Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Reimbursement scheme of APEDA

APEDA- Stands for the Agricultural and processed Food Products Export Development Authority. APEDA is an autonomous organization attached to the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India. The main function of APEDA is to build links between Indian producers and the global markets. APEDA undertakes the briefing of potential sources on government policy and producers. Along with providing referred services and suggesting suitable partners for joint ventures. APEDA is also involved in arranging buyer-seller meets.

APEDA provides Assistance to exporters & producers for installing quality management, quality assurance and quality control system such as ISO series, HACCP, TQM etc.
including consultancy, quality improvement and certification for these upto 50% of the cost subject to a ceiling ofRs.2lakhs per beneficiary for each system

Council Directive 79/l12/EEC of 18.12.1978 1. Labelling & Advertising of Food Stuffs for Sale to Consu.:ner

Directive 89/397/EEC of 14.06.1989 2 Official Control of foodstuffs

Directive 93/99/EEC Supplement to Directive 89/397/EEC The Directive lays down that competent authorities shall have sufficient and suitably qualified and 3 experienced staff in chemistry, food chemistry, veterinary medicine, medicine, food microbiology, food hygiene, food technology, and law etc

Directive 97/C 389/02 EC No. 46/97.... 27.10.1997 and Directive 97/C 389/03 ECNo,47/97-,-,-,27.10.1997 4 Regarding Irradiation Of Foodstuffs

Directive 98/l/EC & 98/2/EC of8.01.98 5. Plant Protection against certain harmful organisms.

Directive 98/8/EC of 16.2.1998 6 Approval of Biocidal products





OS & H Management.
al measures for OS & H.

: requirements.
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.investigation and implemention of recommendations.
~- hazard identification.

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disease including periodical medical examination.

and fighting systems.
p ocedure.
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iaterial Safety Data Sheets).


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