Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Load Management

Unprecedented Measurement, Control and Verification

GridPoint's flexible software platform allows utilities to continually fine tune load mangement programs to meet diverse customer needs and changing supply requirements. For instance, utilities can concurrently choose to turn off water heaters for 15 minutes in a specific region and change temperature in another. Customers can easily "opt out" of a specific event either through GridPoint's online energy management portal or in the case of a temperature adjustment, directly from their thermostat.

GridPoint's platform provides utilities with unparalleled circuit-level measurement, management and verification. Predicting, controlling and verifying loads can be segmented by load type (e.g. air conditioners) either by substation, feeder, individual customer or in aggregate, enabling utilities to dispatch and monitor load capacity just like a generation asset.

With actual consumption data on water heaters, pool pumps, etc., utilities can predict peak periods on specific devices and reduce consumption on lower energy consuming devices. Utilities can more accurately balance supply and demand while minimizing impact on customers.

GridPoint's business intelligence reports provide immediate feedback on participation levels and curtailment achieved, allowing program managers to continually refine and improve their programs as well as demonstrate return on investment.

The GridPoint Control Console provides utilities with direct control to reduce load in real-time or through scheduled events. The control console can be accessed from a utility's control room or integrated within a utility's energy management system.

Utility Support Services

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For overall improvement and better grid management in the country, POWERGRID has modernised all the Regional Load Dispacth Centres (RLDCs) with the state-of-the-art Unified Load Despatch & Communication (ULDC) schemes at a cost of about Rs. 2,000 Crore. These modernised RLDCs are greatly contributing to bring quality and economy in the operation of the power system besides improving data availability, visibility and transparency.

With the adoption of state-of-the-art operational practices, proactive preventive maintenance, implementation of ABT, the modernization of RLDCs coupled with training & deployment of expert manpower and round the clock vigil for grid management, no major grid disturbances in the country have been encountered for the last 5½ years. Further, tripping of lines and minor grid disturbances in regional grids have come down so significantly that it can be reckoned as a benchmark achievement. For overall co-ordination, National Load Despacth Centre (NLDC) at Delhi,with back up at Kolkata, is under implementation and is expected to be completed by May 2008.

POWERGRID has spearheaded the implementation of Availability Based Tariff (ABT) across the country, which has a built-in commercial mechanism to reward proper grid behaviour. This has significantly stabilised vital grid parameters, i.e. voltage and frequency thereby improving the quality of power.

Last Modified Date : 9/2/2008


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