Rosenthal Meat Science and Technology Center
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
The Rosenthal Meat Science and Technology Center at Texas A&M University is posting its Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans as a service to the meat industry. On April 7, 2003, the Rosenthal Center's HACCP plans for Beef Slaughter; Raw, Not Ground Product; and Raw, Ground Product were reassessed for E. coli O157:H7 (PDF file) as requested by USDA/FSIS in the October 7, 2002, Federal Register Notice entitled E. coli O157:H7 Contamination of Beef Products (PDF file). Each of these three plans identified E. coli O157:H7 as a reasonably likely to occur hazard and the critical control points (CCPs) in place are designed to reduce the presence and to minimize the potential for growth. We reviewed the CCPs and critical limits and no changes were made based on this reassessment.
As part of our reassessment, we have developed and implemented a beef purchase specification program (PDF file) to address beef products that we purchase from outside establishments.
The HACCP plans listed below are in PDF form and require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader. For more information about PDF, see the
Adobe Acrobat Reader Page.
These plans should be used as teaching examples only. Each plant is responsible for performing all of the tasks associated with developing and implementing a HACCP plan for the various product categories it manufactures.
The Rosenthal Center HACCP Plans include the following processes:
- Beef Slaughter Reassessed on April 7, 2003
- Raw, Ground Product Reassessed on April 7, 2003
- Raw, Not Ground Product Reassessed on April 7, 2003
- Fully Cooked, Not Shelf-Stable Product (Sausage)
- Pork Slaughter
- Lamb and Goat Slaughter
- Fully Cooked, Not Shelf-Stable Product (Hams, Pork Loins, Pork Tenderloins and Beef Pastrami)
- Fully Cooked, Not Shelf-Stable Product (Prime Rib, Baron of Beef, Roasting Pigs, Lamb Legs, Lamb Racks, Lamb Loins, Lamb Shoulders, and Cabrito)
- Heat Treated, Shelf-Stable Product (Beef Jerky)
- Heat Treated, Not Fully Cooked, Not Shelf-Stable Product (Bacon)
In addition, the Rosenthal Center's Prerequisite Programs including good manufacturing practices (GMPs), standard operating procedures (SOPs), and sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs) are available for downloading.
Microsoft Word templates
The MS Word templates for our HACCP plans are also available. Your browser has to be able to recognize MS Word documents with ".word" as the suffix. Download these and use them as forms for your own HACCP documents.
- Product description and ingredients page
- HACCP summary page
- Hazard analysis page
- CCP, critical limit, monitoring, corrective action page
- Verification and record-keeping page
For questions about these plans, please contact Jeff Savell at (979) 845-3935.
HACCP Frequently Asked Questions
This feature lists HACCP frequently asked questions we have received and found answers to. Watch for more questions over time.
HACCP Frequently Asked Questions
Best Practices / Guidance Documents
This feature lists the Best Practices for Beef Slaughter document developed by the National Meat Association, Southwest Meat Association, American Meat Institute, and National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Animal Science faculty members Jeff Savell and Kerri Harris facilitated the development of this document.
Best Practices / Guidance Documents

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