Sunday, April 12, 2009

CDM in India

GTZ CDM-India was established in August 2003, through an agreement between German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Ministry of Power), Government of India, under the Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN) as the capacity building facility that can help reduce transaction costs in the early market development process. It's objective is to foster high quality CDM projects that will successfully complete the project cycle and provide experience through 'learning by doing'. These projects should be widely replicable. Capacity building and providing support to public and private sector institutions for preparation and implementation of internationally acceptable projects under the Clean Development Mechanism is its primary aim. It actively cooperates with the National CDM Authority(NCDMA) of India for institutionalizing CDM projects in India.

The institutional setting concerning CDM approval, Indian National CDM Authority was established with Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), Government of India in December 2003. NCDMA is chaired by Secretary MoEF and managed by Member Secretary, MoEF. It is clearing projects on monthly basis and is in charge of formulating the appropriate guidelines. 

Till now 60 project proposals with the potential to generate over 40 million CERs have been received by GTZ. It supported PDD development of 10 projects; of which 6 projects have received host country approval and 3 have signed validators contracts.

India has major CDM Potential and Challenges & the institutional setting concerning CDM approval.



The Project Proponents/ Developers and CDM Consultants are requested to follow the CDM Executive Board reports (including Annexes) regularly. In particular attention is drawn towards Annex-46 of CDM EB 41st report, which states as follows for ‘New Project Activities’.



The Board decided that for project activities with a starting date on or after 02 August 2008, the project participant must inform a Host Party DNA and/or the UNFCCC secretariat in writing of the commencement of the project activity and of their intention to seek CDM status. Such notification must be made within six months of the project activity start date and shall contain the precise geographical location and a brief description of the proposed project activity. Such notification is not necessary if a PDD has been published for global stakeholder consultation or a new methodology proposed to the Executive Board before the project activity start date.


When validating a project activity with a start date on or after 2 August 2008 DOEs shall ensure by means of confirmation from the DNA or UNFCCC secretariat that such a notification has been provided. If such a notification has not been provided the DOE shall determine that the CDM was not seriously considered in the decision to implement the project activity.


Additionally for project activities for which a PDD has not been published for global stakeholder consultation or a new methodology proposed or request for revision of an approved methodology is requested, every subsequent two years after the initial notification the project participants shall inform the DNA and/or the UNFCCC secretariat of the progress of the project activity.




Total 1405 projects Registered world wide 

395 Indian Projects Registered

1112 Host Country Approved Project

Total CERs issued 974 Projects - 257,831,919 CERs issued for 323 Indian projects (6 Issuance)- 59,820,186

Carbon Credits: Something new to trade in for a smart Indian Investor Launched on 21st January-08 by the MCX, Mumbai with the first trade taking place at Rs. 1280 (About Euro 22)

CDM Executive Board New Chair - Mr. R K Sethi

Indian DNA website - HCA project details uploaded

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