Thursday, April 9, 2009

Securing SmartGrid: How solution providers can help
Eric Ogren, Contributor

No one wants to read about their organization -- or that of their customers -- in the headlines following a breach of customer data or other sensitive information. And now that the Privacy Rights Clearing House maintains a comprehensive list of all known data breaches since 2005, major breaches live on in infamy long after the incident. Even more embarrassing is that most breaches are preventable.

In this tip, we'll review data breach prevention techniques and policies that can help ensure your customers don't make headlines for the wrong reasons.
Read the rest of this tip

Read about the recent U.S. electrical grid penetration 

Secure Computing partners warily await McAfee partner program changes
As fears of channel conflict rise, McAfee Inc. starts to bring Secure Computing Corp. resellers into its partner program.

Read the rest of this story 


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