Thursday, May 7, 2009


About Inmetro 

About Inmetro The National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and
Industrial Quality (Inmetro) was created by law in December, 1973, to
support t Brazilian enterprises, to increase their productivity and the
quality of goods and services.

Its major task is to improve the quality oflife of the ordinary citizen as well as to seek the competitiveness of the economy through metrology and quality.

Some of the duties of Inmetro are:

  • to provide technical support to Conmetro - the National Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality
    Council, responsible for establishing the national policies on metrology and quality;

  • to implement the national policies on metrology and quality set by Conmetro;

  • to maintain the national measurement standards in the country; to establish and maintain their metrological traceability to the units of the International System of Units (SI), by participating in international or regional comparisons establishing their equivalence to internationally accepted standards and or to standards of other countries; to extend the traceability chain to the standards of measurement in the country, turning them internally harmonic and compatible with the international level, envisaging its worldwide acceptance, all of them
    necessary to assure the quality of goods and services;

  • to coordinate the compulsory and voluntary certification of products, processes, services and
    the voluntary certification of personnel;

  • to plan and carry out the activities of accreditation of calibration and testing labs, of proficiency test suppliers, of certification bodies, of inspection, drilling and others, all of which are necessary for the development of the infrastructure of technological services in the country;

  • to manage the Focal Point for Technical Barriers to Trade, responsible for the Brazilian WTO/TBT Enquiry
    Point, for providing Brazilian exporters with information on technical requirements, as well as supporting the Brazilian government in all international negotiations on technical barriers to trade;

  • to harbor the use of the management technique of quality by the Brazilian enterprises ; 

  • to foster the presence of Brazil in the international activities related to metrology and quality, plus promoting the interchange with and international bodies. 

Strategic Guidelines

Establishing Inmetro as the National Metrology Institute of Brazil faces three basic challenges:

(a) the creation of the required conditions, according to international
parameters, for the full practice of the duties related to the Institute;
that includes a strong institutional and administrative framework, a solid
and well equipped laboratory infrastructure, plus an adequate number of
highly qualified personnel, both scientifically and technologically;

(b) to meet the country´s metrological demands, always taking into consideration the competitiveness and productivity of the production sector, plus full occupation of the pertinent spaces; 

(c) expansion of Inmetro´s coordination actions for the metrological activities of the country.


Inmetro´s credibility confirmed

The most recent Inmetro poll carried out by Brazil´s major opinion poll agency - the “Ibope”, confirmed that Inmetro´s prestige among the Brazilian population is on the rise, especially on what concerns the evolution of the indicators of competence and trust in the institution.

With reference to the credibility of its "quality seal" on products, the poll showed that 81% of those researched replied that yes, the seal influences their decision whether or not to buy a certain product. The highest level of approval is in Brazil´s Northeastern region, where 84% of the population says they trust Inmetro. In the Southeast Brazil, which
includes Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, 77% say Inmetro is trustworthy.

An assessment showed that of the goods surveyed, Fire Extinguisher is the one that deserves the highest average of trust, with 75% of positive answers. It is followed by motorcyclist helmets, tires, toys, pressure cooker, natural
latex rubber condoms,etc


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1 comment:

  1. It's surprising to find information from Inmetro in this blog. Thanks for disseminating Brazilian efforts to quality and safety!
