Wednesday, July 29, 2009

CE Marking - Complete info

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What Australian manufacturers and exporters need to know about European Product legislation and CE marking when producing or exporting their products to the European Union

By Kim Niemans, Consultants Europe

What is CE Marking?
15 EU members and candidate states
What are the implications for industry?
What are the administrative procedures?

  • Declaration of Conformity
  • Technical Construction File (TCF)
  • CE User Manual

Which product groups must be marked?
Which product Directives have been adopted?
What are Harmonized European Standards?
Who is liable for a product?
Authorized representation
Is there a relation between CE Marking and ISO 9000?
Consultants Europe - What can we do for you?
Useful Resources

What is CE Marking?
The CE marking is a European proof of conformity and is also known as "Trade Passport to Europe" that allows manufacturers and exporters to circulate products freely within the 15 European Union (EU) members. The letters, "CE" -- French for "Conformité Européne," indicate that the manufacturer has satisfied all assessment procedures specified by law for its product to be sold on the European market.


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