Friday, February 12, 2010

Climate change issues

Going Green Tips Blog
Going Greener To Save Money
Challenges Of Climate Change And Bio-Energy
January 11th, 2010

"Our generation has inherited an incredibly lovely world from our oldsters and they from their parents. It is in our hands whether our youngsters and their children inherit the identical world" - Richard Branson.

Scientific and technological advancements have revolutionized the whole human civilization in a truest sense. It has brought us to a degree where we tend to will assume that everything we tend to imagine and conceive is practically achievable. Today, when our lives are surrounded by therefore a lot of of digitalization and hi-tech machinery, when the rapidness of development and research is thus impressive, it's fairly simple to forget the inescapable reality that we are damaging our mother world at an unprecedented pace.

So often in course to satisfy our hunger of achieving economic supremacy and industrial feasibility, we have a tendency to fail to appreciate that we are literally deteriorating our natural resources. We, along with all our advancements are disturbing the ecological and environmental balance at such a frantic pace that the complete human history has never witnessed before. And while doing this, we tend to have provoked the nature's want for revenge.

We have created ourselves additional susceptible to stern temperatures, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, droughts, excessive rainfall, and currently it's a critical time to understand that if we tend to continue to exploit nature and affect climatic balance and do nothing to alleviate this issue, we tend to are bound to face devastating consequences.

Climate changes create clear, catastrophic threats. We have a tendency to might not agree on the extent, but we tend to actually cannot afford the danger of inaction. To raised perceive the problem, we have a tendency to should first study what are climate changes and that factors are responsible for them.

The term climate amendment is typically used interchangeably with the term world warming, but in step with the National Academy of Sciences, "The phrase 'climate change' is growing in most popular use to 'world warming' as a result of it helps convey that there are [alternative] changes additionally to rising temperatures."

Climate change refers to any vital change in measures of climate (like temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended period (decades or longer). International warming is a median increase in the temperature of the atmosphere close to the Earth's surface and within the troposphere, which can contribute to changes in world climate patterns.

Earth maintains its average temperature by a natural and self-automated warming system of gases that surround it. Carbon dioxide and alternative gases like methane, Nitrogen dioxide and Chloro Flouro Carbon (CFC) keep the world heat by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This trapped heat is crucial in keeping earth's temperature at intervals a vary where it is habitable.

However, the uncontrollable increase in the emission of Carbon dioxide and alternative warming gases over the decades has thickened these atmospheric boundaries that are now retaining a lot of a lot of heat than the acceptable range. Any, the rise of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere has also enhanced the "Greenhouse Impact" in which a lot of heat is generated. This excessive amount of heat has disarrayed earth's natural thermo-equilibrium resulting in the form of world warming with all its associated climatic effects.

The history of the planet has been characterised by frequent changes in climate. Apparently, climate amendment may be a natural phenomena occurring since many thousand years. Environmental scientists insist that earth's temperature has invariably been on a gradual rise with no or terribly limited impact on the atmosphere on whole. This gradual trend spanning over a period of 650,000 years shows a gradual rise that scientists initially regarded as a "slow motion catastrophe" a unexpected to indicate its earliest consequences generations later.

Needless to say, time has proved this estimations erroneous since signs of the climatic changes thanks to increased earth temperature have accelerated alarmingly in last 2 centuries. The graphical relation between time and earth's temperature proves a dramatic and unparalleled shift in the trend with temperatures increasing several times faster than ever within the recorded history. Based on information from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Modification, it's estimated that the mean international surface temperature has increased by about 0.three to 0.half dozen degree Celsius since the late nineteenth century to the present, and a rise of 0.2 to 0.three degree over the past forty years. This increase is possible to own been the largest of any century during the past one,000 years. This rate of increase of greenhouse gases is unprecedented during at least the past 20,000 years. And with the help climatic models based on mathematical simulations, it is predicted that by the year 2050, global temperature would be rose around five degrees Celsius with some severe and unavoidable impacts.

There are a variety of natural factors accountable for climate change. Some of the prominent ones are continental drift, volcanoes, ocean currents, the earth's tilt, and comets and meteorites. But the Anthropogenic Factors are the important culprits which have induced such an uncontrollable emission of carbon dioxide and different gases and therefore elevated average temperatures. Anthropogenic factors are human activities that modification the surroundings and influence climate. In some cases, but, the chain of causality is clear and unambiguous whereas in others it's less clear. Varied assumptions for human-influenced climate change are debated over the years but it's solely now widely accepted while not any doubt that the most important reason behind climate change are the human activities. Even people who up to a few years ago were not convinced that humans have an effect on the climate, currently admit that scientific evidence exists that this can be happening.

The Industrial Revolution, beginning at the top of the nineteenth Century, has had a huge impact on climate. The invention of the motor engine and the increased burning of fossil fuels in form of coal, oil and natural gas have increased the amount of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere. Since then, the human consumption of fossil fuels has elevated CO2 levels from a level of ~280 ppm to ~387 ppm today. These increasing concentrations are projected to reach a range of 535 to 983 ppm by the end of the 21st century. It's now known that carbon dioxide levels are substantially higher currently than at any time within the last 750,000 years. With the prevailing concept of world economy and therefore the accelerated industrialization of developing countries like India and China, seventy million loads of CO2 is dumped into atmosphere everyday.

In addition of CO2, Methane is another important greenhouse gas within the atmosphere. Concerning ¼ of all methane emissions are said to come back from domesticated animals like dairy cows, goats, pigs, buffaloes, camels, horses, and sheep. These animals turn out methane throughout the cud-chewing process. Methane is also released from rice or paddy fields that are flooded during the sowing and maturing periods. When soil is covered with water it becomes anaerobic or lacking in oxygen. Underneath such conditions, methane-manufacturing bacteria and other organisms decompose organic matter in the soil to make methane. Nearly ninety% of the paddy-growing space in the planet is found in Asia, as rice is the staple food there. China and India, between them, have eighty-90% of the world's rice-growing areas.

Methane is additionally emitted from landfills and different waste dumps. If the waste is put into an incineratorchanges triggered by such gases are anticipated to cause an increase of 1.4-5.six °C between 1990 and 2100. The cement producing industry in explicit, contributes CO2 when calcium carbonate is heated, manufacturing lime and carbon dioxide, and conjointly as a results of burning fossil fuels. The cement industry produces five% of world man-made CO2 emissions, of which fifty% is from the chemical method, and forty% from burning fuel.

The amount of CO2 emitted by the cement trade is nearly 900 kg of CO2 for every one thousand kg of cement produced. [out] or burnt in the open, carbon dioxide is emitted. Methane is additionally emitted during the method of oil drilling, coal mining and additionally from leaking gas pipelines (due to accidents and poor maintenance of websites). A giant amount of nitrous oxide emission has been attributed to fertilizer application. Another gas, nitrous oxide, emitted in a very terribly giant from fertilizers will cause serious damages.

These climate
One in all the other major factors of climate change is Increased Land Use. Agriculture practices, irrigation and deforestation are fundamentally changing the environment. Because of increased urbanization and industrial growth, forests are being prevent which act as
"Carbon sinks". So,that the extra carbon dioxide made can't be changed into oxygen. A 2007 Jet Propulsion Laboratory study found that the average temperature of California has risen regarding a pair of degrees over the past fifty years, with a abundant higher increase in urban areas. The amendment was attributed mostly to extensive human development of the landscape.

Accepting the factors that are causing it, an awesome majority of scientists today agree that climate change is real and poses very serious world threats. These climate changes have already shown some surprising and horrific signs around the world. They are by now affecting lives of various individuals throughout the globe and are expected to induce way a lot of ruthless in future.

In explicit, several developing countries though they need contributed to the least in the method of climate change can be the ones at the greatest risks to face the consequences. As it absolutely was mentioned at the annual meeting of the Interagency Support Cluster on Indigenous Problems (IASG) in Montreal in September 2007, "that indigenous folks are usually among the planet's most marginalized and impoverished peoples and can bear the brunt of the catastrophe of climate change and as such give a personality's face to the climate amendment crises".

In Asia, temperatures are expected to rise 2-eight degrees Celsius in next eight-ten years affecting the lives of the inhabitants with climatic variations like decreased rainfall, crop failures and additional floods. Tropical forests, which are haven for biodiversity, as well as native people's cultural diversity, are underneath serious danger of forest fires.

People in low-lying areas of Bangladesh and India like Calcutta, might be displaced by a one-meter rise in sea levels. Such an increase may also threaten the coastal zones of Japan and China. This could mean massive dislocation of not simply lots and thousands however more than 100 million folks from Asia alone.

The recent examples of significant rains in components on India particularly Mumbai is inherently connected with speedy climate change. Within the Himalayans, there are glacial melts that have an effect on tons of countless rural dwellers who rely on the seasonal flow of water. Increased temperature will soften ice faster following a lot of water within the short term, however less in the long term as glaciers and snow cover shrink.

The warming of the high altitude regions are doubtless to mean that population growth, settlement growth and encroachment are seemingly to become a significant management challenge and these external influences are probably to possess a bearing on indigenous peoples and their lands. In Southern Africa, climate amendment can have an effect on tons of kilometers of land which is covered with vegetation and is employed for grazing. Since high temperatures can increase wind speed multiple times, these high speed winds will result in region losing most of its vegetation cowl and hence, changing into less possible for indigenous peoples living within the region. Moreover, droughts will be additional common with food security as a serious issue for indigenous peoples residing in the deserts like Kalahari and Sahara.

In Europe and components of Russia, indigenous peoples have noticed the arrival of new species of plants which were never seen in the region previously. The warmer summers have provided the conditions for the new plants to thrive in rivers and lakes. This had disturbed the natural habitat of fishes; hence, folks's fishing opportunities have declined because of closure of lakes as a result of of the new plant growth. Also, new bird species have arrived and birds currently stay longer within the villages than previously.

In North America, heat waves can increase evaporation and deplete the underground water resources. There may be impacts on health, plant cowl, wildlife populations, tribal water rights and individual agricultural operations, and a discount of tribal services thanks to decrease in income from land leases. More, natural disasters like hurricanes, floods in likes of Katrina that caused lives of around 1,836 people and value damages of $89.half-dozen billion, can be a lot of common.

The Polar Regions that is the Artic and Greenland is experiencing some the foremost speedy and severe climate changes on earth. With rise in the temperature, the Artic ice is becoming less stable, uncommon weather patterns are occurring, vegetation cover is changing and particular animals like polar bears and seals are on a verge of extinction. Local landscapes, seascapes and icescapes are changing into unfamiliar, making peoples feel like strangers in their own land. Additionally to this, weather within the Artic can become unpredictable and extreme with timing, length and character of the seasons as well as rain in autumn and winter and a lot of heat in summer. In many indigenous villages in Alaska, entire communities will must be relocated as a result of of erosion because of the thawing of permafrost and massive waves slamming against the west and northern shores.

Coastal indigenous communities will be severely threatened by storm connected erosion because of melting ocean ice. Scientists have predicted that if solely the half of ice in Artic and Greenland soften, the ocean level around the globe will rise up to 40 feet surging over huge land some that is the home of billions of mortals and other living creatures.

Regardless of how discouraging the long run looks right now, all isn't gloom and doom. Al Gore, the Nobel Prize winner for his efforts for the reason for climate change, said in his speech at National Sierra Club Convention, on Sept. nine, 2005 "The good news is we know what to do. The great news is we have a tendency to have everything we tend to would like now to reply to the challenge of global warming. We tend to have all the technologies we need, a lot of are being developed, and as they become obtainable and become more affordable when created in scale, they will build it easier to respond. But we should not wait, we have a tendency to cannot wait, we should not wait."

Since the appearance of initial few challenges of the climate change, countries all around the globe have set to initiate programs as one international community to combat this quick approaching menace. The Initial World Climate Conference recognized climate amendment as a serious problem in 1979. Since then, a range of conferences and conventions are held throughout the planet with formation of many international bodies and treaties.

In 1988, a body of a lot of than 2,500 of the globe's leading climate scientists, economists, and risk analysis specialists from 80 countries was fashioned as The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This Panel was given a mandate to assess the state of existing knowledge regarding the climate system and climate modification; the environmental, economic, and social impacts of climate modification; and the possible response strategies. The reports which this body released had a strong impact on each policy-manufacturers and the overall public and provided the premise for negotiations on the Climate Modification Convention. In 1992, The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) was signed at Rio de Janeiro by 154 states, as well as the US. This summit became the largest-ever gathering of Heads of State.

In December 1997, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Modification adopted a code of behavior by consensus which contains new emissions targets for developed countries for the post-2000 period. This international treaty is called as "The Kyoto Protocol" or "The Kyoto Treaty".

Since developed countries of the globe are responsible for 83.7% of the whole emissions, the protocol asked the developed countries to commit themselves in reducing their collective emissions of six key greenhouse gases by a minimum of five%. Though an vital milestone, the Kyoto agreement has not extremely been such effective since it aims to cut down the longer term carbon emissions but will not propose any solutions to nullify the affects of the carbon that has already been emitted into the atmosphere. Different international initiatives like UNESCO's Programme on Man and therefore the Biosphere (MAB), Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), WHO Program for Climate and several others are operating to tackle the issue of climate change.

The goal of all these organizations and conventions is to cut down or a minimum of minimize all those factors accountable for climate change. Resolute, urgent and collective efforts are required on state, communal and individual levels to deal with the issue. One among the most effective ways to try to to so is to Increase the Awareness and Usage of the Bio-Energy. Bio-Energy is the energy made obtainable from materials derived from the biological sources. It's actually the energy produced from the bio-mass. Biomass is the material derived from living organisms, that includes plants, animals and their byproducts like wood. Manure, garden waste and crop residues are all sources of biomass. It is a renewable energy supply based mostly on the carbon cycle, in contrast to alternative natural resources like petroleum, coal, and nuclear fuels. As Henry Ford said in early twentieth century "The fuel of the longer term goes to return from fruit ... weeds, sawdust-nearly anything..."

Burning biomass efficiently ends up in little or no web emission of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, since the bio-energy crop plants actually took up an equal amount of carbon dioxide from the air when they grew. But, burning standard fossil fuels like gasoline, oil, coal or natural gas leads to a rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the major gas which is thought to be responsible for world climate change. Some nitrogen oxides inevitably result from biomass burning (like all combustion processes) but these are like emissions from natural wildfires, and typically below those from burning fossil fuels.

Different gas emissions are related to the utilization of fossil fuels by farm equipment, and with the applying of inorganic fertilizers to the bio-energy crop. However, these might be offset by the increase in carbon storage in soil organic matter compared with conventional crops. Utilization of biomass residues which would have otherwise been dumped in landfills (e.g. urban and industrial residues) greatly reduces greenhouse gas emissions by preventing the formation of methane.

In addition, bio-energy can effectively be employed in almost each industrial, manufacturing and residential application throughout the globe. Wood, construction waste, landfill gas, and liquid bio-fuels like bio-diesel and bio-oil can be used to provide energy which will develop into electricity and heat. Liquid bio-fuels like ethanol, bio-diesel, and bio-oil can be used to power cars and other transportation. Being the fourth largest resource of energy once coal, oil and natural gas, the energy created from the bio-mass will fulfill up to fourteen% of the world's total primary energy demands and recent statistics show that solely 10-15% of the entire potential bio-energy sources have been used thus far by the human population worldwide.

Together with its remarkable and efficient outcomes in decreasing the planet's carbon emission and fulfilling a considerable portion of the worldwide demand for energy, Bio-Energy from the bio-mass conjointly has many major socio-economical benefits. These advantages include increased rural income and reduced levels of poverty in developing countries, restoration of unproductive and degraded lands and promotion of economic development, variations of agricultural outputs, reduction of energy dependence and diversification of domestic energy offer, increased investments in land rehabilitation and effective usage of waste products. A recent economic survey found out that bio-energy creates additional permanent jobs than any other energy sources with decrease in unemployment and increase in per capita income that contributes to a a lot of healthy life style. It can additionally be instrumental in reducing food prices and ensuring food security throughout the world.

Keep an eye over the huge opportunities the usage of bio-energy can offer, every possible step should be taken by the United Nations and also the state governments all over the world to replace fossil fuels with bio-fuels. Since it's practically unrealistic to utterly replace fossil fuels, intense attempt ought to be made to utilize as a lot of of the natural energy resources as it is possible. On individual level too, we have a tendency to ought to adapt to those climatic changes and amendment our live designs so as to bring the whole carbon emission underneath control. Driving less, driving a fuel-efficient car, preferring gas over oil, saving electricity, using lesser papers and planting more trees will be a number of the little decisions each human will makes to save the earth from speedy destructions of the climate change. It is not solely an environmental issue. It is inherently linked with our lives on political, social, economical, ethical and additional than anything else, on ethical grounds. We do not lack in resources and capabilities however it is a high time that we confront the challenges of the climate change with utmost determination and a collective strategy.

As According to this year's UNDP Report on Human Development "There's a window of opportunity of avoiding the most damaging climate change impacts, but that window is closing: the world has but a decade to alter course. Actions taken or not taken within the years ahead can have a profound pertaining to the long run course of human development. The world lacks neither the money resources nor the technological capabilities to act. What's missing could be a sense of urgency, collective interest and higher than all human solidarity".

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Energy Management
Climate change
Global warming

Carbon footprint


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