Monday, October 5, 2009

SME Guide to ISO 9000

Guidelines for SMEs on Compliance and ISO Certification

In post WTO era, sectors of Pakistani economy particularly industry, agriculture and services are increasingly exposed to various challenges. One of the major challenges for low income countries towards adopting the path of sustainable development is the limited enterprise capacity to comply with the international buyers’ requirements. International buyers are increasingly demanding compliance on quality, safety, environment and social standards.

Compliance to international and national standards promotes enterprise efficiency and competitiveness through international trade, protects consumers’ rights of health and safety and in turn leads to socio economic development of economy. Non compliance to these requirements often results in loss of business.

The following FAQs provide information regarding the process of compliance, requirements and institutional support (capacity building, financial assistance, consultancy, certification and accreditation etc.) available in Pakistan.

F A Qs

  1. Why is it important for a business to have compliance certification?
  2. What is the process for obtaining certification of international standards?
  3. How much time is required to get certified?
  4. How much does a certification cost to a Company?
  5. Which are major certifying bodies working in Pakistan?
  6. What sort of government support in compliance related activities is available for local SMEs?
  7. Which consultancy firms offer services in Pakistan?
  8. Which are other relevant websites?


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