Saturday, August 16, 2008


IS/ISO 9001 : 2000

[1 J ISO 9000-8 : 1997, Quality management and quality assurance standards-Part 3: Guidelines for tlte application of ISO 9001 : 1994 to the development, supply. installation and maintenance of computer software.

[2] ISO 9004: 2000, Quality management systems-GuideUnesfor performance improvements.[3] ISO 10005 : 1995, QuaUty management-Guidelines for quality plans.

[4] ISO 10006: 1997, Quality management-Guidlines to quality inproject managemell1.
[5] ISO 1007 : 1995, Quality management-'-Guidelinesfor configuration management.[

ISO 10012-2 : 1997, Quality assurance for measuring equipment-Part 2 : Guidelines for control of measurement processes.

(II] ISO lOO13 : 1995, Guidelinesfor developing quality manuals.'
[12] ISOffR 10014: 1998 Guidelinesfor managing the economi<:s of quality.
[13] ISO 10015: 1999, Qualirymanagement-Guidelinesfortraining.[

14) ISOITR 10017: 1999, Guidance on statistical techniquesfor ISO 9001 : 1994.
[lSJ ISO 14001 : 1996, Environmental management systems-Specification with guidance for use.[16J IEC 60300-1:-

2), Dependability management-Part J : Dependability programme management.
[17] Quality Management Principles Brochure3).

[18] ISO 9000 + ISO 14000 News (it bimonthly publication which provides comprehensive coverage of international developments relating to ISO's management system standards. including news of their implementation by diverse organizations around the world).

4) [191 Reference websites:

l) ISO 19011, Guidelines on quality and/or environmental management systems auditing.

2)To be published. (Revision of ISO 9000-4 : 1993)
3) Available from website:

4) Available from ISO Central Secretariat (sales

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