Monday, November 30, 2009

ISO 9004: 2009 published

ISO 9004:2009 – a review

By admin • on November 30, 2009
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ISO 9004:2009 has been published.

Bob Alisic, leader of the task group responsible for the ISO 9004:2009 comments:

“While the goal is initially to ensure the production of ‘good’ products and services, leading to the achievement of customer satisfaction, the longer-term purpose is to ensure the economic survival of the organization. The new edition gives guidance on how an organization should adopt a systematic approach to achieve this.”

ISO 9004:2009 provides guidance for the continual improvement of an organization’s overall performance, efficiency and effectiveness based on a process-based approach. It focuses on meeting the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant parties, over the long term, and in a balanced way.

Compared to ISO 9001:2008 which ensures quality management of products and services, while enhancing customer satisfaction, ISO 9004:2009 provides a broader perspective of quality management, particularly for performanceimprovement. It will prove useful to organizations whose top management wishes to move beyond ISO 9001, in pursuit of ongoing improvement, measured through the satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders.


Shaun over at Capable People has allowed me to re-post his excellent summary:It’s here. A year after the publication of ISO 9001:2008, the companion document ISO 9004 has been updated. And whilst the most recent changes to ISO 9001 have been minimal and to all intents and purposes largely cosmetic, the changes to ISO 9004 have not. The changes are big. In fact, the revised standard is barely recognisable from its predecessor. It’s different.So what are the changes? Where do we start?OK, gone is the old title “Guidelines for Performance Improvement”. The new title for ISO 9004:2009 is “Managing for the sustained success of an organisation – a quality management approach”. Gone is the old familiar format that mirrored ISO 9001, where we had the ISO 9001 requirements as “boxed text” accompanied by some general hints and tips outside the boxed text, there to help us understand and apply the various requirements of ISO 9001. That is goneIn fact, ISO 9004 no longer follows the structure and requirements of ISO 9001 in any real way. It no longer goes through the ISO 9001 requirements and offers specific clause by clause advice. It actually does more or less what the title implies, it offers guidance on a more general “quality management approach”This calls into question what the intended application of ISO 9004 actually is. It can no longer really function as an implementation guide to ISO 9001, firstly because it no longer tries to, but secondly because the scope of its content is now fundamentally different. It contains, for example, guidance on such matters as:Strategy and policy formulationStrategy and policy deploymentFinancial resourcesKnowledge, information and technologyNatural resourcesInnovation & learningWow. That’s different. Good topics though these might be, they are arguably outwith the current scope of ISO 9001:2008. What is more, it appears that ISO 9004 is starting to use some established terms in a different way to ISO 9001. Policy for instance. If we look at the way ISO 9001 uses the term “Policy” (with reference to clause 5.3) it deals very much solely with the one page “statement of intent” that we all know and (maybe) love. ISO 9004 appears to be using the term in a broader sense, that is something more detailed, meaningful and less neutral. And strategy? Well, ISO 9001 currently does not even go thereThe most obvious “hit you in the face” feature of ISO 9004:2009, however, is that it borrows very heavily from the EFQM Excellence ModelAll of those new topics listed above feature heavily in that best practice model, and have done for a couple of decades. We saw a small movement to an “excellence model approach” in 2000 when the “8 Principles” were introduced. These principles were lifted, more or less, from the principles that underpinned the EFQM model at the time. Some of them (Continual Improvement, Customer Focus) even generated some significant new requirements. Many people expected ISO 9001:2008 to move a little further in that general “excellence” direction. It did not, of course. Some of us were pleased, some of us were disappointed. Maybe ISO 9004:2009 is a kind of half-way house? Maybe it has been developed this way as a means of placating those of us that maintain ISO 9001 standards are old fashioned or not challenging enough? Maybe ISO is saying, “OK you want something more challenging? There you are. Next time be careful what you wish for!”Either way, as a general observation I have to say that I am seeing an initial period of confusion. Not that the contents are in any way badly written or irrelevant, just that practitioners are simply confused as to what the intent of ISO 9004:2009 actually is. How are we to use it? Will certification bodies develop a certification scheme for it? (there’s a thought), how are ISO 9001 auditors meant to use it? All these questions remain for the moment, so far as I can see, unansweredSo, yes, it appears to be a “quality” document, but will it be used in a “quality” way? Only time will tell.What do you think about ISO9004:2009? Post your comments below.Related Reading:Bog-Standard Britain: How Mediocrity Ruined This Great Nation

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Carbon TAX

France wants a 'carbon tax' on EU imports

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NEW DELHI/PARIS: In a dampener for India, the French government is set to insist that the European Union impose a carbon tax on imports from
countries such as India which are supposed to have ``low environmental standards''.

EU is India's single-largest trading partner, accounting for over 20% of its exports, and New Delhi has already made it clear that any such measure would be another form of protectionism, something India has been actively campaigning against ahead of climate talks in Copenhagen.

A highly-placed official of the French government told TOI in Paris that there was a consensus emerging in EU for such a tax even though he hastened to add that the move was not directed at India. ``India is doing its bit and it is represented by tough negotiators who have sounded convincing in explaining India's stand,'' the official said.

However, the fact is that France and EU want carbon tax as a punitive and fallback option for countries which show no concern for the climate change issue, said the official who is also associated with the functioning of the French mission in Brussels.

While the official sought to allay India's fears over such a move, the fact is that French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been insisting domestically that countries have to respect the "rules of carbon emission reduction to be able to export to France", the driving force behind EU. He has found powerful supporters in Germany and Italy.

Britain, however, has described as "protectionism" the move which could result in Indian exporters having to buy pollution permits to trade with EU.

Sarkozy is in the process of formulating a plan for imposing a carbon tax even on domestic industries to deal with climate change and obviously believes that an import tax on goods on EU's borders would complement the domestic initiative.

Admitting that India looked upon this tax as detrimental to international trade, the French official said the tax, as and when it comes into force, wouldn't be an across-the-board phenomenon but used just as an incentive for countries which took interest in cutting down carbon emissions.

A top official of the French government in Paris said France was aware of the constraints India was working under, including the recent outrage in the country over the money ($1.4 trillion as per some estimates) stashed away in tax havens.

"France, in fact, has actively supported the idea of imposing sanctions on banks which do not cooperate on the issue of tax evasions. The G-20 will initiate counter-measures against banks which don't fall in line by March next year. These sanctions will include instructions to not put money in such banks and sever all links with them," said the official.


Organic Supplements and Certification

Are Organic Supplements the Next Big Thing?

Organic – are they really the big ? Take a look at the shelves in the of your store. This will provide a practical answer to this question. You’ll find all kinds of health ranging from synthetic, natural and organic—for supporting general to issues such as , weight loss or anti-aging. Support from scientific research, and recommendations from the , has given a significant boost to manufacturing organic . As a result this organic manufacturing is doing booming business with a 5-15% rise in sales each year for the past decade.

The President of Natural , Molyneaux says, “This category (organic) will continue to grow, driven by consumers’ desire for increased management of their health and more health options, and the high number of across that answer those needs.”

Organic : The Facts
Why would a consumer choose organic over natural or synthetic ? The answer is simple. Health has become a primary issue for most Americans. The American consumer has become more proactive in taking his health into his own hands. The American consumer is more educated today than ever about nutrition and its impact on health. Nutrition is being perceived as a preventive means to combat concerns.

Taking organic to fill the nutritional gaps in a consumer’s diet is the popular trend. More Americans are finding a new-found freedom in choosing their own health to meet their needs. This trend shows in the statistics:

Natural (NMI) in Harleysville, Pennsylvania reported that the US Health and Wellness industry rose by 15% in 2007, reaching a record breaking $1 billion.

Functional and sold the most, representing 1/3 of the total industry sales. Organic and natural care products rose by 29% over the last year.

NMI reports that the most popular used in 2007 were:



Vitamin C

Fish oil

Vitamin E


Vitamin B and B complex

Omega 3s

Even organic pet are showing significant growth!

According to as assessment by Packaged Foods in their article: Functional, Fortified and Inherently Healthy Foods and Beverages: The U.S. Phood Market, the key demands in nutraceuticals in the few years will be:



Sterol esters

Whey protein

Omega-3 fatty acids

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

By 2012 the projected sales in the US Health and Wellness market are expected to reach $170 billion!

Organic Manufacturing
Although organic are more expensive than their synthetic counterparts, consumers are still willing to pay more for organic to avoid chemicals, preservatives, insecticides. Organic are perceived as giving more health value and worth the extra cost.

Organic supplements need to be certified by businesses or state agencies approved by the United States Department of Agriculture. This certification includes a physical inspection of the manufacturing area and its processes, as well as an audit of the paperwork dealing with sourcing of raw materials and adhering to strict standards of production. A label certifying an organic supplement has been certified to be organic by an approved authority will lend credibility to any organic health supplement. The certification of organic reassures the consumer of a quality product that has high health value.

Organic: The Healthier Lifestyle
Organic is seen as a healthier lifestyle. In spite of a global economic crisis and rising food prices, the organic food industry continues to expand worldwide, with more global hectares dedicated to organic farming.

Investor Ideas which studied the health trend towards organic reported in April 2008: “The need for health awareness is a growing concern for North Americans. As consumers learn the health risks of consuming preservatives and ‘trans fats’ through packaged foods; organic seems to be the way to go for a healthy lifestyle.”

The organic lifestyle is here to stay. It is already a big and the industry is poised for even bigger things ahead. Increasing consumer interest in organic will lead to more demand. The demand for newer products for specialized health needs is never ending. Not all synthetic have their counterparts in organic . Consumers are looking for more innovative organic to fill the nutrition gap and provide wholesome nutrition for . Organic options in health are still a very wide open market. Organic supplement manufacturing has still to reach its peak.

Nutricap Labs is a full service vitamin supplement and organic supplement manufacturing service. We primarily manufacture nutritional tablets, capsules, powders, liquids and creams, but we also offer label and packaging design services and order fulfillment services to our customers.

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ISO 9004: 2009 publidhed

iso 9004:2009 managing for the sustained success of an organization. a quality management approach.

This third edition of ISO 9004:2009 was published on 1 November 2009.

The standard has been updated to include information on managing for the sustained success of an organization. The standard has had substantial changes made to its structure and contents.

ISO 9004:2009 provides guidance to organizations to support the achievement of sustained success by a quality management approach. It is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and activity.

ISO 9004:2009 is not intended for certification, regulatory or contractual use.

what is sustained success?

The sustained success of an organization is the result of its ability to achieve and maintain its objectives in the long-term. The achievement of sustained success for any organization is a complex and demanding challenge in an ever-changing environment.

how can sustained success be achieved?

  • By meeting the needs and expectations of your customers
  • By the effective management of your organization
  • Through awareness of your organization’s environment
  • By learning and improving.

how can iso 9004 help?

ISO 9004 will provide your organization with guidance and support to achieve sustained success by a quality management approach. It can be used by any organization, regardless of size, type and activity.

ISO 9004 promotes self-assessment as an important tool for the review of the maturity level of your organization. It covers leadership, strategy, management system, resources and processes, to identify areas of strength and weakness and opportunities for improvements and innovations.

ISO 9004 provides a wider focus on quality management than ISO 9001. It addresses the needs and expectations of all relevant interested parties. It also provides guidance for the systematic and continual improvement of your organization’s overall performance.

ISO 9004 can be used alongside ISO 9001 and other management system standards, but can also be used independently.

ISO 9004 is not intended for certification, regulatory or contractual use.

contents of iso 9004:

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Managing for the sustained success of an organization
  • Strategy and policy
  • Resource management
  • Process management
  • Monitoring, measurement, analysis and review
  • Improvement, innovation and learning
  • Annex A (informative) Self-assessment tool
  • Annex B (informative) Quality management principles
  • Annex C (informative) Correspondence between ISO 9004:2009 and ISO 9001:2008
  • Bibliography

You can get a copy of the standard from ISO Store or BSI Website.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

HALAL Certification

Food safety agency gets into halal-certification

Published: 2:58AM Wednesday November 25, 2009

Source: NZPA

Food safety agency gets into halal-certification (Source: ONE News)

Source: ONE News

The government is stepping into an arena it has previously tried to stay clear of - the certification of New Zealand exports as "halal", or "clean" in terms of Islamic religious rules.

New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) has announced that organisations which certify halal meat for export will be subject to government oversight "to standardise halal certification and improve assurances to our trading partners".

"While the proposed model focuses currently on meat exports, it could be extended to include dairy products in the future," said NZFSA market access director Tony Zohrab.

NZFSA has added halal export certification for Indonesia, Malaysia and the Middle East to the list of additional assurances it provides to importing countries.

Halal certification in New Zealand has not previously been directly regulated by government officials.

But trade and food officials have been dragged into two big rows since 2005 with Malaysia and Indonesia, after meat companies failed to solve the problems.

In both cases there has been speculation by New Zealand farmers that the countries are seeking to clip the ticket on other nations' produce by insisting on their own standards.

New Zealand has only two certifying authorities, New Zealand Islamic Meat Management (NZIMM) and the Federation of Islamic Associations (FIA) and Indonesia has said it will no longer recognise either.

NZIMM mainly certifies meat, and the FIA does most of the dairy exports.

Trade Minister Tim Groser has said Indonesia's planned ban in 2010 on $100 million of NZ beef imports - and potentially $450m worth of dairy exports - requires a longterm solution.

Now new proposals for the halal trade have been announced by NZFSA "to provide a greater level of commercial certainty for exporters and halal certifiers in the future".

"We want to improve and future proof the existing certification system so it delivers robust and credible assurances ... and has the confidence of all halal markets," Zohrab said.

Instead of leaving the meat and dairy industries to oversee the certification agencies, new rules will specify standards of competence, which will be audited.

These standards will allow " any approved halal organisations to offer halal export certification services to the meat industry" .

Zohrab said there was a lot of international activity on development of halal standards and the extension of halal principles to other products.

Key proposals include:

Zohrab said Islamic authorities in the destination markets will determine which New Zealand bodies can provide certification for their market, but did not indicate whether new certification agencies backed by Indonesia or Malaysia were expected to be set up here.

The Indonesian Government has said it is considering whether it will recognise the New Zealand certification companies or will require certification from an Indonesian source.

Prime Minister John Key last week told Federated Farmers New Zealand has a chance to be a food basket for the aspiring middle classes in Asia.

The market would expand as the middle classes of Malaysia, Indonesia, the Gulf States, and other Islamic nations grew.

"There are some sensitive issues around halal certification and the government is working through these with Malaysia and Indonesia," he said.