Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MINE SAFETY :Coal India Ltd has always given the highest priority towards “Safety”. In CIL, safety is considered as a part of its core production process and is embodied in the mission statement. CIL has also framed a distinct and definite Safety Policy and formed multidisciplinary Internal Safety Organization (ISO) in every subsidiary company and also at CIL (HQ).Over the years the safety performance in CIL has been significantly improved. This improvement documented statistically in several independent sources and attributed to the following reasons:
Commitment by the management, workers and regulators
Well thought out and conscientious safety awareness drives,
Advanced and continuous training of the workforce
Technological advances in the field of mining methods and better equipment design;
Strong oversight and required assistance from the Ministry of Coal.OBJECTIVE OF CIL SAFETY :To achieve “Zero Harm Potential” in all mines.SAFETY POLICY OF COAL INDIA LIMITED :Safety is given prime importance in the operations of CIL as embodied in the mission of Coal India Ltd. CIL has formulated a Safety Policy for ensuring safety in mines and implementation of which is closely monitored at several levels.
Operations and systems will be planned and designed to eliminate or materially reduce mining hazards;
Implement Statutory Rules and Regulations and strenuous efforts made for achieving superior standards of safety;
To bring about improvement in working conditions by suitable changes in technology;
Provide material and monetary resources needed for the smooth and efficient execution of Safety Plans;
Deploy safety personnel wholly for accidents for accident prevention work;
Organize appropriate forums with employees’ representatives for Joint consultations on safety matters and secure their motivation and commitment in Safety Management;
Prepare annual Safety Plan and long term Safety Plan at beginning of every calendar year, unit-wise and for the company, to effect improved safety in operations as per respective geo-mining needs to prepare the units for onset of monsoon, to fulfill implementation of decisions by Committee on Safety in Mines and Safety Conferences and to take measures for overcoming accident proneness as may be reflected through study of accident analysis, keeping priority in sensitive areas of roof-falls, haulage, explosives, machinery etc.
Set up a frame work for execution of the Safety Policy and Plans through the General Managers of Areas, Agents, Managers and other safety personnel of the units;
Multi-level monitoring of the implementation of the Safety Plans through Internal Safety Organization at the company headquarters and Area Safety Officers at area level;
All senior executives at all levels of management, will continue to inculcate a safety consciousness and develop involvement in practicing safety towards accident prevention in their functioning;
Institute continuous education, training and retraining all employees with the accent placed on development of safety oriented skills;
Continue efforts to better the living conditions and help of all the employees both in and outside the mines.FUNCTIONS OF INTERNAL SAFETY ORGANIZATION (ISO) :The head of the internal safety organization (ISO) of the subsidiary companies will report to CMD or one of the Technical Directors. ISO will function in two-tiers viz. Company and Area levels.
The Internal Safety Organization at Subsidiary company level will be multi-disciplinary in nature.
The ISO will be responsible for scrutinizing plans and schemes of every mine at least once a year with due emphasis to identify potentially dangerous situations which may lead to dangerous occurrences like inundation, fires etc.Remedial action as suggested by the ISO will be implemented by the field executives according to their charge expeditiously and diligently. The ISO will maintain the necessary records.
(a) Each mine shall be subjected to at least one inspection every three months independently by an officer of ISO and the Workman’s Inspector shall accompany him during such inspections. Such mine inspections shall cover each working district/ district under preparation/ reopening and selected old workings as well as likely sources of danger from surface; inundation, subsidence, fires etc. During such inspections if immediate danger is apprehended, the officer of ISO shall forthwith bring such situation to the notice of Project Officer and the concerned General Manager for deciding the remedial action to be taken. A report of this should be made personally to General Manager (Safety) and the concerned Director (Tech), indicating remedial action to be taken.(b) In case the officer of ISO finds the action taken by the Colliery Management in advance or assesses the situation to be grave he must report to the Area General Manager and General Manager (Safety) for taking necessary steps. Area General Manager and executives working under him will arrange for the removal of the dangerous condition and report the same to the Director (Tech) failing which the latter may stop the district.
Safety performance consisting of fatal and serious accidents shall be included as an Item in the confidential report for performance appraisal. The mine conditions, circumstances and cause of accidents shall be given due consideration while making the appraisal.
The ISO at the company and area levels shall be provided separate vehicles for performing their duty efficiently.
The ISO at the subsidiary company level and area levels shall maintain a list of mining districts or parts of mine together with the concerned details, which are prone to major accidents or disasters to ensure adequate coverage and follow up/monitoring of the implementation of the counter measures.
(a) The CMD of the subsidiary company will review the performance of the ISO once every quarter.(b) The Director (Tech) should hold at least one meeting a month with the ISO and the GM of areas to assess the Safety Performance.(c) The Area Safety Officer will hold meeting with the Managers of the collieries at least once a month reviewing the safety performance of individual collieries.
All applications for permission for opening/reopening of a district should be independently checked by the ISO.The functions of the ISO shall be both audit and advisory. For this, the ISO will have to be provided with adequate staff and infra-structural facility with a view to fulfil its role and functions. The ISO at the Area level should actively associate with formulation of Annual Action Plan with a view to ensure adequate provision of materials having bearing on the safety aspects of the operations.SAFETY MONITORING MECHANISM AT DIFFERENT LEVELS IN CIL :Under the Constitution of India, safety, welfare, and health of workers employed in mines are the concern of the Central Government (Entry 55-Union List-Article 246). The objective is governed by the Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules and Regulations framed thereunder. These are administered by the Directorate-General of Mines Safety (DGMS), under the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment. Apart from administering the Mines Act and the subordinate legislation thereunder, DGMS also administers a few other allied legislation, including the Indian Electricity Act.Apart from the above mentioned statutory monitoring by DGMS, there are several others for monitoring safety; these are as follows:
At Mine level
1. Workman inspectors : as per Mines Rule-1955 2. Pit Safety Committee: constituted as per Mines Rule-1955
At Area level
1. Bipartite/Tripartite Committee Meeting 2. Safety Officers’ Coordination Meeting
At Subsidiary HQ level
1. Bipartite/Tripartite Committee Meeting2. Area Safety Officers’ Coordination Meeting3. Inspections by ISO Officials
At CIL HQ Level
1. CIL Safety Board2. Director(Tech)’s Coordination Meeting3. National Dust Prevention Committee Meeting4. Inspections.
At Ministerial Level
1. Standing Committee on Safety in Coal Mines2. National Conference on Safety in mines3. Various Parliamentary Standing CommitteesSAFETY MEASURES / INITIATIVES UNDERTAKEN IN CIL :Apart from complying the statutory provisions as laid down in the Mines Act, 1952 and the regulations, rule and byelaws framed there under, CIL has been taken several measures to improve standard of safety in its mines.Given below are a snapshot / overview of CIL efforts in this regard.
CIL has established a structured multi-disciplinary Internal Safety Organization (ISO) to assist the line management at various levels in matters related to Safety.
Risk Assessment & Safety Management Plan : Risk Assessment has been completed in 430 mines and potential dangers associated in mining activities due to existing geo-mining conditions of the mine, method of mining being adopted for extraction of coal and from machineries being engaged for operations have been identified. Time-bound action programmes to eliminate or to reduce or to avoid the identified risks for each mine has been chalked out along with review mechanism. It is an on-going cyclical process.
Safety Audit of the mines are being conducted in more meaningful way in two phases: -
1st Phase : Deficiencies (i.e. unsafe conditions and unsafe acts) are being identified and remedial measures suggested or recommended.
2nd Phase : Review the status of implementation of the recommendations / suggestions of 1st phase are being done in 2nd phase and thereafter and final report is submitted.
Steps for Disaster Prevention :
Inundation : Thrust on Safety Audit, Check Survey, Trials of Geo-physical Methods for detection of water bodies / proving parting etc.
Fire in mines : Panel system working (so that in case of fire that can be isolated immediately), strengthening of isolation stoppings and use of fire retardant sealant etc.
Explosion : Early Gas detection through various modern gadgets (both sensors & catalytic base), Continuous type computer based on-line Gas monitoring for highly gassy and fiery mines and erection of explosion proof stoppings.
Emergency Action plan has been prepared and mock rehearsals are being carried out regularly.
For reduction of Roof/Side falls accident : Roof / Side fall accident is one of the major causes of fatal accident in underground mines. CIL has given priority for ensuring roof support management through
Stress on face mechanization to reduce exposure of workmen in active working zone.
Support Plan based on Rock-mass-rating (RMR) of over-lying roof strata.
Greater use of Roof Bolting/ Stitching methods of roof support.
Introduction of mechanized drilling by advanced roof bolting machines.
Introduction of resin capsules.
Emphasis on development of indicators for detecting impending load on roof through R&D.
For reduction of accident at Opencast as well as on Surface of Mines : The following measures are being taken for reduction of fatalities in Opencast Mines & on Surface :
Mine-specific Traffic Rule.
Code of Practices for HEMM operators, Maintenance staffs & others.
Standard of Procedure related to safe operation of various mining operation.
Risk Assessment & Management
Training of Contractor’s Workers involved in transportingFURTHER AREA IDENTIFIED FOR IMPROVING SAFETY IN CIL’s MINES IN XIth


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