Thursday, April 29, 2010

UL/CE/CSA Marking FAQs



CE Marking Guidance

CE conformity marking


Harmonised methods for assessing conformity with the technical harmonisation directives promote the placing on the market of industrial products and assist in the implementation of the internal market. Conformity assessment can be subdivided into modules that relate to the design phase of products and to their production phase.


Council Decision 93/465/EEC of 22 July 1993 concerning the modules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking, which are intended to be used in the technical harmonisation Directives.


This Decision establishes a range of procedures for assessing the conformity of industrial products to the "essential requirements" laid down by the technical harmonisation Directives. It aims to protect public interests such as the health and safety of product users.


The CE marking symbolizes the conformity of a product to the Community requirements incumbent on the manufacturer of the product. It indicates that the product conforms with all the Community provisions providing for its affixing.

Member States may not restrict the placing on the market and entry into service of products bearing the CE marking, unless there is supporting evidence of the product’s non-conformity. The marking should be affixed prior to the product being placed on the European market and entering into service.


The Decision lays down rules for affixing the CE conformity marking concerning the design, manufacture, placing on the market and entry into service of a product.

CE marking can be introduced in Community legislation as conformity marking if:

  • a directive is in accordance with the principles of the new approach and the global approach;
  • the method of total harmonisation is used;
  • the directive contains conformity assessment procedures in accordance with this Decision.

Declaration of conformity

Directives may exclude the affixing of the CE marking on certain products. These products may circulate freely on the European market if they are accompanied by, for example, a declaration or certificate of conformity.

Responsibility of manufacturers

The CE marking must be affixed by the manufacturer or his agent established within the Community. The manufacturer bears ultimate responsibility for the conformity of the product.

Conformity assessment relates to the design and production phases of the product. Depending on the conformity assessment procedures applied, a notified body may be involved in these two phases. If the notified body is involved in the production control phase, its identification number will follow the CE marking.

If a product falls within the scope of a directive that provides for the CE marking, this should be affixed:

  • to all new products, whether manufactured in the Member States or in third countries;
  • to used and second hand products imported from third countries.

Assessment modules

The decision provides for eight assessment procedures or "modules" which cover the design and production phases:

  • internal production control (module A);
  • CE type-examination (module B);
  • conformity to type (module C);
  • production quality assurance (module D);
  • product quality assurance (module E);
  • product verification (module F);
  • unit verification (module G);
  • full quality assurance (module H).


Decision 93/465/EEC is repealed by Decision No 768/2008/EC on a common framework for the marketing of products. The provisions relating to EC marking.


ActEntry into forceDeadline for transposition in the Member StatesOfficial Journal
Decision 93/465/EEC [procedure COM/93/144-02]22.07.1993-OJ L 220 of 30.08.1993



Council Resolution of 10 November 2003 on the Communication of the European Commission "Enhancing the Implementation of the New Approach Directives" [Official Journal C 282 of 25.11.2003].

Communication from the Commission of 7 May 2003 to the Council and the European Parliament "Enhancing the implementation of the New Approach Directives" [COM(2003) 240 final - Not published in the Official Journal].
In order to give fresh impetus to the technical harmonisation system, this Communication recommends better ways to implement the New Approach Directives.

Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and regulations on information society services [Official Journal L 204 of 21.07.1998].
This Directive aims to eliminate or reduce the barriers to the free movement of goods that can arise from the adoption of different national technical regulations.

Council Resolution of 21 December 1989 on a global approach to conformity assessment [Official Journal C 10 of 16.01.1990].

Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 on a new approach to technical harmonization and standards [Official Journal C 136 of 04.06.1985].


Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 December 2001 on general product safety [Official Journal L 11 of 15.01.2002].
The general safety of products placed on the market is guaranteed by Community legislation, which ensures a consistent, high level of protection for the health and safety of consumers.

Council Regulation (EEC) No 339/93 of 8 February 1993 on checks for conformity with the rules on product safety in the case of products imported from third countries [Official Journal L 40 of 17.02.1993].

Last updated: 27.11.2008

See also

Further information is available on the website of the European Commission’s Enterprise and IndustryDirectorate-General.


ISO/TS 29001

ISO/TS 29001

What is ISO/TS 29001?

ISO/TS 29001 provides additional requirements to quality management system standard ISO 9001 specifically intended for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries.

Who can use the standard?

  • manufacturers of oil and gas industry equipment and material upstream and downstream

  • service providers to the oil and gas industry

  • purchasers of equipment, materials and services


  • Shows commitment to safety - The oil and gas industry handles hazardous fluids and gases through a variety of processes, which makes considerations of the safety of personnel and the public of primary importance.

  • Integrity - protection of the environment and of business continuity (maintenance of revenue streams, for companies and national economies) need a high level of operational integrity.

  • Integration - ISO/TS 29001 incorporates the requirements of ISO 9001 and includes detailed, sector-specific requirements for design, development, production, installation and service of products.

  • Continual improvement - The new technical specification aims at the development of a quality management system that provides continual improvement, emphasising defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste.

LRQA's services

Certification and Training - LRQA is a leading provider of management system certification and associated training services to the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Our portfolio of approved clients includes many of the world's leading companies in this sector, both upstream and downstream.

Existing client?
Top up assessment and certification - If you are an existing ISO 9001 client in this sector, we can conduct a top-up assessment and certification against the requirements of ISO/TS 29001 in conjunction with one of your future scheduled visits.

New to LRQA?
Assessment and certification - If you are new to LRQA, your assessment and certification to ISO/TS 29001 will automatically result in an accredited certification to ISO 9001 at no additional cost.

Not sure whether your system meets new industry requirements?

Then let us conduct a gap analysis or preliminary assessment for you. These services will help you identify what needs to be done to develop a compliant system.

Next steps...

Please contact us for more information



ISO/PRF TS 29001

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries -- Sector-specific quality management systems -- Requirements for product and service supply organizations

General information

Number of Pages:

Edition: 3 (Monolingual)ICS: 03.120.10; 75.020
Status: Under developmentStage: 50.00 (2010-04-13)
TC/SC: TC 67

Revision information

Revises: ISO/TS 29001:2007

Corrigenda, Amendments and other parts

ISO/TS 29001:2007


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Areva T&D India's order book rises to Rs 4900 cr

BS Reporter | 2010-04-26 01:20:00

Areva T&D India Ltd, the power transimission and distribution arm of Areva based in France, has witnessed a growth of 17 per cent in its order book at Rs 4,900 crore. The company has also showed its commitment to make additional investments to manufacture 1200 kV transformers in India.

"The sales of the company in India during 2009 (Jan-Dec) stood at Rs 3,500 crore and we have orders to the tune of Rs 4,900 crore," said Rathin Basu, country president and managing director Areva T&D at its facility near Vadodara.

The top officials of the company were at its Vadodara plant to attend a ceremony to unveil a 100 per cent localised 765 kV transformer manufactured by Areva for Lanco Infratech Ltd.

Areva has already made an investment of Rs 950 crore for three manufacturing facilities in India one each in Gujarat, Chennai and Karnataka. Around Rs 550 crore have been infused by the company for Vadodara manufacturing plant.

"The company has created capacity to meet transformers demand till 2012 and we are committed to make additional investments to manufacture 1200 kV ultra high voltage transformers," added Karim Vissandjee, CEO, Areva T&D Global.

The company has so designed its Vadodara plant as it can manufacture 1200 kV transformers by making additional investments. Addressing a gathering at the launch of 765 kV transformer, SK Chaturvedi, chairman and managing director, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL), said that as many as 9 transmission superhighways would be set up in the country with a capital expenditure of Rs 60,000 crore to bring power to various parts of the country. "The work on one transmission superhighway between Assam and Agra has already begun," he added.

These transmission superhighways have been planned to provide transmission access to private developers and 756 kV transformers would be utilised for transmission superhighways.

Informing that the 11th five year plan has set a target of Rs 55,000 crore of capital expenditure for transmission infrastructure in the country, Chaturvedi added that Rs 90,000 crore would be spent for creation of transmission infrastructure in the 12th five year plan. Meanwhile, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who was the chief guest at the function, expressed doubts over operationalisation of the Indo-US civil nuclear deal. He said that several factors, which India did not consider while signing the deal like compensation for accidents, are now posing as roadblocks for the deal's implementation.



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About Us
HD Fire is one of world-leading premier organizations, manufacturing comprehensive water and foam based fire protection equipment. Headquartered in Thane (Mumbai), we have state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Jalgaon and regional offices in New Delhi, Kolkata (Calcutta), and Chennai, India.
HD Fire Manufacturing Facility, Jalgaon, India
Our extensive product manufacturing and testing facilities enable the development of high quality, reliable and innovative products.

Our In-house facilities include:
  • In-house foundry
  • Advanced CNC machine shop, Fabrication, and Assembly shop
  • Modern Paint Shop
  • Exhaustive Testing facilities include Performance, Flow, Friction Loss, Induction, Foam Expansion, Hydraulic Testing setups
  • Metal Testing – Spectrograph
  • Warehouse at Jalgaon and Bhiwandi (Thane)
Technical Skill-Set
Technical Skillset

Our top management and most technical staff have been working in the field of fire protection engineering with an average of 15 to 20 years.

The Managing Director, Mr. Harish Dharamshi is a Mechanical Engineer of 32 years experience in fire protection engineering. Throughout his work span he has worked in design, concept development and production of fire protection equipment. He is the founder director of HD conceived in the year 1990 and today this company other than serving domestic market exports to more than 50 countries.

R&D, Quality and Marketing departments include well qualified engineers, certified auditors, experienced managers, some of them post-graduates from US & the U.K.

All other management and technical staff joined in the year of beginning has grown and prospered with the company and they are fully experienced and highly motivated to take HD Fire for strides of success.

Product Development

The Company’s strategy is to constantly innovate. We keep a track of latest technological advancement made or desired by the market. We carry out market surveys and client interactions, trying to get a feedback of their needs while giving them solutions to overcome any technical impasse.

The think tank of the company tries to better the product technically by research and development in our facilities.

We constantly meet the user (Fire Officers) and the consultants and invite them to project their demand for further safety measures they wish to adopt in designing their systems.

We always try to technically update our products with respect to changing market requirements

Marketing Strategy
  • Understand market requirement by meeting customers, and end users
  • HD Fire is NOT just a Vendor but a “Trusted Advisor”, & Partner
  • Keep a track of latest technological advancements and products desired by the market
  • Carry out market survey and client interaction
  • Participate in International seminars, exhibitions and conferences

To be recognized as one of the world’s most trusted and innovative manufacturer of fire protection equipments by providing our customers highest quality products that combine performance and advanced technology with value pricing achieving 100% customer satisfaction.


Continue to offer customers top quality products to meet or exceed customers’ needs, and continuously improve:

  • Customer service
  • Product quality
  • Product design
  • Delivery reliability

Bring to the world a portfolio of innovative products that satisfy the needs of ever-changing industries

Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization

HD Fire company values define fundamental principles of our organization. It guides our actions and performance, the way we work with each other and the way we serve our clients.
H D Fire Company Policy
HD Fire core values define fundamental principles of our organization. They guide our actions and performance, the way we work with each other and the way we serve our clients.

Customer Service
HD Fire always tries hard to make a conscious effort to find what a customer needs, address their queries, and resolve problems. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to providing service to our customers. Our customer retention rate is very high. Prompt delivery and after sales services are the key to success and so our client is perpetually faithful to us.

HD Fire is committed to provide best quality products in the industry. We make sure our products meet top most quality by means of aggressive designing and testing strategies. Most of our products are UL, FM or ISI (Indian Standards) approved. We are ISO 9001:2008 certified company.

HD Fire strives hard to maintain highest level of integrity and ethical conduct. We make sure everyone in HD follows highest professional and ethical standards. We are also aware of the ethical side of fire protection as it involves protection of not only property but also life.

Team Work
HD Fire believes in fostering team environment, where thinking, planning, processing, deciding is done collectively. HD Fire Management continually encourages group discussions and team meetings to achieve incredible results.
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