Monday, March 2, 2009

Recession planning: the need of the hour

by Viren Naidu 3/2/2009 5:16:00 PM

Readiness isn’t just about crisis preparedness; it’s also about being ready for opportunities as well as adversity that come with it. Recession planning has called for managing cash better, favouring agility over lower costs in strategy planning, and developing detailed alternative scenarios.

The term, ‘recession planning’ means cost awareness be created amongst employees to manage resources optimally, within and outside the organisation. But do organisations practice what they preach?

Tags: recession, planning, readiness

Viren Naidu

Finally, the Indian audiences get to see a female winner in the Indian Idol, a popular music contest show which saw its fourth season finale. Sourabhee Debbarama who beat 2 other finalists Torsha Sarkar and Kapil Thapa has earner a lot of accolade not only for her singing but her dancing ability too!

Debbarama, a small town girl from Agartala has become a real sensation across the nation. And there are obviously no prizes for guessing why!!

I read an article in the Business Standard, where they have interviewed Narayan Murthy, talking about Coprorate Governance and the importance of it.

Well, after reading the first few lines of the interview, I wondered if it is a little too late for anyone to be talking about this. Yes, they all say that they believe in the best and they practice it. But apparently, experiences and instances tell us otherwise.

The need for corporate governance is high. And while most of us talk, who is listening?

Tags: corporate, governance

Do not give up and do not give in,
for hope is there to make you win.

Whether though trouble or through pain,
The lesson should never be in vain.

Staring through the night,
It might feel like you have lost sight..

But behold just a few moments more,
And light will break through with a roar.

Do not give up and do not give in,
For hope is there to make you win..

So, Never Never Give up............


Alright then, Delhi has finally come out with the ban on 'plastic bags'! Well, my friends and colleagues feel that the ban is good and was most imperative as it will save the environment and also increase the usage of jute, that is our very own production. V K Jain from NGO Tapas is the man behind this complete ban on plastic bags in the city, maintaining that they are chocking drains and the Yamuna river and leading to water-borne diseases. He said developed and developing countries like Germany, Singapore and Bangladesh have successfully banned the product.

While I totally agree with the ban on plastic bags and the nuisance they cause, I do have a problem as a common consumer who has never picked anything from the market without it being in a bag! So recently, when I went shopping to the nearby grocery store, they packed up all my stuff in small paper bags (without any handles) and gave them to me. The result – but obviously the moment I stepped out of the store trying to catch hold of each bag, I ended up scattering everything on the ground! And when I go back to the store complaining, they ask me to either carry my own bag or buy a cloth bag from them. And hence, you realise how dependent one has become on these bags all this while.

At the risk of sounding environmentally unaware, I just want to make one point and that is – how do you get rid of the garbage without these bags? Though you can replace all the other plastic bags with paper bags, is it a sensible thing to use them for dust bins as well?Anyways, we should best leave it to the authorities to make the right decisions as they declare such bans. Whether this ban will work or not, will be evident in due time. Just be sure you don’t forget to carry your own cloth bag all the time as you may need it at any given time!

The polls for electing a new "so called representative government" are going to be held in near future. As usual, the large advertisements in newspapers by existing government are being exhibited everyday at a huge cost which is of course the public money. And we thought that India is going through a recession and the government is advising austerity in all fields!

It's a shame that on one hand, government and its Prime Minister are advising curtailing of expenses and salaries to private sector and common man while on the other hand, they are issuing huge advertisements in print and visual media at great costs even for small work that they may have done.

The salaries of the government employees have been increased causing a huge burden on government resources and on the other hand, people in private companies are losing their jobs. If government employees have asked for a parity of their compensation with that of private employees then they should also be ready for the performance based evaluation of their roles as well as subject to the same kind of layoffs and pink slips which private employees are subject to. This is just a poll plank by government in "The Great Indian Circus" to benefit a few for electoral gains at the cost of country and its resources.

Tags: india, polls, economy, recession, government

There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't the way you had hoped they would be.. That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better..

There are times when people disappoint you and let you down..But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and keep believing in yourself..

There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it is up to you to accpet them..Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction..

It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are..

So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be.

Because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you..

Keep Believing in Yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tags: conviction, self belief

One of the biggest real estate players in the country, DLF has come under severe pressure to cut the price of one of its ongoing projects in Banaglore and Chennai. About 600 buyers threatened to pull out from the purchase if the house prices of the latest DLF project are not slashed.

Grappling to keep buyers happy and have the moolah come in, DLF has cut the price in these 2 cities and might even cut down the flat rates in other cities. This surely comes as a good news for all those contemplating a house purchase. Buyers can have a sigh of relief!

Tags: dlf, housing, buyers

Probably, this was the first time Indians discussed ‘Oscar Awards’ with so much of passion with so many eyes glued to the television sets to watch the biggest event in the film world. All discussions were about the film Slumdog Millionaire and the music maestro A R Rahman and his music for the film Slumdog Millionaire.

The movie directed by Danny Boyle has so much of ‘Indianness’ to its credit. The film is based on the novel ‘Q and A’ by an Indian diplomat Vikas Swarup's novel. The movie was picturised in Mumbai and Indian actors play the lead role. A R Rahman is the music director and the sound mixing is done by Resul Pokutty. Even though the movie evoked some strong criticism within the country about the way India is portrayed in the firm, the rag to riches romance stole the show at the 81st annual academy awards ceremony.And the Indian dreams came to reality when A R Rahman scripted history by becoming the first Indian to win two Oscars for the Best Original Score for the film Slumdog Millionaire and its foot-tapping song Jai Ho. And Resul Pookutty won the Oscar for the best Sound Mixing for Slumdog Millionaire. Another winner of the day was the documentary ‘Smile Pinki’ - a documentary on a young Indian girl in the best Short Documentary category.After 17 long years the golden statuette came to India rewriting India’s history at the Oscars – jai ho Rahman, jai ho slumdog millionaire…S


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