Monday, December 8, 2008

the history of ISO 9000

ISO 9001:2008 (ISO 9001) Certification

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognised standard for an organisation's internal Quality Management. The term 'quality' refers to all those features of a product or service which are required by the customer. An organisation's 'Quality Management' refers to an organisation's actions to ensure that its products or services satisfy its customers' quality requirements and complies with any regulations applicable to those products or services.

Learn more about ISO 9001
This page covers information regarding our ISO 9001 certification service as well as the history of the standard itself. Use the links below to jump to a particular section of the page.

What are the benefits?

What is the process?

How much will it cost?

Formalised quality assurance originally came from the Defence Industry's need for standards. For example, to supply the Ministry of Defence (MoD) a company had to write up its procedure for making its product, have the procedure inspected by the MoD and then ensure that its workers followed the published procedures.

The idea of quality assurance spread beyond the military and in 1966, the UK Government led the first national campaign for quality and reliability with the slogan "Quality is everyone's business." However, by this time, suppliers were being assessed by any number of their customers and it was widely recognised that such duplication of effort was a chronic waste of time and money. Progress was finally made in 1969, when a UK Government committee report on the subject recommended that suppliers' methods should be assessed against a generic standard of quality assurance.

In 1971, the British Standards Institute (BSI) published the first UK standard for quality assurance (BS 9000), which was developed for the electronics industry. Then, in 1974, the BSI published BS 5179; Guidelines for Quality Assurance. This led to a shift in the burden of inspection from the customer to the supplier, as quality assurance could be guaranteed by the supplier to the customer through third-party inspection.

Through the 1970's, the BSI organised meetings with industry to set a common standard, which culminated in the BS5750 standard in 1979. Key industry bodies agreed to drop their own standards and use BS5750 instead. The purpose of BS5750 was to provide a common contractual document, demonstrating that industrial production was controlled.

The ISO 9000 certification standard has evolved over several revisions. The initial 1987 version (ISO 9000:1987) had the same structure as the UK Standard BS 5750, with three 'models' for quality management systems, the selection of which was based on the scope of activities of the organization. The language of this first version of the Standard was influenced by existing US and other Defence Military Standards, so it was more accessible to manufacturing and was well suited to the demands of a rigorous, stable, factory-floor manufacturing process.

With its structure of twenty 'elements' or requirements, the emphasis tended to be overly placed on conformance with procedures rather than the overall process of management; which was the original intent.

The 1994 version (ISO 9000:1994) was an attempt to break from the practices which had somewhat corrupted the use of the 1987 standard. It also emphasized quality assurance via preventive actions and continued to require evidence of compliance with documented procedures. Unfortunately, as with the first edition, companies tended to implement its requirements by creating shelf-loads of procedure manuals and becoming burdened with ISO bureaucracy. Adapting and improving processes could be particularly difficult in such of environment.

The 2000 version of the standard (ISO 9001:2000) sought to make a radical change in thinking by actually placing the concept of process management at the heart of the standard, making it clear that the essential goals of the standard - which had always been about 'a documented system' not a 'system of documents' - were reinforced.

The goal was always to have management system effectiveness via process performance measures. This third edition makes this more visible and so reduced the emphasis on having documented procedures if clear evidence could be presented to show that the process was working well. Expectations of continual process improvement and tracking customer satisfaction were also made explicit in this revision.

A new set of eight core quality management principles, designed to act as a common foundation for all standards relating to quality management, were also introduced; namely:
1. Improved consistency with traceability2. Enhanced customer focus3. Focused leadership4. The involvement of people5. A system approach to management6. Continual improvement7. A factual approach to decision making8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

The fourth and latest edition of the standard (ISO 9001:2008) was published on November 14th 2008. This revision contains minor amendments only. The aim of this revision is to clarify existing requirements and to improve consistency of approach with other management standards, like ISO 14001:2004"><>

Most organisations want ISO 9001 certification to qualify for a tender or to achieve preferred supplier status: typically for a Local Authority.

However, there are many other benefits that can be added to these, including:
1. Improved internal working leading to less errors and re-work.2. Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.3. Improved morale and motivation.4. Preferential insurance premiums.5. Competitive advantage.6. Increased profitability.7. Enhanced status.
In addition, ISO 9001 is designed to be compatible with other management system standards such as ISO 14001 (Environmental), OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety) and ISO 27001 (Information Security).

All or any combination of these complementary standards can be integrated seamlessly. They share many principles, so choosing an integrated management system can provide you with outstanding value for money.

If you would like an integrated management system, comprising all or a combination of ISO management standards, simply let us know your requirements and we will work with you to develop the right solution for your needs"><>

STEP 1: Preparation
Realistically, if you are new to the ISO 9001 standard, then you are going to need some guidance. Once contact is made, we'll discuss your requirements with you and suggest the solution that best suits your needs. After assessing your needs we will give you a fixed price quotation so that you know exactly how much your registration will cost. Your quotation will be based upon your company profile and an assessment of your needs. To get the ball rolling, simply call us on 0800 404 7007 or email us an enquiry.

STEP 2: Application
Once you decide to go-ahead, we'll assign a Lead Assessor to you. He or she will be your principal contact throughout the registration process and beyond. They will build-up detailed knowledge of your business and will offer you the support you need.

STEP 3: Pre-Audit Assessment
Your Lead Assessor will visit you to explain the standard and ensure you are prepared for your Audit Assessment. He or she will facilitate the process to ensure that all of the correct procedures are drafted; ensuring that all documented procedures cover the requirements of the standard. Together, you will then determine the appropriate timetable for your Audit Assessment. Many organizations benefit from a pre-assessment "dry run" and your Lead Assessor will be able to advise you on this.

STEP 4: Audit Assessment
Once you are ready for your formal Audit Assessment, your Lead Assessor will make the required arrangements for you. On completion, you will be informed of the Auditor's recommendation before he or she leaves your premises.

STEP 5: Registration & Certificate
Following the independent Auditor's recommendation, your registration will be formally confirmed. Soon after, your certificate of conformity to the ISO 9001 standard will be issued and sent to you.

STEP 6: Continual Assessment
Having achieved certification, you'll want to maintain your registration and your Lead Assessor will remain on hand to facilitate improvements and ensure that you continue to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard"><>



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