Friday, February 6, 2009

referred standards by ISO 9001: 2008

ISliSO 9001 : 2008

. Bibliography

[1] ISO 9004:-1), Managing for the sustained success of an organization - A quality management approach

[2]. 150·10001 :2007, Quality management- Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations·

[3] ISO 10002:2004, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations

[4] ISO 10003:2007, Quality management- Customer satisfaction- Guidelines for dispute resolution externai to organizations

ISO 10006:2003, Quaiity management systems - GuidelinesfoT-,quality management in projects

(5] . ISO 10005:2005, Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plsns

(6) [7] [8]

ISO 10007:2003, Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration management

ISO 101)12:2003, Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment .

(9) ISOrrR·l 0013:2001, Guidelines (or quality management system documentation

[10] ISO 10014:2006, Quality management - Gqidelines for realizing financial and economic benefits

[11] ISO 10015:1999, Quality management - Guidelines fOr training n 2) ISOITR 10017:2003, Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000

!13] ISO 10019:2005, Guideiines for the selection of quality management system consuitants and. use of their services

(14] ISO 14001 :2004, Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use

(15) ISO 19011 :2002, Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing

[16) lEG 60300~1 :2003, Dependability management - Part 1: Dependability management systems

[17] lEG 6;160:2006, Design. ieview

[18] 'SOllEe 90003:2004, Software engineering- Guidelines for the application of ISO g001:2000 to cc-mputer soft.vare

[19] Quality management principles 2), ISO, 2001

[20] ISO 9000 - Selection and use 2), ISO, 2008

121] ISO 9001 for Small. BusInesses - What to do; Advice from Isorre 1763), ISO, 2002

1)· To be published. (Revision of ISO 9004:2000) 2} Available from website:
3) To be updated and aligned with :50 9001 :2008.



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