Wednesday, November 18, 2009

learn self certification for CE Marking

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The Six Boxes

Smart Beginners CE Self-Certification Course

Save Time and Money By Cutting The 3rd Party From CE Certification
"Are you looking for an alternative for the high costs of certification bodies? Would you like to do CE marking yourself, but are you frustrated by the lack of transparency of the CE marking requirements? Continue reading, and discover how you can cut up to 80% of the costs of CE marking with my Smart Beginners CE Self-Certification Course.”
Han Zuyderwijk

Yes YOU can!



Save Money and Time

Support Included

Peace of Mind

Is the biggest CE certification myth costing you money?

Let me unravel the biggest CE Certification Myth for you. This myth caused a lot of companies to waste a lot of money.

Myth: "To get CE marking, products must be tested and certified by a third party certification body."

Huh? What does that mean, “myth”? Does it mean that in CE certification no third party certification body must be involved?
I realize that this may astonish you, but unlike other product certifications (like UL, CSA) for many products the CE marking does not require a third party certification body to be involved.

In almost 90% of the cases, the CE marking regulations allow products to be self-certified for CE marking

In other words, you can do the CE marking conformity assessments yourself. In these economically challenging times everybody is interested in reducing costs and saving money. Obviously, doing CE marking self-certification and cutting out the certification body is a great way to reduce costs.

But ... you miss the expertise of a certification body

Doesn't certification require a special education or many years of experience? No, you do not need a special education to do CE certification. And don't forget you and your colleagues have a lot of expertise about your company's products. More than any third party certification body. And with the right tools, the CE marking assessment is not complicated. Let me show you how that works.

First, let's look at what the task of a certification body is. A certification body verifies the compliance of a product by conducting a conformity assessment. It also ensures that the technical documentation sufficiently supports product compliance. And when the certification body is convinced of product compliance, it issues a certificate to confirm this.

In order to be able to give this confirmation, the certification body's assessors not only need to know the product requirements, but they also need to have a thorough understanding how the requirements apply to a great variety of products. Actually, the biggest challenge for a certification body is related to getting and maintaining its expertise for many different products.

With self-certification you don't have that problem

You only have to focus on your products. And while a certification body needs a lot of effort understanding your product, you already have that expertise. For that reason you can focus on understanding the requirements that apply to your products, and how you must perform the conformity assessment to ensure product compliance. In other words, you can concentrate on understanding what you need to get CE marking with self-certification.

What do you need to get CE marking with self-certification?

I've identified THE FIVE KEY INGREDIENTS that are essential for success in CE self-certification, but are missing from every CE marking course, books and websites I've checked out.
Very simply, the reason many people don't succeed in CE marking is because they're missing one or more of these key ingredients:

KEY INGREDIENT # 1: Understanding what the CE marking is really all about.
This is where at least 90% of the people who fail in CE marking miss the boat. They spend thousands of dollars and burn countless hours going down dead end streets and blind alleys because they're missing this information. As far as I know, there is no other place to go to get all the content I share in this course.

KEY INGREDIENT # 2: Knowing how to find and pick the right directives and standards.
This is the single most important step in CE certification. Get it wrong and your products may be banned from the European market. And all your effort would be in vain. That is why in my course I will personally help you to determine the applicable directives and standards.

KEY INGREDIENT # 3: Following a path with comprehensive steps that gets you started and leads you to your destination.
This single ingredient is probably worth ten times the price of the entire course. The CE marking rules and procedures can be very complex. That's why I offer information in concise, easy to digest portions ('boxes').

KEY INGREDIENT # 4: Getting set up with the right tools
Over half the questions I get from companies have to do with tools, which ones to use and how to use them. The 'Six Boxes' course will get you started on theright foot and put the right tools in your hands.

KEY INGREDIENT # 5: Getting access to support
With comprehensive instructions and good tools you can achieve your goals. But there will be times when you'll want to touch base with an expert who will coach you and support you. In my course that's included.

Discover how to cut the 3rd party from CE certification with Six Boxes

The Six Boxes, Smart Beginners CE Self-Certification Course takes you by the hand and accomplishes all this with you in six concise, fact-filled and no-nonsense lessons.
That's right, it takes only six lessons to completely transform yourself from a total CE marking 'newbie' to a Smart Beginner who is ready and 100% equipped to start getting results with CE marking. (In fact, you can start getting results with the very first session.)

You can continue to burn hours searching on the Internet, only to find information that is fluffy, incomplete and totally scattered. You can choose to trust that the costly services proposed by third party test laboratories and certification bodies are really in your company's best interest.
But, if you want to take control over your CE marking projects...if you want to start with CE marking today...if you want to complete the process in as early as one week...and if you want to save a substantial amount of money in the process,
The Six Boxes - Smart Beginners CE Self-Certification Course is your best option.
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"I need a quick and efficient way to be able to issue CE conformance certificates to my customers, while being confident that we have done the process correctly and in the approved format. What your system will do for us is allow us to get to the end result in a much more focussed way and time scale than by researching it ourselves. Why re-invent the wheel when someone has done it already? Also, we have a number of products that need CE marking either now or in the near future, so building up the expertise in house is much more valuable than outsourcing it each time." Rick Booth, DMS, UK

So, what's with the Six Boxes?

Actually, I will not send you six card board boxes. Each 'box' represents a package loaded with concise information and tools that allows you to complete one aspect of CE marking and that will take you to the next step. This step-by-step approach prevents you from being overwhelmed and paralyzed by the amount of information.
I collected all my notes and used what I learned over the last 15 years when helping companies to get the CE marking. I structured all that information into comprehensive lessons and information packages. And when I was done I counted six 'boxes'.

What’s inside the boxes?

My 'boxes' look quite ordinary from the outside, don't they? But don't be mislead by their appearance. Each of the six boxes contains a true wealth of powerful resources:
  • training,
  • guides,
  • checklists,
  • templates,
  • texts of the directives,
  • coaching and support

Benefits of the course:

  • Get access to the European market
  • Reduce time-to-market
  • Avoid CE certification budget waste
  • End your dependency of consultants and test and certification bodies
  • Increase CE approval success rate
  • Build in-company expertise and reuse that expertise in future projects
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Have fun learning something new

What you will discover:

This is what you'll learn in the course:
  • What CE marking is and what consultants and 3rd parties are not telling you
  • Which directives and standards apply to your product and how to determine it
  • What product requirements you'll have to fulfill
  • How to classify your product and what the appropriate certification procedures entail
  • How you can conduct the conformity assessments efficiently and cost-effectively
  • How you can compile the Technical File in a format the authorities like to see
  • How to keep the Technical File up to date
  • How to draw up and issue the Declaration of Conformity and who should sign it
  • What an authorized representative is and what he/she can do for you
  • How you can check if your suppliers' certificate are fake or real
  • How to select a test laboratory or certification body in case you really need them
  • What information needs to be displayed at the product label
  • What is required regarding the users manual
  • How vendors and distributors can help you to reduce the costs of CE certification and to speed up the process
  • How the authorities check compliance and what they are looking for


  • Live on-line training
  • Videos tutorials and training
  • Audio presentations that you can download to your MP3-player
  • Texts of directives
  • Guides and guidance documents
  • Editable templates
  • Checklists
  • Group and personal consulting sessions


The Six Boxes Course comes with the following bonuses:
  • Consulting coupons
  • Get access to the texts of the European directives and official guidance documents
  • Download our famous 40 + editable checklists and templates that make CE marking as easy as filling out forms
  • Audio and video tutorials
  • Unlimited use of the resources in the boxes
  • Get free participation in our tele-seminars or round tables (premium)
  • Get free reviews of compliance documents generated with the system (premium)
  • All materials delivered to you on a CD-Rom

Why our customers choose The Six Boxes Smart Beginners CE Self-Certification Course?

"At first I hesitated to do CE self-certification, because I wasn't sure I would be able to do it. Your course provided the templates and instructions to certify CE compliance. And with what I learned I was able to complete the CE marking within one week. The course was a good investment. Your support and customer service were excellent!" Tatiana Batache, SkateRunner, Belgium
"It's very easy and simple to get the CE Mark via using your system, especially for preparing the required documents."
Linda Kuo, GC Kean Synthetic Inc, Taiwan

More testimonials

Get started with CE marking self-certification

Sign up for The Six Boxes Smart Beginners CE Self-Certification Course and get started with CE marking today! Upon your registration, you'll receive the login account details for a closed server where you can already view and download the course material, so begin to benefit from CE self-certification right away.
Click the "Get Started" button below for course dates, pricing and options.
I look forward to working with you.
Han Zuyderwijk
Lear How To Cut the 3rd Party From CE Certification, Not the Credibility

PS. The 'accent' is Dutch. Yeah, I am a cheese head…
U.S.A. : Alura Group, 1903 60th Place E., Suite M6254 - Bradenton - Florida 34203 - United States - Tel. (941) 312-7780
Europe (Headquarters): CEMarking.Net/Alura Group, Anna Paulownastraat 32 - NL-2518 BE The Hague - Netherlands - Tel. +31 70 362 4896
Copyright © 2009 CEMarking.Net. All rights reserved.


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