Monday, July 6, 2009

The Essential Health & Safety Manual


Table of Contents
The Basics
Safety Forms
Risk Assessment
H&S Procedures
Codes of Practice
Employee Guidance
Purchase: Just $179
Contact Page

Safety Manual

Buy It Here!


Health and Safety Manuals Online


A formal Health and Safety Manual, inclusive of policies and procedures, is a fundamental requirement of standards, regulation and even legislation. OSHA, OHSAS 18001, BS8800.... all share a common theme in REQUIRING appropriate documentation and process for workplace safety.

The question is not only whether you have such a document (or indeed set of documents) but whether it is of the required quality and content. Do you have the procedures, forms, policies, etc?

Fortunately, an outstanding pre-written Occupational Health & Safety Manual is now easily obtainable - one which includes the highest quality:

Health & Safety Procedures

Risk Assessment Forms & Instructions

Health & Safety Policies

Requisite Forms

Codes of Practice

Employee Guides

Hazard Tables

In addition to forming a complete manual, the various segments can readily be copied and used stand alone.

Use the navigation buttons on the left to view the table of contents and sample pages from some of the sections.

Safety Manual - OSHA Download The Essential Occupational Health & Safety Manual and Kit
This outstanding and extensive kit can now be purchased online and downloaded immediately. It is provided in MS-Word format and is designed to allow full tailoring for rapid integration into your organization..

Workplace Health and Safety Manuals Online

(We also produce business manuals for: Business Continuity and Information Security)

[ Table of Contents ] [ The Basics ] [ Safety Forms ] [ Risk Assessment ] [ H&S Procedures ] [ Codes of Practice ] [ Hazards ][ Employee Guidance ] [ Purchase: Just $179 ] [ Contact Page ]


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