Saturday, November 28, 2009

Climate change talks





ETHIC$: 'Your relation to your self in the act'
If developed countries want to start discussing developing country targets, they had better start behaving like they are serious about taking responsibility for their own emissions

In good hope
by Sunita Narain

Adaptation protocol
Is law the answer?

'You don't take friends to court'
Enele Sopoaga, Ambassadro of Tuvalu to the UN, speaks on the complex relationship between Tuvalu and Australia

UNFCCC: History of a non-issue

Savage harvest: why the US is not interested in climate change negotiations

Uncle Sam's cabin
How to ensure Pax Americana

After 2012
Diplomatic hell breaks loose

Bear with me
Russia's storm in a climate change teacup

Who owes whom?
by Andrew Simms

Southern leaders: no idea
When was the last time the South took a leadership position in climate talks?

I declare
by Sunita Narain

Carbon bazaar: where?where?
CDM market turns out to be a mirage

Please do, say scientists
The world should not only drastically cut down carbon emissions, but should do it with a greater sense of urgency

A jungle out there
by Moekti H Soejachmoen

An uphill guide to CDM

Hot pursuit - cold comfort
Developing countries, instead of using CDM to their advantage, have ended up depending on it

Two jeers for democracy
Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol is a 'dream'

Not so clean
by Lucia Schild Ortiz, Mark Lutes & Rubens Born

Odingo's report
Why CDM needs Africa

Heading nowhere
by Jyoti Parikh

Sink or Sting
CDM: bartering the future for peanuts?

Full circle
by Sunita Narain

Looks Black
India and the carbon sinks idea, placed in perspective

Some 'innovative' carbon sinks and their viabilities

Go by rule
Money for nothing? Credits for free?

Will the truth sink in?
How much do we actually know about carbon sinks and their rle in checking climate change?

N H RAVINDRANATH of the Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore and K P NYATI, head, Environment Management Division, CII

Stop press!
Sinks are a mistake

After Limbo
by Tom Athanasiou

Pop of the world
Who needs somebody else to decide what's fair and what's foul when you're the richest and most powerful nation in the world?

This Hobson can choose
by Sunita Narain

They aren't in.

what are the implications?

A brief history of bullying
A timeline

Going bilateral
Straying into dangerous territory
Reading between the lines of the the US agenda

Intense pretence

Our future is history
by Ross Gelbspan

What they're saying

Scene 8 Act Now!
As CoP-8 begins in India's capital, it is time to intervene and warn

Too important for just governments
by Sunita Narain

Or, how not to ruffle feathers

To what extent does T R Baalu's "informal paper" reflect India's official CoP-8 agenda?

Climate Change impacts India.
A horror story predicted

Climate Change - a timeline

A guide to Climate Change

What's hot at CoP-8

"The US always wins"
- Michael Zammit Cutajar, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

CoP-8 wishlist

Drawn into debate
The argument for per capita entitlements

State of Affairs


A forceful endorsement
n a move that is likely to clear the air on the intentions of key signatories, Japan and all the 15 member-states of the European Union (EU) have ratified the Kyoto Protocol.

Uncle Sam coming around?
It is for the first time that the Bush administration has linked an increase in global warming to human activities in the us.

Creative accounting

The US administration reneged on its earlier undertaking on the Kyoto Protocol, choosing instead to come up with its own climate change strategy: one that does not fool even the US' staunchest allies. By 2012, this strategy is likely to result in a 30 per cent increase, over the 1990 levels, in the emission of greenhouse gases
March 19th, 2002

Blowing hot, blowing swiftly

Global warming could result in sudden disastrous climate changes
January 22nd, 2002

Never to be renewed reality

The world’s highest energy consuming country, the us , has done little to promote renewable energy.
January 15th, 2002


All gas

Negotiations over the past four years have diluted the already weak Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997.
December 31st, 2001

Melting to extinction

Biodiversity in the UK threatened due to climate changes
December 31st, 2001

Modified by climate

Global warming has resulted in genetic alternations among living beings
December 15th, 2001

Green business

The EU proposes to start emissions trading in 2005
November 30th, 2001

Green future

The present phase of climate change talks ends with consensus on ways to implement the Kyoto Protocol
November 30th, 2001

China does more than the US

Even as China reduces carbon dioxide emissions by reducing coal use, US policy encourages the dirty fuel
November 7th, 2001

Solar power in Asia

The Philippines will get a solar power plant with the largest ever capacity in southeast Asia by 2002
November 7th, 2001

First casualty

Rising sea levels force Tuvaluans to find new homes
November 7th, 2001

Deal or No Deal

Governments are scheduled to meet in Marrakech later this month to further the Kyoto process, designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in industrialised countries. Will their efforts eventually control climate change?Experts from around the world assess the worth of the latest 'Bonn agreement', reached at the resumed session of the sixth conference of parties to the climate change convention (also called CoP-6 bis), in July 2001
October 16th, 2001

Deep Impact , shallow response

Climate change will trigger a series of ecological and economic fall-outs for India. Though details remain fuzzy largely due to the apathy of Indian policy makers and scientists.
October 16th, 2001

Earth Matters

Will the North decide the path of sustainable development for the rest of the world? Will the interests of the South be protected? As preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development get underway, many contentious issues boil over
October 16th, 2001

Rescued or Doomed

Nations adopt a diluted agreement on implementing the Kyoto Protocol that gives away too many concessions to polluting countries
August 31st, 2001

Compromise on climate

Nation manages to resuscitate the Kyoto Protocol by a watered-down agreement
August 10th, 2001

Pact Politics

High political drama marks climate negotiations as the European Union strives to enforce the Kyoto protocol without the US. The South could play a crucial role pushing for a fair treaty, but it simply continues to squabble over a few dollars!
August 10th, 2001

Fixing cheap carbon

Genetically improved plants in Vietnam to help Australia meet its Kyoto target as cheaply as possible
June 22nd, 2001

The logjam continues

George W. Bush gets a hostile reaction from the European Union on his stubborn stand regarding the Kyoto Protocol.
June 22nd, 2001

The theory sinks

Two new studies quash industrialised countries hopes of meeting most of their Kyoto commitments by using carbon sinks
June 15th, 2001

Carbon on sale

US organisations to begin trade in carbon dioxide emissions.
June 15th, 2001

Americans not very different from their president

The US citizens are more concerned with cost than action to arrest climate change.
April 23, 2001

The Compromise Proposal

Pronk offers a compromise plan that gives away too much on sinks.
April 23, 2001

Look who’s talking!

The president of the world’s most polluting country blames India for global warming
March 26, 2001

Battling climate change

Technologies exist to arrest global warming. But the political will to implement them is missing
March 26, 2001

The sinking debate

The climate change negotiations have come to a halt over the issue of sinks. Neelam Singh discusses the associated complications
February 28, 2001

Boiling point

Greenhouse gas emissions could raise global temperatures much more than previously forecast leading to drought and flooding as weather patterns shift and polar ice melts
February 28, 2001

Conditions to aid and trade

World Resources Institute, a Washington-based non-government organisation, objects to criticism that Northern groups are arm-twisting developing countries into reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Anju Sharma responds
February 15, 2001

Wait and watch

The US government is in transition. But why should the rest of the world suffer?
January 24, 2001

Nuclear madness

Back to Basics by Anil Agarwal

Even as the world abandons nuclear power, the Indian government and industry are pushing for it
January 24, 2001

Climate Logjam

After wrecking climate talks in The Hague, the US-led coalition refuses to participate in further negotiations in Oslo
January 5, 2001

Response: Equity is the only way

Some readers disagreed with Anil Agarwal's contention that equity in climate negotiations is the best solution for global warming.
January 5, 2001


That sinking feeling

Just like at Kyoto, the US and EU are ready to make back-room deals that leave out the concerns of the South. Its time for the G77 to speak up.
November 22, 2000

Equity Primer

A look at why equity is so important at the climate negotiations
November 22, 2000

Time to tell them off

Back to Basics by Anil Agarwal
Nobody needs a fair and effective treaty more than the South, but they arent getting it. They should tell the North to listen, or go home.
November 22, 2000

Cheers Chiraq!

The French President called for equity during his opening speech in the Haque.
November 22, 2000

Sinks: Can't convince? Confound

The US has spearheaded a puzzling proposal on sinks that opens loopholes for their own emissions
November 22, 2000

Carving the carbon cake

NGOs literally cut up a carbon cake and distrbuted crumbs to the G77 president while the US delegates refused to accept their overwhelming portion.
November 22, 2000

Calculated diversion

The financial mechnism of the treaty is likely to be a sticking point but the US and the EU are delaying and diverting until the last minute.
November 22, 2000

Miracle cure or placebo?

While CDM has been touted as the solution to all climate negotiation problems the reality is much different. This free market will impose huge costs on future generations in Southern countries.
November 20, 2000

Mind that CDM: Discounting the Future

A look at why CDM is not the solution for the poor or for sustainable development
November 20, 2000

Small step, wrong direction

Back to Basics by Anil Agarwal
CDM ensures that the first step taken in Kyoto towards a climate change convention was actually in the wrong direction. The Kyoto Protocol, the 'only show in town,' is a poor one!
November 20, 2000

Compliance: More words

After a week of negotiations the compliance working group has produced nothing but even lengthier texts and more brackets, in short, a complete farce.
November 20, 2000

Mechanisms: Rough Guide

What Southern delegates and NGOs should watch out for in CDM negotiations
November 20, 2000

African delusion

Will CDM really benefit Africa or will it end up like the largely failed AIJ program.
November 20, 2000

Sinks: No principles!

The working group on sinks finds principles most expendable!
November 20, 2000

The far side

If the world is serious about addressing climate change it will have to immediately start moving out of fossil fuel technologies.
November 17, 2000

Why fossil fools will cost us the earth

A fun and informative look at what harm fossil fuels cause and how renewable technologies can help stem the decline in our environment.
November 17, 2000

Consenting adults in a hot world

Back to Basics by Anil Agarwal
Since we are all humans, and all equal, the question comes down to whether in the process of climate negotiations we are going to act like a bunch of raucous kids or a group of consenting adults
November 17, 2000

Will the mother of all deals be on sinks?

At CoP deals are being made behind closed doors and there is suspicion that the mega-deal will be on sinks despite the fact that it may not make good "carbon-sense"
November 17, 2000

Good Governance: Who's carbon hypocrisy?

Should financial institutions be asked to stop funding fossil fuel projects in developing countries?
November 17, 2000

Small country, big example

St. Lucia shows the way at a meeting of politicians and NGOs that was sponsored by the Global Commons Institute, GLOBE, CSE, Climate Network Africa, and Counterpart Europe
November 17, 2000

Impacts: The hare and the tortoise

While findings on the impacts of climate change get bleaker and bleaker, the negotiations still hobble along at a snail's pace.
November 17, 2000

Negotiating the future

On the eve of the start of the CoP 6 negotiations a quick look at representation in the Hague
November 15, 2000

Global warming in an unequal world

Back to Basics by Anil Agarwal
The answer to the current dilemma in negotiations is to make emissions from every citizen of the world count equally
November 15, 2000

The infection that the South must avoid

Trading of Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs) under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) will result in a disastrous situation for the South.
November 15, 2000

Contracting texts to expand emissions

Southern proposals on equity mysteriously disappear amidst rampant talk of Kyoto protocol mechanisms.
November 15, 2000

Touchy technology

Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently released a report on Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer. While flawed this report will assist in tech transfer negotiations.
November 15, 2000

Adaptation and Vulnerability: On the receiving end

Those least responsible for climate change are on the receiving end of most of its effects. The North has a responsibility to assist in adaptation.
November 15, 2000

Compliance: Polluters turned monitors

Many issues are still up in the air in determining a compliance system, especially who will have the ultimate control over monitoring.
November 15, 2000

LULUCF: Will better science prevail?

Despite uncertainties, long drawn negotiations focus on sinks as an option for carbon mitigation.
November 15, 2000


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