Friday, February 5, 2010

Companies gearing up for ISO26000

Filed under: Asia Standards — Richard Welford @ 16:23 pm
It is very interesting that we are seeing a sudden surge of interest in ISO26000. We are running one of our ISO 26000 trainings in Singapore on Monday and we have a full house. There is interest from business and from business associations. A recent story from Korea has the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) saying that companies had better get prepared for the new standard. ISO 26000 provides a blueprint for socially responsible business practices and Korean companies are being told to get ready. The KCCI sent surveys to companies at the end of 2009 and found only a small number of companies getting prepared. However, it argues that although ISO26000 may only be a mere guideline, it has the potential influence the way local companies export. ISO26000 will be the most comprehensive CSR standard once it is published and we at CSR Asia are already helping companies get prepared for something that is going to set the CSR agenda for the next ten years. You can see the full story from Korea here.


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