Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dont forget BHOPAL

On the 20th anniversary of the Bhopal industrial disaster, Greenpeace  activists display images from Bhopal and ask the general public for  signatures demanding the chemical industry Dow to pay its debt with  the citizens of Bhopal. The 1984 chemical explosion at Union Carbide  in Bhopal, India killed and maimed thousands. Dow bought Union Carbide  in 2001, but will not accept any responsibility for the clean up of  the contaminated site.

On the 20th anniversary of the Bhopal industrial disaster, activists display images from Bhopal and ask the general public for signatures demanding the chemical industry Dow to pay its debt with the citizens of Bhopal.

Enlarge Image

Across the globe irresponsible companies and negligent governments have created many global toxic hotspots.

Many toxic chemicals are global pollutants and areas such as old factories, dumping grounds, effluent outfalls and waste storage sites are heavily polluted and listed on ourGlobal Toxics Hotspots Map. Check the Map to find out where toxics hotspots are in your country and who was responsible for creating them.


The Bhopal disaster in India, in 1984, was the world's worst chemical disaster. Toxic gas leaked from the poorly maintained and understaffed plant owned by Union Carbide, killing up to 20,000 people and leaving 120,000 chronically ill.

The survivors have never received adequate compensation for their debilitating illnesses and even 20 years after the disaster, thepolluted site of the abandoned factory, bleeds poisons daily into the groundwater of local residents. Bhopal is an ongoing disaster and Union Carbide's new owners, Dow Chemicals, should pay to clean up the toxic mess.


View the three part slideshow on the Bhopal disaster:

Part One - Immediate aftermath and the tragic effects of an avoidable disaster.

Part Two - Devastating effects on local people still suffering almost 18 years later.

Part Three - Suffering but not in silence- Will Dow listen to calls to clean up Bhopal?

View a series of cinema ads produced by Greenpeace and the International Campaign for Justice for Bhopal. Also, be sure to view our short piece on the Bhopal tragedy and former Union Carbide CEO, and fugitive from justice, Warren Anderson. Visit ourmultimedia section.

Learn more:

Background to the disaster

Dow - Wanted for crimes against the planet

Bhopal and Corporate Responsibility

Read Bhopal Principles, an international sustainability policy to curb rampant corporate irresponsibility.

Chemical Stockpiles at Union Carbide in Bhopal. Exectutive Summary

Technical guidelines for cleanup at the Union Carbide India Ltd (UCIL) site in Bhopal, Madya Pradesh, India (2002 Greenpeace report)

Corporate Crimes: The need for an international instrument on corporate accountability and liability (2002 Greenpeace report)

The Bhopal Legacy (Greenpeace report)

Dow: Myths and Realities (the truth behind Union Carbide's website on the Bhopal accident)

Visit www.bhopal.net for
Union Carbide's secret "poison papers" court documents and links.

Greenpeace holds protests against Dow around the world. (December 3, 2001)


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