Thursday, September 17, 2009

software, made in INDIA

With just one hand we can count the number of 'live' software products that are made in India (live=still selling after 5 years of initial release). With exception of Tally and one/two Anti Virus products, we can't even recall names of more than 10 products made in India.

Problem with most product development is that product is invariably of inferior quality. In my last 20 year's experience, I've seen and tried to test and use many products made in India; and I'm sorry to say that most are not even worth mentioning. Most give un-decipherable run-time errors and exit; or freeze the PC.

One major problem is mind set of product designers. Simply we don't have mind set to visualize and design product meant for millions of users. We have seen hundreds and possibly few thousands of users and we can't get over this problem and think of millions of users.

Second problem is also related to mind set but it's not technology related but related to finance. We need to understand that product design and development can be simply managed using their own financial resources. But marketing, selling, supporting and gathering enough resources to come out with better product in future requires at least 10 to 1000 times the resources that were used to design and develop the first product.

Third problem is related to arrogance in software developers in thinking that I don't require any advisory help in either technical, financial, marketing, distribution etc. I can do everything myself with my existing resources. If my product is good it will sell by itself and I will become another Bill Gates.

Due to this arrogance, eco system is just not developing where one's experience and expertise in software product area could be considered worth even few thousand of rupees. We don't have dearth of expertise or good resources but how to recognize its value is a question to which we don't have any answer.

In my opinion, litmus test of good software product is that it should be worth pirating i.e., user's hand should itch to own it whether legally or illegally. Self respect for made in India software products would come automatically when enough products are available that would replace more than 50% of foreign made products currently on our PC.

Rajesh Kothari


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