Friday, April 17, 2009

ISO 9000 in schools and colleges

Title:Effectiveness of ISO 9000 standards in Indian educational institutions: a survey
 Author:Chandandeep SinghKuldeep Sareen   Email author(s)
 Address:Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Gill Park, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. ' Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Gill Park, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
 Journal:International Journal of Services Technology and Management 2006 - Vol. 7, No.4  pp. 403 - 415
 Abstract:ISO 9000 standards are rapidly being implemented in many service industries such as educational institutions, banking sectors and postal services etc. These standards are gaining popularity in educational institutions in particular. Absence of any quality standard specific to education sector has given a scope to implement ISO 9000 quality standards in educational institutions. This paper presents the detailed survey carried out to find out the contribution of ISO 9000 standards in Indian educational institutions. This paper reveals the motives of implementing ISO 9000 standards in educational institutions and its benefits to organisation. These benefits are segregated into four different parts as benefits to system, faculty, students and external benefits to the organisation. The survey reveals that the most important motive of the institutions is documentation of the systems of the institute. The encouraging factor is that institutions are befitting from ISO 9000 certification.
 Keywords:benefitseducational institutionsISO 9000motivesIndiaquality managementservice qualityeducational qualityquality standardsquality certification.


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