Monday, August 25, 2008

ISO 9001 Changes 2008

ISO 9001, like all standards is subject to periodic review to determine whether it is still relevant, whether it needs to be updated or whether it should be discarded. The review period is around 5 – 6 years so, since the current version was issued in the year 2000, the standard is due for revision and re-issue.

The revision process for ISO 9001 is designed such that whenever there are significant changes to be made (major revision), the next revision will be less significant (minor). Since the revisions issued in 2000 were major, it follows that the next one will be minor. Indeed, the proposed changes are more based on the clarification of points already in the standard rather than the inclusion of new requirements.

However, the proposed changes to ISO 9001’s ‘sister’ standard, ISO 9004, are much more significant though this is only a ‘guidance’ document rather than a requirements standard. ISO 9001:2000 is due for an update this year. It is currently at Draft International Standard (DIS) stage and is likely to be published in the autumn of 2008.

What does this mean for you, if you are already registered to ISO 9001:2000?
In reality there will be little impact, it seems that the changes to the standard are very small. It will replace ISO 9001:2000 but each organisation will be given approximately one year after its publication to make any updates. There should not be any major disruption to your organisation or your registration. Your assessor will guide you through the process.
ISO 9001 Changes There are very few of any consequence and most organisations will have little problem adapting their system to satisfy these changes


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