Wednesday, August 19, 2009


CSA Hazloc Certification For International Markets

IECEx Scheme

CSA International is recognized as an Ex Certification Body (ExCB) and Ex Testing Laboratory (ExTL) to operate in the IECEx (International Electrotechnical Commission Explosive) Scheme. That means CSA can generate IECEx test reports (ExTRs) and quality assessment reports (QARs) and issue IECEx Certificates of Conformity on Ex equipment that are accepted by Certification Bodies in other IECEx member countries. The Scheme is designed to save you time, money and effort by providing you entry to a global market and eliminates the need for duplicate testing. CSA International is a leading provider of Hazardous Locations (HazLoc) certification and testing services for more than 35 years.

What is the IECEx Scheme ?

The IECEx Scheme is an international certification scheme for electrical equipment use in explosive atmospheres (Ex equipment) intended to facilitate global trade in electrical equipment for use in hazardous locations.

The ultimate, long term goal of the Scheme, under the auspices of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is to create a single certification mark for Ex products accepted in all member countries. To date, these countries include Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Yugoslavia.

One of the mandates of IEC is to develop and maintain uniform assessment and testing of products to a common required safety level. This is achieved through the preparation and publication of standards for evaluation and testing of products, as well as accreditation procedures and recognition system of Certification Bodies (ExCB) and Testing Laboratories (ExTL).

Currently, many countries have their own national standards and certification policies and requirements. Such "differences" between countries always ended with delay of product movement between countries, (and not to mention the excessive cost and effort in approaching various ExCBs and ExTLs in various countries for duplicating the assessment and testing of the same product). The IECEx Scheme ensures that all participating countries will accept the test reports (ExTRs) prepared and issued by other participating countries and issue their own national Certification of the same product. The assessment and testing will be based on the requirements in those standards prepared under the IEC Technical Committee 31 (Electrical Apparatus for us in Explosive Gas Atmospheres), and any national deviations as declared by the recipient country of such an ExTR.

What are the benefits of the IECEx Scheme?

To the manufacturer:

  • One set of standards (IEC standards) to use
  • One certification body and testing laboratory to select
  • One design and finished product to market worldwide

To the end user:

  • Wider selections of products for a specific application
  • Reduced cost for designing and maintaining facilities that are duplicated in multiple countries

To the general public:

  • increased confidence level towards the safety aspects


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