Friday, August 7, 2009

PAS 1037 for Education Sector

New Quality Standard Secures High Level In Fernunterricht, Remote Teachings And E-Learning

- forum DistancE Learning and RKW Berlin GmbH start pilot procedures for ISO-compatible quality management system

Berlin. The evaluation of the quality of a remote school and/or - university or an E-Learning-offerer will in the future more easily fall. Because a new industry-specific quality standard - based on that 2004 for the education industry established square meter STAGE MODELL after PAS 1037, given change of DIN German Institut for standardization registered association - provides in the future for more more customer and education services more corresponding to real market conditions and creates transparency with the choice of an offerer. With this view the professional association forum DistancE Learning and the RKW Berlin Brandenburg on the public Kick off meeting presented the quality on 7 November 2006 in Berlin specifications for distance learning providers - a new management system for the development of quality in the enterprise, which is accurately to the special requirements of medium-supported learning cut. The introduction of the specification of the PAS 1037 for DistancE Learning offerers is similar a milestone in the history of the Fernunterrichts and the E-Learnings in Germany - as 1977 the legal regulation of the consumer protection by the remote instruction law for the protection , then Dr. Martin H describes. short, president forum of the DistancE Learning, the meaning of the new quality management system.

Already for two years of the RKW Berlin GmbH developed square meter is used STAGE MODELL after PAS 1037 in its origin version successfully in the vocational out and further training. After intensive co-operation and with support of numerous specialized experts the professional association for remote learning and learning media and the RKW Berlin GmbH published now a requirement profile, which becomes fair the characteristics of DistancE Learning offerers regarding the organization of the customer work and helps them to increase as can be prove the effectiveness of all enterprise processes.

The new quality standard inserts itself smoothly into the existing certification landscape and provides for offerers of remote training courses, remote courses of studies or cared for E-Learning-courses appropriate advantages: Like that the PAS 1037-Spezifikation is the only quality standard in Germany for offerers of Fernunterricht, remote teachings and E-Learning, those is compatible to international standards. Which makes the square meter system so attractive: The requirement system and the testing method of the square meter STAGE MODELL after PAS 1037 are in such a way arranged that they are compatible to auditing according to DIN EN ISO 9001, to external evaluations after EFQM and examinations in the context of a carrier permission after SGB III 84. Thus it offers the advantage to let within a suburb examination the requirements of all four systems mentioned examine by only one certification body.

For all offerers, who must let examine newly developed remote training courses or E-Learning-courses of the ZFU, the new quality standard offers a simplification of the ZFU procedure of admission. Because certain quality proofs are already furnished in the context of the new offerer certifying, a slimmer procedure of admission is to be expected. Certifying after PAS 1037 guarantees for the fact that the offerers cover the prozessuralen and organizational framework for the execution of remote training courses. Thus the carrier-specific aspects of the provisional ZFU permission are considered. A double examination is avoided thereby , described ZFU leader Michael Vennemann, which into the development process of the PAS specification was merged as an expert.

Which distinguishes the new quality management system, are the special conversion assistance: Beside a detailed manual, , also a its own is to the manual II square meter ON-LINE FORUM at the disposal. With this specifically adapted square meter DistancE Learning offerers the possibility have ON-LINE FORUM under of supporting and of documenting their entire quality management process by Web-supported tools - of the Erstdiagnose up to the examination. For the first time it is even possible thereby in Germany that organizations, which convert their certification process with the help of these Internet-supported tools let the conformity examination at the end of on-line accomplish. No other certification standard is flanked by such a extensive assistance , stresses the director/conductor of the RKW Berlin GmbH walter Brckner. The forum DistancE Learning within this framework offers a special consulting service as well as special conditions to its members with the use of the square meter ON-LINE FORUM.

Place themselves to filters of institutes for member forum of the DistancE Learning as first offerers the certification procedure along the new quality standard: Corporate quality academy (CQa), remote school weber, IAPP Institut for applied psychology and Psychosomatik, ILS Institut for training systems, impulses registered association school for free occupations of health, IS Studieninstitut as well as study group Darmstadt (SGD). As outriders they supply helpful empirical values to the entire industry with in handling the new certification standard. First certifying will be presumably until May 2007 final.

For information in more detail to the new quality standard for DistancE Learning offerers the office forum of the DistancE Learning is under 040/675 70-280 as well as the RKW Berlin GmbH under 030/2 03 08-43 00 at the disposal. The up-to-date valid quality standards in Fernunterricht, remote teachings and E-Learning are described in the Internet under

Forum DistancE Learning - Pressestelle
c/o leaves & partner GmbH - Drte Giebel
Kedenburgstrasse 44 - 22041 Hamburg
Tel: 040/656 972-61 - Fax: 040/656 972-50
E-Mail: -

The forum DistancE Learning - the professional association for remote learning and learning media registered association came out in November 2003 from the German remote school federation registered association (DFV), existing since 1969. Its to time of 81 members (conditions 01.09.2006) are experts of medium-supported and tutoriell cared for learning - there is enterprises, institutions or private people. Thus the federation offers a professional discussion and action platform for the DistancE Learning industry. The market share of the remote tutorial establishments organized in the professional association amounts to 88 per cent, i.e.: more than eight of ten Fernlerner/inside in Germany are written with a member enterprise. The forum DistancE Learning understands itself as first partners for politics, research, economics and public. The public discussion lively and impulses for innovations are to be set by scientific and politico-educational actions.
The RKW Berlin GmbH is part of the country wide network RKW rationalization and innovation center of the German economy, which engage themselves for success in particular the small and medium-size enterprises, education and Beratungsdienstleister. The goals are growth and structure of occupation. The RKW Berlin GmbH, rationalization and innovation center, is active for it in the German Federal Capital with consultation, further training and innovation project. The RKW Berlin GmbH furnishes services for enterprises in rationalization and innovation questions (enterprise development, quality and authority management, enterprise-oriented vocational out and further training as well as European integration). The Portfolio is structured in the divisions consultation - further training - innovation projects. The RKW promotes also the active dialogue between the enterprises and other important social participants. In this way the RKW codesigns the public opinion particularly to economic topics actively and submits the policy founded suggestions on the promotion of the middle class, of out and further training and for innovation projects.

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