Monday, February 15, 2010

ISO 50001

Thursday, September 3, 2009
ISO management system standard for energy
ISO has identified energy management as a priority area meriting the development and promotion of International Standards. Effective energy management is a priority focus because of the significant potential to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide.
Existing ISO standards for quality management practices (ISO 9000 series) and environmental management systems (ISO 14000 series) have successfully stimulated substantial, continuous efficiency improvements within organizations around the globe. An energy management standard is expected to similarly achieve major, long-term increases in energy efficiency.
A pressing need for international energy management standards
“The urgency to reduce GHG emissions, the reality of higher prices from reduced availability of fossil fuels, and the need to promote efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources provide a strong rationale for developing this new standard, building on the most advanced good practices and existing national or regional standards.”
Alan BrydenISO Secretary-General
Discussions between US experts and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) led to a formal proposal for ISO to establish a committee on this subject. In February 2008, the Technical Management Board of ISO approved the establishment of a new project committee (ISO/PC 242 – Energy Management) to develop the new ISO Management System Standard for Energy. Early on, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) recognized industry’s need to mount an effective response to climate change and to the proliferation of national energy management standards. In March 2007, UNIDO hosted a meeting of experts, including representatives from the ISO Central Secretariat and nations that have adopted energy management standards. That meeting led to submission of a UNIDO communication to the ISO Central Secretariat requesting that ISO consider undertaking work on an international energy management standard.
The work will be carried out in a new ISO committee PC 242 Energy Management. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) will serve as the committee Secretariat in partnership with Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT). ISO 50001 will establish an international framework for industrial plants or entire companies to manage all aspects of energy, including procurement and use. The standard will provide organizations and companies with technical and management strategies to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve environmental performance. Based on broad applicability across national economic sectors, the standard could influence up to 60 percent of the world’s energy demand. Corporations, supply chain partnerships, utilities, energy service companies, and others are expected to use ISO 50001 as a tool to reduce energy intensity use and carbon emissions in their own facilities (as well as those belonging to their customers or suppliers) and to benchmark their achievements.
As part of the standard development process, ISO/PC 242 will define relevant terminology and develop management system requirements along with providing guidance for use, implementation, measurement, and metrics associated with the standard. To provide compatibility and integration opportunities with other management systems, it is anticipated that the standard will foster the same management system principles of continual improvement and use the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach as employed in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
The future standard will provide organizations and companies with a recognized framework for integrating energy efficiency into their management practices. Multi-national organizations will have access to a single, harmonized standard for implementation across the organization with a logical and consistent methodology for identifying and implementing energy efficiency improvements. The standard will also:
Assist organizations in making better use of their existing energy-consuming assets
Offer guidance on benchmarking, measuring, documenting, and reporting energy intensity improvements and their projected impact on reductions in GHG emissions
Create transparency and facilitate communication on the management of energy resources
Promote energy management best practices and reinforce good energy management behaviors
Assist facilities in evaluating and prioritizing the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies
Provide a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain
Facilitate energy management improvements in the context of GHG emission reduction projects.
Energy leaders are encouraged to participate in their country’s national mirror committee which will coordinate the country’s participation in writing the standard. Contact information for ISO members in each country is available on ISO Online. Countries wishing to actively participate and send representatives to ISO/PC 242 meetings should confirm their participation status with the ISO Central Secretariat ( and should also inform the ISO/PC 242 Secretary, Mr. Jason Knopes, ANSI, and Co-Secretary Felipe Viera, ABNT,
Last Modified on the 22. October 2008 at 12:08:23 PM
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ISO 50001 – Management System Standard for Energy
Recently I have come across couple of initiatives like seminars, training programs and conclave on Energy Management. So far, energy management has been a part of ISO 14001 (EMS) or an isolated effort through Energy Audit. Though most of the times, the efforts end up with replacing few lamps to CFL and switching off the ACs and lights when you are not in the room / workplace.Interestingly, this is the first time, things are happening in a logical and structured manner. GHG emissions are under scanner and organisations are working to reduce them (along with substantial financial benefits from Carbon Credit in the developing countries). ISO 50001 - Energy Management Standard is under development and BS EN 16001 - Energy Management Standard has been released on 31st August 2009.Let’s start with ISO 50001.ISO has identified energy management as a priority area meriting the development and promotion of International Standards. Effective energy management is a priority focus because of the significant potential to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide. As per Mr. Alan Bryden, ISO Secretary-General - “The urgency to reduce GHG emissions, the reality of higher prices from reduced availability of fossil fuels, and the need to promote efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources provide a strong rationale for developing this new standard, building on the most advanced good practices and existing national or regional standards.” In my opinion, this development will initiate a new global approach to systematically address energy performance in organizations – pragmatically addressing energy efficiency and related climate change impacts. The future ISO 50001 will establish a framework for industrial plants, commercial facilities or entire organizations to manage energy. This will be next step of BS EN 16001- 2009. An energy management standard is expected to achieve major, long-term increases in energy efficiency. ISO 50001 implementation is expected to address what the organization does to effectively manage energy resources and performance that is relevant to global standards.As per the industry analysts, targeting broad applicability across national economic sectors, the standard could influence up to 60 % of the world’s energy use. The new standard will consider common elements found in all of ISO’s management system standards. This will ensure maximum compatibility with key standards such as ISO 9001 for quality management and ISO 14001 for environmental management.The project committee is working towards an ambitious schedule and aims to have ISO 50001 ready for publication by the end of 2010.Background:Discussions between US experts and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) led to a formal proposal for ISO to establish a committee on this subject. In February 2008, the Technical Management Board of ISO approved the establishment of a new project committee (ISO/PC 242 – Energy Management) to develop the new ISO Management System Standard for Energy. Early on, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) recognized industry’s need to mount an effective response to climate change and to the proliferation of national energy management standards. In March 2007, UNIDO hosted a meeting of experts, including representatives from the ISO Central Secretariat and nations that have adopted energy management standards. That meeting led to submission of a UNIDO communication to the ISO Central Secretariat requesting that ISO consider undertaking work on an international energy management standard.The work will be carried out in a new ISO committee PC 242 Energy Management. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) will serve as the committee Secretariat in partnership with Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT). ISO 50001 will establish an international framework for industrial plants or entire companies to manage all aspects of energy, including procurement and use. The standard will provide organizations and companies with technical and management strategies to increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve environmental performanceContent:The standard is expected to address issue like:• measuring, reporting, benchmarking energy use improvements. • assess energy improvement projects impact on GHG emissions. • create transparency in the management of energy resources. • evaluate the improvements in implementation of energy efficient technologies. • validate continuous improvement in energy management. • promoting a framework for efficient use of energy in the organization. • helping organizations make a better use of their energy assets. • helping in procurement practices for energy using equipment and systems. • emphasis management's commitment to energy use and efficiency. Future:Corporations, supply chain partnerships, utilities, energy service companies, and others are expected to use ISO 50001 as a tool to reduce energy intensity use and carbon emissions in their own facilities (as well as those belonging to their customers or suppliers) and to benchmark their achievements.The future standard will provide organizations and companies with a recognized framework for integrating energy efficiency into their management practices. Multi-national organizations will have access to a single, harmonized standard for implementation across the organization with a logical and consistent methodology for identifying and implementing energy efficiency improvements.Let’s hope for the best.
Posted by Saikat Basu at 3:56 PM

ISO/CD 50001


ISO 50001 as the New Energy Management Standard
Category Rss Feed -
By : Daniel Stouffer Submitted 2010-02-11 22:32:21
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According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) there is a pressing need for an international energy management standard. ISO 50001 is intended to establish an international framework for industrial plants and companies to manage all aspects of energy.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recognizes the high need for an international energy management standard by introducing ISO 50001 which can be very helpful in commercial energy management.
The need to promote energy efficiency, the adamant need to reduce carbon emissions, the higher prices of fossil fuels due to reduced supply, and the need to use renewable energy sources give enough reason for this new energy management standard to be developed which was based on advanced best practices and existing regional and national standards." - Alan Brydon, ISO Secretary-General
It is estimated that 60% of carbon emissions are from energy production. Due to the threats and implications of global warming and climate change, now is the right time to maximize efficiency in energy use and to manage energy resources.
ISO 50001 will be complementary with ISO 14000 (environmental management standards series) and ISO 9000 (quality management standards series). The new energy management standards will help improve efficiency of enterprise energy management.
ISO 50001 has a set if goals which might be introduced by the end of the year 2010, as follows: * assist organizations in making better use of energy consuming assets * provide benchmarking, measuring, documenting and reporting guidance * facilitate communication and create transparency regarding the management of energy sources * promote best practices and reinforce good energy management behavior * assist in evaluation and prioritization of new technologies * help to promote energy efficiency through the supply chain
This new energy management standard will implement a framework which will help organizations give attention to energy efficiency to overall operation and further define management practices and attention. Introduction of this new energy management standard is widely anticipated as enterprises has been long waiting for such. One of the best ways to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions is energy efficiency and reduction on usage of fossil fuels.
To help companies reach targets in energy use reduction and carbon emissions, ISO 50001 can be used by corporations, supply-chain partnerships, and energy service utility companies. For comparison purposes, this new energy management standard can be used throughout the supply chain.
Being an international standard, the ISO 50001 will enable multinational organizations to have a consistent methodology in identifying and implementing energy efficient improvements.
Author Resource:- Enterprise energy management provides distributed enterprises with a comprehensive view of their energy portfolio across all facilities, with data that can be linked to specific assets and delivered to energy managers anywhere in the world. Learn about Sustainability Resource Planning (SRP) software from Verisae at
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Energy management in today’s carbon-constrained economy is no longer an academic exercise but a necessity in shaping an operational sustainability strategy. From a solely environmental angle, prudent energy management demonstrates organizational diligence in resource conservation and pollution prevention, especially in reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; more importantly from a fiscal perspective, effective deployment and maintenance of an energy management system affords a sustained and favorable impact on process efficiency and operational bottom line.
European Standard, EN 16001 Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use was published on July 31st 2009. This standard specifies the requirements for an energy management system which requires the development of an energy policy, identification of an organization’s past, present and future energy consumption as well as the development of an energy performance monitoring plan.

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The underlying objective of this standard is to provide practitioners a common approach instituting systems and processes necessary to improve energy efficiency that lead to measurable reductions in cost, consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. EN 16001 provides the framework which will enable effective energy management. Rather than simply considering a range of technical solutions to areas of major energy consumption, the energy management framework begins with the process of behavioral change needed to embed energy efficiency considerations in everyday decision making.
EN 16001 is expected to play a role in helping organizations meet the requirements of voluntary energy and GHG emission reduction initiatives
EN 16001 follows the proven iterative management and performance improvement process based on the Deming cycle, namely, Plan-Do-Check-Act.
Plan: Define organizational policy on energy performance, identify energy aspects, ascertain legal obligations, and establish energy objectives and targets.
Do: Assign resources and responsibilities, elevate organizational awareness and competency, communicate internally and externally, establish system documentation, and implement operational controls.
Check: Establish monitoring of energy management program and performance; evaluate compliance with legal obligations; identify and address non-conforming situations; perform periodic internal audits of the energy management system, and manage associated records.
Act: Conduct management review of system effectiveness and overall energy performance.
Concurrently, American National Standard Institute (ANSI) is leading the effort in the development of ISO 50001, an international standard on energy management largely modeled after ANSI/MSE 2000 and following the established EN 16001 framework. In September, a Committee Draft of ISO 50001 was developed and circulated to international committee members for comments. To date, over 28 voting members of the standard development committee have provided detailed comments and casted their votes as to whether a Draft International Standard may be approved and released. Energy experts from around the world will convene in London this November to review the latest round of comments and debate various points of views and stance.
Many organizations in the European Union are adopting EN 16001 to meet local regulatory obligations and to improve bottom line energy performance. International standard ISO 50001 is expected to be finalized in the next 12-18 months. Whether your organization is looking for near-term energy-saving opportunities or interested in minimizing long-term indirect greenhouse gas footprint, instituting a standard-based sustaining energy performance management system provides organizations a validated framework toward realization of a holistic operational sustainability strategy.

Wilhelm Wang is a Product Manager at BSI America
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ISO 50001 Energy Management: Meet the New Kid on the Block

by Rainer Ochsenkuehn
So where does it come from and who is this new kid on the block? The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has identified energy management as a priority due to the significant potential to save energy and reduce greenhouse (GHG) emissions worldwide. Industry is accounting to 50% of the world’s energy usage, followed by transportation with 20%, residential with 18% and commercial with 12%. The ISO Project Committee (PC) 242 issued ISO CD 50001, a committee draft standard on energy management systems for review and comment at the end of 2009 with a projected final release as an international standard at the end of 2010 / beginning of 2011. With its broad applicability across national economic sectors, ISO 50001 is expected to potentially influence up to 60 % of the world’s energy use.

ISO 50001, Energy Management System (EnMS) guidelines will provide a framework for the systematic management of energy. As well as enhancing energy efficiency, an EnMS can cut costs and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions providing industrial plants, commercial facilities and organizations with a competitive advantage. ISO 50001 represents the latest best practice in energy management building upon existing national standards and initiatives such as the US ANSI MSE 2000:2008 and the European Union EN 16001:2009. The draft ISO standard specifies the requirements for an EnMS to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy, identify significant areas of energy consumption and target energy reductions. As applicable to management system standards published by ISO in general, this Standard does not itself state specific performance criteria with respect to energy. It is applicable to any organization that wishes to ensure that it conforms to its stated energy policy and to demonstrate such conformance to others. This can be confirmed by self-evaluation and self declaration of conformance or by certification of the energy management system by an external registrar.

The implementation of an Energy Management System (EnMS) is particularly relevant if an organization operates in an energy intensive industry or is facing GHG emission legislation. However, the management system can be applied to all types and sizes of organizations as do the expected benefits, which include the following, to name but a few:
Reduce costs – Reduce energy costs via a structured approach to identifying, measuring and managing your energy consumption.
Improve business performance – Drive greater productivity by identifying technical point solutions and affecting behavioral change to reduce energy consumption.
Reduce GHG emissions – Meet stakeholder expectations or obligations now and in the future.
Comply with legislation – Meet current or future mandatory energy efficiency targets and/or the requirements of GHG emission reduction legislation.
Engage top management – Position energy management in the boardroom as a key business issue.
Formalize energy policy and objectives – Create respect for the energy management policy and embed energy efficient thinking in your organization.
Integrate other management systems – Align the EnMS with existing management systems for incremental benefit.
Secure energy supply – Understand the internal energy risk exposure and identify areas of the organization at greatest risk.
Drive innovation – Develop opportunities for new products and services in the low-carbon economy of the future.
Similar to its siblings, the ISO 14001 Standard for Environmental Management System and the ISO 9001 Standard for Quality Management Systems, the ISO 50001 is structured around the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle of continual improvement. In this regard, the emphasis is on energy savings. The standard can be used to control and reduce an organization's energy costs and energy-related environmental impact. ISO 50001 lays down requirements for continual improvement in the form of more efficient and more sustainable energy use, irrespective of the type of energy.

To ensure compatibility with other ISO management system standards, this document is based on common elements like management commitment, operational control, nonconformance, corrective and preventive action, and management review. It is therefore obvious that an integrated management system approach with an existing environmental, health & safety and/or quality management system, like an ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 9001, or Responsible Care® Management System, is going to be a logical pursuit. So the question is, why would an organization need to implement an EnMS, especially if they already have an ISO 14001 based environmental management system (EMS)? It is certainly possible to include energy as a significant aspect in any EMS. However, ISO 50001 in addition can assist organizations in making better use of their existing energy-consuming activities and offer guidance on benchmarking, measuring, documenting, and reporting energy intensity improvements and their projected impact on reductions in GHG emissions. The EnMS will also promote energy management best practices and reinforce good energy management behaviors in addition to helping facilities to evaluate and prioritize the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies. One of the main emphases though is to facilitate energy management improvements in the context of GHG emission reduction projects.

Compared with ISO 14001, ISO 50001 will go into far greater depth with respect to certain requirements, for example:
Energy Aspect Reviews – Past and present consumption / estimated expected consumption / identification of persons;
Awareness, training and competence – Training requirements for all levels of management;
Monitoring and measurement – Energy metering plan / relationships between consumption and energy factors; and
Operational control – Energy considerations in purchasing / design / change or restoration.
As the Standard is not yet finalized it needs to be seen how this type of EnMS will provide a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain, which is one of the stated objectives. This includes ongoing discussions in ISO/PC 242 regarding the level of emphasis on energy supply management in contrast with the adopted requirements relating to managing energy demand.

The expectation is that the new Standard will make a difference. Especially small and mid-size organizations that do not already have an existing environmental management system should profit from the new standard. For many smaller organizations, ISO 14001 was too demanding. ISO 50001 will “lighten” certain requirements, like the number of required documented procedures, to become more attractive to a wider audience. This should also help widen recognition for emissions reductions, despite organizational size.

Companies should not wait for ISO 50001 to become finalized; emissions reductions are too important. In the meantime, take a peak at already existing EnMS standards, like ANSI/MSE 2000:2008 or the European EN 16001:2009. ISO/PC 242 was using both as inputs into the development of ISO 50001. The US based ANSI standard represents a standardized approach to manage energy supply, demand, reliability, purchase, storage, use, and disposal (applies to both primary and secondary energy sources). Already in July 2009, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has published an European Energy Management System Standard under EN 16001:2009 Energy Management Systems with a high compatibility to the European Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

We welcome your comments on this article. Please send them to or contact the author directly at

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