank for the same web pages from time to time.

So it looks like is "dancing" now - they seem to be in the process of updating their index and re-calculating the page rank values for all web pages in their database.

This process usually
takes between 1 (one) up to several weeks, so you might seedifferent page rank values for the same web page during different periods of time, in different parts of the world, at different web servers.

"Google Dance" (the pagerank jumping up and down) finishes as soon as they complete their update and set the final page rank values for the next period. will also show these page rank "jumps" during the Google dance, so there is nothing to worry about, that's not an error, but that are database updates.

We wish everybody Happy Holidays!!
and all the other best wishes, including some high PR for your sites :)

21 December, 2005 - Online Page Rank Checking tool has been improved

We have improved our
Online Page Rank checking tool to increase the speed and reliability as well as to reduce the number of abusive and/or automated requests:

The most important changes we have implemented are the following:

a). Online PR Checker now ignores
NOT valid web addresses

b). Online PR Checker
DOES support dynamic URL's now. (marked with red color below).
Example of Dynamic URL:

c). New and more user-friendly look of Online Page Rank Tool -
check it now

21 December, 2005 - We have completely rewritten Page Rank Icon code

Due to the recent abuse (and thus some slow performance) we decided and by the moment have completely rewritten all the code (software) in order to increase the speed and reliability of our
PR Checking Icon tool. Now it should be SUPER fast and quite reliable.

In order to reduce abuse we have implemented some changes:

a). PR Checking Icon now ignores
NOT valid web addresses

does not support dynamic URL's any more (marked with red color below).
Example of Dynamic URL:

c). If for some reason can not determine the current page rank of the web page, it displys a blank button
at that moment, like the one below.

You will also see such image if you are behind the firewall and thus it blocks PR Checking Icon. The solution is either to switch the firewall (blocking) off, or to find some better firewall that does not block page rank checking icons ;-)

16 December, 2005 - It seems we have resolved the issues with Page Rank Icon

Due to the huge abuse from some Asian web sites our Page Rank Checking Icons did not work properly recently. The issue seems to be resolved at this time, however, if we keep getting increasing abuse, we will have to ban Asia from using this service.

7 December, 2005 - Technical difficulties with page rank checking Icon

At this time we have some technical difficulties with the correct work of page rank cheking icon. It does not work properly. We expect to resolve the issue soon.

Thanks for understanding.

1 June, 2005 - Complaints about non-working page rank checking Icon

We have got several complaints that "the Google™ page rank checking icon does not work correctly" and that "it always shows a zero value" of page rank. -
That's not right!

Actually, Check page rank Icon works OK and it shows the correct PageRank™ value. The matter is that in order to get a Google™ page rank of the web page, PR tool connects to web site and determines the current page rank value of the web page.

However, nowadays modern firewall-type software (like Norton Internet Security, ets.) and/or different ads-blocking software
begins to block external connections, so that software might also block the page rank checker Icon, thinking it is an advertising.

In case the icon is blocked, it shows ZERO instead of the correct page rank. So, if you faced this problem and want the
check page rank icon to work correctly for you, you might want to allow (to white-list, to enable) in the firewall software and/or in the ads-blocking software on your PC.

You can make sure this is the case by switching OFF your ads-blocking software and reloading the web page where our checking page rank icon is located.

Resources: Web Hosting, 2, 3 | Promotion, 2, 3 | Software, 2, 3 | Web Design, 2, 3 | Webmaster, 2, 3 | Other, 2, 3 | Add a Link

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