Saturday, February 28, 2009

list of banned chemicals in Mongolia

Toxics issues in Mongolia
Dolgormaa L.
WWF Mongolia Programme Office
Mongolia is rich in raw materials of agricultural origin such as wool, leather, and
cashmere. Until 1989, chemicals and most manufactured products were imported from
the former Soviet Union (USSR) on a barter basis and the economy was centrally
planned. The Government used to import chemicals and be in charge of distribution as
well as of controlling use of chemicals. After 1990, when Mongolia shifted to democratic
free market economy, many industries and organizations have been privatized.
In the transition period, centralized control and coordination of toxic substances have
become irregular and have been insufficient. Different kinds of chemical substances have
been imported both by organizations and economic entities and individuals. There has
been no any legislative basis for exercising control. Therefore, the Government of
Mongolia developed and approved the Law on Protection from Toxic Chemicals in 1995.
Also, the Ministry of Nature and the Environment updated a list of restricted or banned
chemicals in Mongolia, including POPs, in 1997. (Table 1.)
Table 1. List of toxic chemicals banned or severely restricted in Mongolia
Banned Chemicals
1. Aldrin 10.Nitrofen
2. Dieldrin 11.Captafol
3. DDT 12.Toxapene
4. Dinoseb 13.Endrin
5. Fluoroacetamide 14.Phenol,pentachloro-
6. HCH (mixed isomers) 15.Ethylenedibromide
7. Chlordane 16.Heptachlor
8. Chlordimeform 17.Oxirane
9. Cyhexatin
Severely Restricted Chemicals
1.Zinc phosphide 8.Mercury (Hg)
Toxics issues in MN -March04 2
2.Lindane 9.Mercury oxide (HgO)
3.Ugilec 121 10.Mercury chloride (Hg2CL2)
4.Cyanide 11.Mercury dichloride(HgCl2)
5.Benzidine 12.Aminobiphenyl
6.Maleic hydrazide 3,6-
13.Propanoic acid, 2,2-
In Mongolia, there is no complete and reliable statistics on chemicals and chemical
management so far. Until 1980, organochlorine pesticides like DDT were used in
Mongolia. Unfortunately, no monitoring has been done in the last years. DDT was banned
since 1995, therefore it should not be available on the market. However, it has been still
used in rural areas, and it may be available on the black market. Some primary
insecticides have also been used as insecticides. A number of chemicals have appeared at
the open-air markets without proper labels packed in small packages apparently from
larger, bulkier consignments. This has resulted in misuse or inappropriate application of
pesticides and other chemical formulations.
The use of chemical substances on a large scale in Mongolia was maintained in five main
sectors: agriculture, manufacturing industries, livestock management, disease control,
education and scientific research. The import of pesticides and fertilizers was controlled
by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture; other toxic chemicals are under control of the
Ministry of Nature and Environment.
According to the law (Protection from Toxic Chemicals 1995) it was pointed out that
non-personnel inter-sectoral Council for coordinating utilization of toxic chemicals
should be established. By this law, chair of the Council should be the Minister of Nature
and Environment, and the Council should be comprised of experts from related Ministries
and Departments. Accordingly, the Council has been established and the State
Specialized Inspection Agency under the Prime Minister supervision exercises control on
protection from and use of toxic chemicals.
Mongolia has signed the Stockholm Convention. Currently Ministry of Nature and
Environment had started activities on ratification of the Convention.
The Ministry of Nature and Environment is implementing GEF/UNIDO project
“Enabling Activity to Facilitate Early Action on the Implementation of POPs” which
started in June 2003 in Mongolia (USD362,000 for 2 years). Main objective of the project
is development of Action Programme on the Implementation of POPs. Except for this
project, any financial and technical support was not receive from international
organizations and developed countries on toxics issues, before.
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In view of the above mentioned situation in the country with regard to Toxics, it is vital to
develop and implement Toxics programme of the WWF Mongolia within the framework
of the protected areas, specifically in Altai-Sayan and Daguur Ecoregions.
National Legislation Related to Chemicals Issues
1. Current laws and regulations being followed for toxics issues in Mongolia:
• Mongolian Law on Environmental Protection
• Mongolian Law on Protection from Toxic Chemicals
• Mongolian Law on Environmental Impact Assessment
• The Law on Prohibition of Import and Transportation of Hazardous Waste
• Waste Reduction Programme
• Rules of the National Council for Chemical Safety in Mongolia
• Guidelines on Issuing permission to produce, export, import, trade with and use
toxic chemicals
• National Classification of Toxic Chemicals
• Guidelines for Storage, Transportation and Disposal of Toxic Chemicals in
• Procedure for Registration and Examination of Pesticides in Mongolia
2. Status of Mongolian’s Adherence to the International Conventions:
• Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
• Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
• Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous
Waste and their Disposal
1. Industrial chemicals. Most of the existing industries in Mongolia are old and use
outdated technology. Small and medium-size enterprises producing washing powder,
soaps, phosphoric fertilizer and other chemical substances have appeared and more
enterprises are likely to spring out. Particularly, the number of new industries where
chromium is widely used has been growing in the countryside.
In Mongolia, electric capacitors and transformers are widely used. Polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) contaminated equipment was recognized as a major existing hazardous
waste. Until now, no any monitoring on PCBs containing equipment has been conducted
in the country.
The mineral deposits are potential sources of wealth. The techniques used to extract them
and the waste materials that these techniques produce (often in enormous quantities and
with high toxicity level) bring significant risks to the environment. Two of such deposits
Toxics issues in MN -March04 4
are Boroo and Olon-Oboot gold hard rock deposits. Preparation to start for extraction is
planned in 2003, and technology with sodium cyanide and other toxic substances will be
used. In the future, more hard rock gold mines are likely to be exploited. Example of
contamination of surroundings by mines is a gold mine in Selenge aimag where mercury
was used 30 years ago. Mercury still remains there and contaminates the surroundings.
Another example is river Boroo, contaminated with mercury. Ministry of Nature and
Environment has recently implemented some projects on cleaning up and discharging
mercury from the river. As a result, 25 kg of mercury have been discharged from 400 m3
of water in about 4 hectares of land. According to the law, Environmental Impact
Assessment should be conducted prior to mining activities; however, this law is rarely
With respect to coal mining operations, the main environmental issues are air quality,
reclamation and mine closure. Air contamination is caused by carbon monoxide from coal
fires, coal dust from the operations and rock overburden piles. Carbon monoxide effect is
particularly strong around the working area of the mines and can have an effect over a
large area.
As of fluorite mining operations, the main environmental issues are groundwater and
mineralized areas containing fluorite, that are harmful for health concentrations when
used for drinking water.
In copper molybdenum mining operations, large quantities of acid and other chemicals
are used. Monitoring of dust and water from the tailings impoundment is necessary in
order to determine the scope of the problem.
2. Pesticide use. In Mongolia, not many chemicals are used for rodent control. The zinc
phosphate was used widely since 1960 to 1987 and was banned but now still used
illegally. From 2001, Bromadiolone has been used against rodents. In 2002, a total of 850
million tugrug was allocated from the central budget to control field voles over 410,000
hectares of pastureland. During the first half of the year, 85 percent of the planned work
to control field voles was carried out over 348.5 thousand hectare areas of 31 soums of 7
aimags. Bromadiolone proved itself as a deadly rodenticide: besides Brandt’s vole
(Microtus Brandtii), it killed over non - targeted birds and mammals, several livestock.
(TseveenmyadagN., and Nyambayar.B., 2002). The poisoning (0.5% bromdialone treated
grain (which is prohibited for outdoor use elsewhere) the major proportion of the
population physically died. The incident brought publicity to rodenticide usage and
control issues in Mongolia at the international and local level. One of the alternative
methods other than poisoning Brandt’s vole is increase the number of predators: Saker
Falcon, Upland Buzzards, Steppe Eagle, Fox etc. (Potapov E., 2003).
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Table 1. The poisoned animals in bromadiolone from May to June 2002
(Tseveenmyadag N., and Nyambayar.B., 2002)
Poisoned animals Total
Demoiselle Crane (Anthropodidesv virgo) 149
Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) 152
Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) 3
Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus) 3
Black Kite (Milvus migranus) 2
Upland Buzzard (Buteo hemilasius) 2
Saker Falkon (Falco cherrug) 2
Daurian Jackdaw (Corvus dauricus) 20
Total of birds 333
Corsac Fox (Vulpes corsac) 2
Manul or Pallas’Cat (Felis manul) 2
Domestic sheep 3
Total of mammals 7
Grasshopper, dragonfly and meadow butterfly are widely spread on grazing and arable
areas of Mongolia and big populations of Orthoptera grasshoppers are recorded in
Western Mongolia. There are 56 subspecies of 35 species of 4 genera of grasshoppers and
12 species of dragonfly in Mongolian Altai alpine pastures. The area damaged only by
Ortoptera grasshopper reaches 422.94 thousand hectares on the territory of 16 soums.
In addition, Siberian moth (Dendiolimus superans) and Jacobson’s caterpillar (Erannis
Jacobsoni) etc. invasion takes place every year causing massive damage to forest
resources. As of 2000, pests spread over 1.2 million ha. of forestland.
Use of obsolete pesticides is one of the problems in the country. Pesticides that are no
longer useful for the purpose they were intended for, empty contaminated pesticide
containers, contaminated soils and buried pesticides comprise the toxic waste. The
information gathered during surveys shows that over 88,417 kg of obsolete chemicals
exist in the country. No information is available on cleaning up or disposal of these empty
containers. There are cases when pesticide containers are used for domestic purposes.

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