Sunday, May 17, 2009

Need UL, CE and RoHS consultant in SF Bay Area

Mar 30 2007 3:37PM Permalink Email thisComments (2)
I got an email from a contract manufacturing and design consultant asking me for help in getting UL listing on a product as well as getting RoHS certification so they can take A product to Europe. I explained that I am not consulting anymore and forwarded his email to a few friends, several of whom sent information about products they have taken through the system. Is there any bay-area consultants or companies that can help Greg out? I will post his mail (with permission). He asked that you contact me and I will forward the mail—Greg gets enough spam. I am at paul.rako_put the at sign
Thanks very much for the info. Some, very similar to my experience and reading. I'm not so much tripped up by
compliance as I am for UL compliance, and making sure a "component" (in my case, a PCBA) of a CE marked product meets the necessary standards, so when the client takes his whole product somewhere to earn the CE marking, if something needs correcting, it won't be anything within the scope of my work. It's my understanding that a saleable product is what bares the CE marking, not the individual components. However, a product cannot display the CE marking unless everything contained in the product meets the applicable standards' requirements. The hard part is, 1 getting access to the actual standards, and 2, Knowing which standards apply to your design.
I think what I'm trying to say that I'm looking for, is a Bay-Area company whom I can deal with directly, not a middle-man scenario. This company is to become my objective 3rd party (consider the client as the 1st and me as the 2nd, if you will), qualifying my designs as I call on them to do so. It won't take me long to get to a point where I can meet the requirements on the first iteration presented...mostly. However, this won't stop me from continuing to use the 3rd party to qualify my designs.
Since I'm self-employed, and my company doesn't have a huge staff, I do practically everything myself.
Aside: Thank you for calling Thorough Calibration & Design. If you know your party's extension, please enter it now, or listen to the following directory of departments...For sales, press 1. For engineering, press 1. For technical support, press 1. For accounting, press 1. For shipping and receiving, press 1...
I think a 3rd party qualification path lends legitimacy to my work for potential clients who think one guy can't possibly do this alone. Additionally, it will bolster the effectiveness of electrical/electronic designs, in the same way that code inspections and so forth bolster software designs. That is to say, not only do I think this is a good and legitimate solution to your electrical/electronics need, but this 3rd party has reviewed it and found that it meets these qualifications.

Does anyone have any ideas of whom I could call on in these cases?
Greg Feneis
Thorough Calibration & Design
Related entries in: Environmental Compliance RoHS go here for source

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