Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Worldwide Fraudulent Third Party ISO 9001 etc Certification or Conformity Attestation plus Accreditation Scam


This slide here explains the OFFICIAL and acceptable ISO 9001:2000 exclusions (Please see the "IMPORTANT" box in the linked slide) :


Any claim, representation or certification that excludes "product" [= an ultra-wide meaning assigned by ISO = result of any process or activity, for example intermediate goods, final services, internal procedures, processes, systems, advertisements, the 3rd-PartyISO 'Certificate' itself, etc.] certification in the ISO 'Certification' initiative, whether by the Company/Merchant/Organization (1st-Party) and/or by its agent, the CB ('Certification' Body = 3rd-Party), is OFFICIALLY unacceptable unless these claims contain exclusions limited to some items in Clause 7: "Product realization", example Element 7.3 on generic Design Quality Management (whose specific details must be signed-off or approved by the auditing customer or Buyer – that is how the entire generic set of ISO management system standards on “product” Quality, Environment, Safety, etc. based on customer satisfaction work).


It is clear from the aforesaid that the official ISO/IEC standards on 3rd-Party ISO 'Certification', example the old ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996 standard, the current ISO/IEC 17021:2006 standard, etc., that exclude "product" certification in third-party ISO 'Certification' are PROBLEMATIC !! :


Any declaration/'Certification' of (full) ISO conformity by the Merchant/Organization and/or its agent(s), the third-party CB (or registrar) and/or the Accreditor, by words and/or logos, that fail(s) to fully comply with the official ISO 9k1:2k requirements on conformity, may thus have very dire legal consequences !!


It's payback time, right?


Please see BOTH the concealed 'Certification' and/or 'Accreditation' Agreements [= the REAL 'Certificate(s)'], in particular the “Indemnity and Liability” (I&L) exclusion (= full or partial, etc.; … including the “Confidentiality” section that violates ISO 9001 demonstration and transparency requirements !!) sections as the Merchant/Organization is vicariously liable legally for its 'Quality' REassurance agent's [= the 'Certification' Body (CB) and/or the 'Accreditor'] claims by words and/or logos. 


For the initiated who wish to delve further in the legal aspects of third party Certification, please start with the classic 1889 English Contract Law case called Derry v. Peek (decided by the House of Lords Judge LORD HALSBURY L.C. … and many further easily searchable references on the Internet) or the Malaysian Contracts Act 1950 (Act 136), etc.




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