Friday, July 10, 2009


Framework for continuing coordination between ISO/CASCO, ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment, and ISO/TC 176, Quality Management and Quality Assurance


ISO/TC 176 has the mandate of standardization in the field of generic quality management, including quality systems, quality assurance, and generic supporting technologies, including standards which provide guidance on the selection and use of these standards. TC 176 has been entrusted by the ISO Technical Management Board with the function of consultant to all ISO/TCs in the application of quality management and quality assurance in their specific technologies to ensure the integrity of the generic quality system standards, and prevent proliferation of sector-specific ISO quality systems.

ISO/CASCO has the mandate to study means of assessing conformity of product, processes, services and management systems to appropriate standards and other normative documents, to prepare international guides and standards of conformity assessment activities, and to promote their use.

ISO/CASCO and ISO/TC176 have established liaisons and have pursued cooperation where appropriate. Considering the growing importance worldwide of the ISO 9000 standards on quality management systems and of the ISO/IEC standards on conformity assessment, ISO/CASCO and ISO/TC 176 have established this joint framework for furthering effective coordination of their work, at strategic, operational and national levels, with a view to increasing value for users of these standards. This agreement will receive priority when the two committees make decisions affecting their work programs.

Shared goals


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