An ISO 38500 Framework will help you Govern IT Operations More Effectively
There are many IT-related management frameworks, standards and methodologies in use today. None of them, on their own, are complete IT governance frameworks, but they all have a useful role to play in assisting organisations to manage and govern their IT operations more effectively.
The IT Governance Framework is designed to help you get maximum benefit from all these overlapping and competing frameworks and standards, and also to deploy the best practice guidance contained in the international standard for IT governance, ISO/IEC 38500.
Effectively implementing an IT Governance Framework that complies with ISO 38500 can be time consuming and costly, especially if you go by trial and error!
![]() | Our IT Governance Framework Toolkit on the other hand, will help you to improve your IT Governance and comply with the new ISO 38500 standard without going through the rigour of trial and error, saving you a huge amount of time and potentially lots of money! |
The IT Governance Framework Toolkit contains nearly 1,600 pages of resources (98 different documents, including templates, guidelines, checklists, questionnaires, slide presentations, assessments and planning tools).
The toolkit provides you with:
- a single integrated framework that enables you to get the best out of CobiT, ITIL, ISO27001/ISO27002, ISO20000, Prince2, PMBOK, TOGAF, IT Balanced Scorecards, the Zachman Enterprise Architecture, IT Portfolio Management, IT Dashboards and so much more;
- a framework to navigate your wide-ranging and complex strategic, risk management, compliance and operational needs;
- a step-by-step guide to cross-company implementation;
- templates and assessment tools that will simplify many aspects of the process for you; and
- practical guidance working with ISO/IEC 38500 and for integrating widely-used IT governance frameworks, including CobiT, ISO27001, ITIL and so on.
ISO/IEC 38500
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The ISO/IEC 38500:2008,[1] Corporate governance of information technology standard, provides a framework for effective governance of IT to assist those at the highest level of organizations to understand and fulfill their legal, regulatory, and ethical obligations in respect of their organizations’ use of IT.
ISO/IEC 38500 is applicable to organizations from all sizes, including public and private companies, government entities, and not-for-profit organizations. This standard provides guiding principles for directors of organizations on the effective, efficient, and acceptable use of Information Technology (IT) within their organizations. It is organized into three prime sections, specifically, Scope, Framework and Guidance [2]
The framework comprises definitions, principles and a model. It sets out six principles for good corporate governance of IT:
- Responsibility;
- Strategy;
- Acquisition;
- Performance;
- Conformance;
- Human behaviour.
It also provides guidance to those advising, informing, or assisting directors.
[edit]See also
- ^ 2008 June - New ISO standard for Corporate Governance of Information Technology - World . Qualified Audit Partners. Retrieved on2008-06-27.
- ^ The ISO 38500 IT Governance Standard.
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