Tuesday, July 28, 2009

ISO 26000

Keynote Speakers

Aron Belinky

Aron Belinky

Aron is a consultant for Social Responsibility and Sustainability, with academic background in Public Administration (at FGV-Fundacao Getulio Vargas) and Geography (at USP-Sao Paulo University). He is the Executive Secretary of “EcoPress”– the first Brazilian environmental news agency and of “GAO” (the Brazilian NGOs group at ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility. Also in ISO 26000 process, he is member of the Brazilian delegation and of the drafting task force at the international working group which is building that standard. In the academic field, he is a researcher at FGV, in the Public Administration program, Governments and Civil Society line.

As an expert, he performed in the last three years more than one hundred presentations in companies and universities, about the themes of social responsibility, sustainability and conscious consumption. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, at the Center of Sustainability Studies of Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV), he was one of the coordinators of the ISE/BOVESPA (Sao Paulo stock exchange corporate social responsibility index). He also acts as consultant for corporations in planning and implementing projects of community engagement and structuring private social investment programs.

Since september 2003, as a consultant for Akatu Institute for the Conscious Consumption, he have been responsible for many projects, such as the general coordination of the publications “Conscious Consumption of Money and Credit”*. Other projects he coordinated at the same organization are the Akatu Scale of Corporate Social Responsibility; the Akatu Indicators of Conscious Consumption and the series of eight surveys and studies in which those instruments are based. (all publications available at www.akatu.org.br)

He is involved with social and environmental causes since 1976, and during this period founded EcoPres and took part in the constitution of many other organizations and movements. He represented the Brazilian air conditioning industry in the international working group responsible for the implementation of Montreal Protocol in Brazil, and took part in the Rio’92 Earth Summit presenting the Brazilian initiative for CFC recycling. From 1986 to 1992, Aron worked mainly in his own family businesses.

* The series “Conscious Consumption of Money and Credit” is a group


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